Adventure fantasy “Moon Keeper” is an amazingly beautiful and visually enchanting animated film about a bizarre world. The story of the cartoon is completely unlike the usual fabulous or fantastic stories. Each of the characters is a unique graphic discovery of the film “The Keeper of the Moon” (voice actors: O.S., I. Izhlen, M. Gregorio, S. Ahmad, B. Allemane). The plot is realized through scenes that lead to indescribable delight, in which the creators introduce the main characters to the viewer and explain the rules by which their fantasy world exists.
Creators - Project Pride
The new French cartoon was doomed to success thanks to the strongest creative team involved in working on it. The director was the leading animator of extremely popular animation masterpieces (Monsters Against Aliens and Kung Fu Panda), a talented creator of modern animation Alexander Eboyan. Ex-animator of the Disney studio, director and animator of the Rapunzel tape, Glen Keane, has occupied a responsible position as artistic director. It was he who bore the main burden of responsibility for the cartoon "The Guardian of the Moon." Actors and roles were distributed with his direct participation.
The creative group also included: the production designer of Despicable Me and 9, Aurelien Predal; the character design was developed by Nicolas Marlet, who had previously worked on creating the texture of the characters in Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda; Sébastien Bruno appeared in the guise of the main animator, known for his work on "Monsters on Vacation"; and the chair of the leading 3D animation technologist “tried on” Hidekata Yosumi, who honed his skills on the Rapunzel cartoon. Such a strong team took part in the creation of the fantasy "Guardian of the Moon." Voice actors also demonstrated the highest level of professionalism.
Plot. Tie
The plot of the cartoon “The Keeper of the Moon”, the actors involved in the work on the project, described as a unique, original story, unlike any of the famous fairy tales. The authors are tempting to offer the beholder a plunge into a world where the usual celestial bodies of the sun and moon are like balloons orbiting the earth only because they are attached to two giant creatures orbiting the planet for a day. They are controlled by the Guardians. When the elderly Guardians retire, they are replaced by successors - the new drovers.
Once, the so-called “flint-guy” Sohon (voice acting by Omar Si), as well as the modest fellow Mune (Michael Gregorio), who was completely unprepared for the “fallen” honor, once held a responsible position. Their first shift turns into a real disaster: accomplices of the villain Nekros steal the Sun. Sohon and Mune go to the underworld in search of him, along with them there is a connoisseur of all the ancient legends and traditions of Glim - a wax girl-candle (Isia Izhlen). This is a brief description of the plot of the animated film "The Keeper of the Moon." Russian actors who took part in the adaptation of the project for the domestic audience, imbued with the general atmosphere of the picture, coped with their task no worse than their foreign colleagues.
Voice actors of the original version
The original version of the animated film “Moon Keeper” was dubbed by genuine actors with genuine zeal, among talented beginners and real professionals.
Omar C is a French film and television actor, Honored Laureate of the César Film Award. He began his creative career in his school years on the radio. After a successful start, he led a comedy show with artist Fred Dough for a long time. Familiar to the viewer in such paintings: “1 + 1 / The Untouchables”, “Asterix and Obelix”, “King Guillaume”, etc.
Isia Ijelen is a dramatic French actress. Little known, her filmography includes about a dozen paintings and series, and in half she plays herself, for example, in the series "Hello, Earthlings."
The characters were also voiced: the beginning talent Michael Gregorio, who had previously appeared in crime films Shafik Ahmad, the French voice actor Benoit Allemagne, actress Shannon Archie and Fedor Atkin (second-order French actor, favorite of the director Eric Romer).
In the Russian version
In the domestic adaptation of the film “The Keeper of the Moon”, the actors of the Russian dubbing voiced the heroes quite inspiredly, the main characters speak the voices of the famous and popular residents of the Russian Federation Comedy Club and Comedy Woman.
The Russian actress, one of the main actors at Comedy Woman, Natalia Medvedeva, voiced a glim wax candle girl, helping the main character, Faun Mune, tear the Sun out of the raking claws of the king of the underworld Nekros. According to the actress, she really liked the character - cute and calm at first, then more capricious and unbalanced Glim. According to the authors' idea, Glim is forced to closely monitor any temperature difference, since when it drops, it freezes, and when it rises, it melts immediately.
Another central character, Guardian of the Sun (Sohon), speaks in the voice of a provocative showman and charismatic resident of Comedy Club Alexander Revva. His media persona is known to the domestic audience for the paintings "Mixed Feelings", "Hares + 1" and the mass of music videos. The voice of Revva is familiar to all compatriots, it is still impossible to confuse it with someone else, even in the French project "Guardian of the Moon." Voice actors were happy to try on new roles.
Challenge Hollywood
"The Keeper of the Moon," according to the creators, is positioned as a kind of challenge to Hollywood. This independent, very original cartoon, designed for a wide audience, may well compete with animated projects of the largest American studios.