Singer Serebrennikov Leonid: biography, personal life, photo

Leonid Serebrennikov, whose biography, personal life and career milestones are of interest to many fans of domestic pop music, is a person richly endowed with various talents. He is a singer, and an actor, and a presenter, and a jack of all trades. We will tell you in detail about the life of the artist.


The future singer Leonid Fedorovich Serebrennikov was born in Moscow in 1947. According to the zodiac sign of the artist Libra, he celebrates his birthday on October 2. Leonid's parents had nothing to do with art. The father of the future singer went through the war, then worked at the Mining Institute, as the deputy director for economic affairs. Mom also worked in the field of mining, was a mine surveyor.

Music was constantly playing in the house of the future singer, the parents had good voices and they sang with pleasure. Children in the family grew versatile and talented. Leonid was the second child in the family. His older brother Vladimir studied music, played the clarinet, painted, made furniture himself. Subsequently, he worked on television as a commentator and announcer. Leonid largely wanted to be like a brother, but from an early age dreamed of being an actor.

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Even in kindergarten, Serebrennikov Leonid began performing on stage, first he read poetry, then, already at school, put on sketches and miniatures, knew by heart the entire repertoire of Arkady Raikin. From an early age, he was convinced that his calling was work on stage.

Parents did not try to influence their son in his choice of a future profession. Therefore, after school, Leonid submitted documents to the Shchepkinsky Theater School. For the show, he chose Raikin's favorite monologues and already in the first round he was rejected. Serebrennikov did not give up, for a whole year he worked as a turner, a draftsman and was preparing to enter a theater university. But the second attempt ended in failure. A student of the school. Shchepkina Leonid became only with the third attempt.

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At the Shchepkinsky school, Serebrennikov Leonid studied on the course of the People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Alexandrovich Annenkov. Studying for Leonid was not easy, but already in his second year, the leading teacher heard Serebrennikov sing in the play and said that his vocation was vocals and advised him to focus on this in the future. In 1971, when training in Sliver was coming to an end, Leonid participated in two graduation performances: he played Luke in the play “At the Bottom” and Dulebova in “Talents and Fans” by A. Ostrovsky.

Beginning of a singing career

After school, the career of Serebrennikov-actor did not work out. He went into the army, where he created his ensemble. Annenkov’s words about vocation firmly stuck in the soul of a young man.

In 1974, Leonid Serebrennikov, whose songs were no longer just a hobby, came to the Moskontsert in search of work. He is accepted as a soloist in a pop orchestra conducted by A. Gorbatykh. Since that time, the singer’s career has gone uphill. Later he worked with A. Kroll, in the Soviet Song Orchestra, the Express ensemble. A pleasant voice and innate male charm quickly made Serebrennikov a Soviet pop star.

Tolkunova Serebryannikov

Creative way

In 1976, Serebrennikov became a graduate of the pop song contest in Sochi, which became a ticket to the big stage as a solo artist. The singer tours a lot in the Soviet Union, participates in government concerts, starred in television programs. Later he starts touring around the world, and his travel map covers many foreign countries. And everywhere he is accompanied by the success and love of the audience.

His repertoire consists of lyric songs, romances, hits of foreign pop. In the 70s and 80s Serebrennikov writes songs with the stars of that time: Valentina Tolkunova, Nadezhda Chepraga.

In 1977, Leonid tries himself in the operetta genre. He starred in the musical film "Melodies of one operetta" in the role of Mustafa. Since that time, arias from famous operettas have firmly entrenched in his repertoire.

The collapse of the Soviet Union caused serious damage to the singer's career. At home, he lost his former popularity, attempts to organize tours abroad were not crowned with particular success. It was difficult, but Serebrennikov did not change his calling. He revised his repertoire, found himself performing romances, they became the basis for his new concert programs.

Leonid Fedorovich was engaged in the study of romances, the search for forgotten works, collaborated with composers in creating modern arrangements. Since the late 90s, the singer has developed his own audience, he becomes a welcome and sought-after guest not only in the cities of the former Soviet Union, but also in many countries of the world.

Today Serebrennikov Leonid Fedorovich is a recognized master in the world of romance; his concerts invariably take place in full halls. He tours, records discs, works on television. The singer leads a very active creative life, participates in various festivals and competitions, holds many meetings with the audience. Leonid Fedorovich became one of the organizers of the club of lovers of the romance “Two Guitars” in the Central House of Arts.

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Life in the cinema

Leonid Fedorovich also realized his dream of working in a movie, but in a slightly different quality. As an actor, he starred in only a few films. The most famous of them are the picture “It was beyond the Narva Outpost”, where Serebrennikov played the main role, and the film “The Story of a Slap”.

But on the account of the singer more than 70 films in which his songs sound. The most famous were the tapes: “Ordinary Miracle”, “Sorcerers”, “Three Musketeers”, “Melodies for Two Voices”. Thanks to the cinema, Serebrennikov began to collaborate with the best composers and poets of the country: N. Bogoslovsky, J. Frenkel, E. Doga, G. Gladkov and many others.

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A television

Back in Soviet times, Serebrennikov Leonid Fedorovich was a frequent guest on television. He starred in almost all musical television programs of that time: "Morning Mail", "Blue Light", "Song of the Year". He was invited to all the iconic concerts recorded on television.

During perestroika, Serebrennikov was not much in demand on TV. But later, when he found himself as a performer of romances, he was again invited to the “blue screen”. For many years he conducted the program “Romance of Romance” on the TV channel “Culture”, created a series of programs “Lovers of Operetta”.

Awards and titles

Singer Leonid Serebrennikov, whose biography is full of great achievements, is not spoiled by awards. In 1982, he received the title "Honored Artist of Dagestan", later he became a national artist of this republic. In 2006, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. On the account of the singer several prizes of pop song contests.

singer's family

Family and personal life

The public is often interested in the details of celebrity privacy. The personal life of Leonid Serebrennikov does not give room for gossips. The singer never talks about his first marriage of 10 years. He has been married for many years to Valentina Petrovna Serebrennikova, whom he met on the set of a television program. The woman worked there as a lighting artist. The couple has a son, grandchildren. The Serebrennikov family lives in a simple apartment in the Lyubertsy district of Moscow. Leonid Fedorovich loves to do repairs, crafts, and housekeeping, since childhood he knows how to do a lot with his own hands and does it with pleasure in his spare time.

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