'Cortexin': reviews on its effectiveness.

Leaving reviews about the drug "Cortexin", many doctors call it one of the largest achievements in the field of domestic medicine. Cortexin has been developed for 30 years, and received its wide distribution only about 10 years ago. It is a nootropic drug that is used to treat all kinds of various pathological conditions on the part of the brain.

"Cortexin" is considered a drug of biological origin, as it contains a complex of water-soluble low molecular weight polypeptide fractions obtained from the cerebral cortex of pigs, not older than 12 months, or cattle. Penetrating directly into nerve cells, the drug has an antioxidant, tissue-specific, neuroprotective and nootropic effect.

By studying the reviews of scientists about the drug “Cortexin”, you can find out that its neuroprotective effect is to reduce the toxic effects of psychotropic substances, as well as to protect neurons from damage by various neurotoxic endogenous factors.

The nootropic effect of Cortexin is expressed by an improvement in the higher functions of the brain, memory and learning processes, concentration of attention, and resistance to stressful effects of a different nature.

The tissue-specific effect of the drug “Cortexin” is described by specialists as activating the metabolism of neurons of the nervous system. In addition, this drug completely improves the whole tone of the nervous system and brain function.

The antioxidant effect of the drug is due to the fact that it inhibits lipid oxidation in neurons, and also increases the likelihood of survival in neurons under conditions of oxidative stress and hypoxia.

“Cortexin” reviews of doctors characterize as a drug with a wide spectrum of action: it restores the disturbed balance between amino acids that activate and inhibit the basic biological processes in the human nervous system. Due to this, Cortexin can be used for a variety of conditions and diseases:

  • Brain injury and its consequences;
  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Encephalopathies of various origins;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cognitive impairment;
  • Asthenic condition ;
  • Chronic and acute encephalitis or encephalomyelitis;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia ;
  • Delay in the development of speech and psychomotor development in children;
  • Reduced learning ability;
  • All forms of cerebral palsy;
  • The critical condition of the newborn with perinatal damage to the nervous system.

From all of the indicated indications for use, it can be seen that you can prescribe the drug "Cortexin" for adults and for children. The absence of any age restriction is due to the fact that the broad effect of the drug is combined with a very small dose load on the human body.

It is interesting to know when the drug “Cortexin” was prescribed for adults, patient reviews indicated a quick rehabilitative ability of the drug. In addition, among other positive aspects regarding Cortexin, one can name his lack of side effects, as well as a small list of contraindications: it is not recommended to use this medicine for individuals with increased individual sensitivity, as well as for lactating and pregnant women.

Summing up the quality of effectiveness of Cortexin, we can confidently say that leading pharmacologists and clinicians have deservedly recognized it as one of the best drugs aimed at treating the brain and related diseases.

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