Superman's most dangerous enemies

Superman is a cult superhero who was invented by the publisher DiSi. Man of Steel is one of the oldest superheroes. He first appeared on the pages of comics in 1938. It is clear that for more than 70 years of existence, Superman was invented by a lot of opponents. Enemies of Superman are quite diverse and interesting. In this article, we will talk about the villains that the superhero fights with. Want to find out who Superman's worst enemy is? Welcome to this article!

The main enemy of Superman

The main antagonist for Superman can rightly be considered Lex Luthor. Indeed, if you think about it, the villain is the exact opposite of a man of steel. For example, Superman is a symbol of all the best that is in a person. The crypto is always guided by morality and will never go against his principles. Lex, on the other hand, is immoral and willing to do anything to get the benefit. It is also worth paying attention to the abilities of the characters. Superman is the owner of incredible powers on which the hero relies in the fight against evil. Luthor does not have any superpowers and relies only on his intellect.

The main enemy of Superman

Why does Lex Luthor hate Superman? In the early comics, a man of steel accidentally caused an accident in a science lab. It contained the ingenious inventor Lex Luthor, who lost his hair during the incident. Because of this, the scientist hated the Krypton and vowed to end him. The comic book authors quite quickly realized that such a motivation for a supervillain is simply ridiculous. It is for this reason that Luthor's biography has been revised. According to the new version, Lex is a brilliant scientist, a talented entrepreneur and a billionaire who performs various illegal frauds in order to gain power and money. Luthor's crimes are constantly thwarted by Superman. Because of this, Lex hates the superhero and wants to destroy him.


Enemies Superman List

Another bad guy that deserves attention is Doomsday. As a rule, Superman’s enemies have extraordinary intelligence. However, everything is quite the opposite. Doomsday is an ancient Krypton monster whose main purpose is the thoughtless destruction of all living things. Nevertheless, this villain is one of the strongest creatures in the universe of DiSi. He has a ton of superpowers, one of which is adaptability. The essence of this power is that Doomsday gets used to any type of exposure over time. Even if you send the monster to the forefathers, it will soon be reborn with immunity to the fact that it was killed. This essentially makes Doomsday absolutely immortal.

Throughout the history of comics, a man of steel has fought this monster many times. And every battle was incredibly difficult for the Krypton. Doomsday even once killed Superman (this could also be seen in the movie Batman vs. Superman: At the Dawn of Justice). And that says a lot. Sometimes the enemies of Superman (for example, the same Lex Luthor) subjugated Doomsday's will in order to destroy a man from steel with the hands of a krypton monster.

General Zod

Superman's worst enemy

Zod is one of Superman's most famous opponents. This character, like a man of steel, is a Krypton. It is for this reason that he has the same superpowers as Superman. Not only that, Zod was one of the best military on Krypton. That is, in terms of combat skills and strategy, he is many times superior to a man of steel. Therefore, in order to defeat the general, Superman has to resort to various tricks and tricks.

It is also impossible to unequivocally state that Zod is a villain. Even before the destruction of Krypton, he wanted to save his people. To do this, he made a revolution, because of which he was exiled by power to another galaxy. After the destruction of Krypton, Zod returned from nothingness and wanted to revive his people. To do this, he needed a planet and the choice fell on Earth. However, his plan was doomed to failure, because the blue planet has a defender in the form of a man of steel.

Enemies of Superman. List of minor villains

Enemies of Superman

Metal is another villain that is worth mentioning. This antagonist is a robot. Metal, like many other Superman enemies, takes advantage of Kryptonians' main weakness - kryptonite. Kryptonite is the radioactive fragments of destroyed Krypton, which weaken and gradually kill Superman.

The parasite is a little-known enemy of man made of steel. However, it is incredibly dangerous. Why? The fact is that the Parasite is able to absorb any energy. Therefore, when Superman uses physical force against the Parasite, the villain only gets stronger. To defeat this enemy, a man of steel does not have to use his fists, but his wit.

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