Avocado: how to eat it and how to choose

Despite the fact that this exotic fruit does not grow in our climate, it has long been known in Russia. But many people do not know anything about its benefits, nor about its unusual taste, or about how to use it. Let's discuss the issue of avocados - how it is, how to choose the right when buying, and much more.

avocado as it is

About the benefits of avocado

This is one of the most healthy fruits, which is why in many countries it is included in the list of staple foods. It contains many substances necessary for the human body (vitamins A, E, B). According to the potassium content, which improves the brain, avocados will give a head start even to a banana. The fruit has a high content of healthy fats, they help lower blood cholesterol and contribute to the proper functioning of the heart. Avocados are tasty, and despite the fact that they have high calorie content, they are often chosen for diet food. In cosmetology they use its anti-aging and beauty-restoring properties.

How to choose an avocado

As it is, we will discuss a little later. Now we’ll talk a bit about the signs on which to choose it correctly so as not to acquire an unripe or, on the contrary, overripe fruit (this can cause disappointment in its taste). The degree of maturity can be determined by taking the fetus in the hand and squeezing slightly. If it is soft, it means that it is overripe, quite hard - on the contrary. Ideal for nutrition, the product is resilient, slightly leaking when pressed. The appearance of the avocado (its color and shape) only speaks of belonging to a particular variety. They significantly differ from each other in appearance: green, black, spherical, pear-like. The ripe fruit is easy to cut, has a juicy yellow flesh, greenish closer to the edge. If the avocado has not yet reached the condition, it can be put in a dark, dry place, wrapped in a newspaper, so it perfectly "ripen".

avocado how to eat it

How to eat avocado

And now we come to the main question about avocados - how to eat it. This fruit is a really tasty and aromatic delicacy that can be consumed both as a part of complex dishes and independently, serving it as a side dish to meat or fish. By spreading the flesh on bread or crispy toast, you get an excellent sandwich.

Having decided how to make an avocado, how to eat it, the fruit needs to be peeled. This is done very simply. Cut it with a sharp knife when you hit the bone, slightly rotate the halves in opposite directions, and they will easily separate from each other. Remove the bone. Lightly cut the peel, pick it up with a knife and pull. If you do not use the whole fruit, it can be stored for some time in the refrigerator: as long as there is seed in it, the fruit remains fresh.

delicious avocado

Cooking dishes with avocados usually does not take much time, since this wonderful creation of nature is most often consumed raw and not subjected to heat treatment - this is how the preservation of useful qualities and taste is achieved. There are many recipes with avocados. As it is - a question that should not cause difficulties. I will share one of my favorite types of quick snacks - Avocado stuffed with shrimp. Cut the fruit, remove the stone, remove the skin. Fill the notch left by the bone with cooked boiled shrimp. Pour Thousand Island Sauce or another to your taste. Garnish with parsley and fresh cucumber. Very tasty!

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