Against viruses, the drug Amexin will help. Reviews Dosage

Means "Ameksin" is an antiviral drug that provides the production of all types of interferons in the body : alpha, beta and, of course, gamma. This medicine is considered a formidable enemy of all viral diseases: SARS, influenza, hepatitis, herpes. The effectiveness of the drug is also manifested in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, chlamydia and other urogenital infections. Means "Ameksin" is taken orally in the form of tablets.

It's no secret that the main protection against viruses is strong immunity. An immunomodulatory agent is Amexin. Reviews about the drug say that it helps the body quickly and easily prevent flu, colds or SARS. The preventative course is 6 tablets. They must be taken one per week. For adults, a single dose is 0.125 grams, and for children who are 7 years old - 0.06 grams of the drug Ameksin. The children's body may have an increased sensitivity to this remedy, so for children under seven years of age, it is not prescribed at all. A preventive course will protect the body from viruses for eight weeks after taking the drug.

"Amexin" will also help overcome an existing disease. Reviews of patients indicate that its administration significantly reduces the duration of the viral disease. In the treatment of influenza or SARS, Amexin is taken on the first, second, and then another fourth day.

To get rid of multiple sclerosis, as well as its prevention, Amexin is a positive agent. Reviews of patients with this ailment about the drug are most positive. Since after the course of "Amexin" cellular hypersensitivity of the body to the main myelin protein decreases. The high effectiveness of the drug is observed for several weeks even after the end of the dose. Patients drink Amexin 3 or 6 times (depending on the prescription of the doctor) at 0.125-0.250 grams per day. For the prevention of multiple sclerosis, the drug is taken by all family members with the patient at 0.125 grams twice a week. Amexin is often combined with peptide bioregulatory drugs for more effective treatment of this disease.

For the prevention of a disease such as hepatitis A, Ameksin is recommended to be taken for exactly 6 weeks. In this case, the dosage per week should be 0.125 grams. And for the treatment of patients with hepatitis A, the medicine is used at 0.125 grams twice on the first day, and then at 0.125 grams every other day.

For the treatment of hepatitis B, the dose of the drug is 0.125 grams per day for two days in a row, and then the same dose every other day. The same measures are taken in acute hepatitis C. To get rid of chronic hepatitis C, Amexin is taken for the first two days at 0.250 grams per day, and then every other day at 0.125 grams. The total dose is 2.5 grams. If necessary, further treatment is prescribed a total dose of 2.5 grams of the drug, i.e. 0.125 grams per week.

With urogenital chlamydia, the drug is taken at 0.125 grams per day (exactly 2 days), and then at 0.125 grams every other day. As part of the complex treatment of neuroviral diseases, the drug Ameksin is drunk exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. The course of such treatment lasts exactly four weeks.

It has some side effects of the drug "Amexin". Reviews of people who took the drug indicate a possible onset of dyspepsia symptoms. Rarely, the drug can cause allergies or short-term chills.

The drug is contraindicated in children under seven years of age and in people with high sensitivity to its components. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also strictly contraindicated to take the medicine "Amexin". Antibiotic or other drugs against viruses or bacterial diseases are compatible with this drug. It is very important that "Ameksin" does not affect the nature of driving vehicles or special equipment, as well as the speed of psychomotor reactions.

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