Many diseases of the bladder are accompanied by congestion. This complicates the course of the pathological process, provokes additional irritation of the walls of the organ and their inflammation. In such cases, a good therapeutic effect is obtained by washing the bladder. This procedure contributes to the accelerated elimination of metabolic products. In addition, it becomes possible to treat the inflamed walls of the bladder with an antiseptic solution, which leads to a relief of the patient's condition.
Indications for the procedure
The main indication for washing the bladder is acute inflammation, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine. In urology, this technique is most often used for cystitis. For this disease, the attachment of a secondary infectious process is typical. However, it does not develop instantly, but only under the influence of certain factors. It could be:
- tonsillitis;
- staphylococcus;
- sinusitis;
- flu.
In addition, bladder lavage is recommended for body paralysis. You have to resort to the help of the procedure before diagnosing pathologies of the organs of the excretory system. Also among the indications it is worth noting the prolonged use of certain drugs.
Possible contraindications
Only a doctor can prescribe such a procedure if there is appropriate evidence. The specialist must take into account the patientβs health status. After all, not always washing the bubble gives a positive therapeutic effect. In what cases is the intervention contraindicated?
- Injuries and mechanical damage to the organs of the excretory system.
- Overlapping of the urethra with calculus.
- The presence of neoplasms, including benign ones, in the bladder.
- Prostatitis in acute form.
- Spasm of the urethra.
- Some sexually transmitted diseases.
These are far from all contraindications. Therefore, it is worth saying once again about the need for preliminary consultation with a doctor and conducting a diagnostic examination.
Preliminary preparation
Before the appointment of manipulations, it is mandatory to check the patient's excretory system. This is done to assess the capacity of the bladder. Organ volume can be measured by estimating the amount of urine excreted in one act of urination. The use of drugs during this procedure is not recommended. Their help should be resorted to only with a purulent secretion in the urethra.
The psychological preparation of the patient is carried out by a doctor. The specialist should explain the algorithm for washing the bladder and tell what materials and drugs are used. The patient should not remain fears or questions related to future intervention.
Materials used
Washing the bladder is carried out stationary and only with the use of special tools:
- sterile catheter;
- a syringe or Esmarch's mug;
- tripod;
- treatment solution or distilled water.
Which medicine to choose?
The basis of the solutions for washing the bladder is selected taking into account the disease that caused the stagnation. In the vast majority of cases, "Furacilin" is used. Sometimes doctors insist on using Penicillin or Collargol. These medications help cope with the infection. The substances included in the composition prevent further division of pathogenic elements.
For preventive rinsing, plain water or boric acid (2%) is used. Preliminarily, the solutions must be warmed up to room temperature. It is forbidden to use cold liquids. This can provoke a spasm, as a result, additional organ injuries.
Procedure Algorithm
To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to maintain a clear algorithm of actions. First, consider how to flush the bladder through a catheter.
The patient should lie in the position most convenient for the manipulation. Usually, doctors suggest sitting on a couch. The patient lies on his back, bends his legs at the knees and spreads them, slightly raising the pelvis.
The specialist attaches the syringe or Esmarch device to a tripod. In relation to the patient, they are located at a height of about 0.5 m. Initially, they rinse the anterior region of the urethra. For this purpose, a catheter is inserted into the urethra and gently advanced until the outflow of urine begins. Such a sign indicates that he has reached the "final point". After that, the doctor waits until the entire bladder is completely empty.
At the next stage, a syringe is attached to the catheter, and a treatment solution is started to be supplied to the organ. Most often, bladder lavage with Furacilin is chosen. It is filled until the patient has a urge to urinate. After that, the syringe is removed. Through a catheter, spontaneous outflow of previously introduced fluid occurs. On this procedure can be considered completed. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect, the patient should be in a supine position for about 30 minutes.
Washing the bladder through a cystostomy
Cystostomy is another device that is also used to flush the bladder. However, the algorithm of actions is somewhat different from that using a catheter. In this case, the outflow of fluid is carried out through the abdominal cavity. Using a cystostomy, rinsing the bladder is recommended for those patients who cannot insert a catheter due to trauma or damage to the urethra.
This device is usually installed for a long time. The tube is replaced once a month or more often. The organ cavity is washed using antiseptic agents or drugs. The procedure is repeated several times until the solution is completely clean. A special drainage bag is used to drain the fluid. It is customary to install it just below the level of the bladder. After washing, the skin around the cystostomy is treated and a bandage is applied.
Features of washing at home
Before starting any treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Despite the apparent simplicity of washing, this procedure is sometimes accompanied by certain difficulties.
It is worth noting that the simplest situation is with the female body from a technical point of view. After all, the urethra has a small length. In men, the procedure involves some difficulties. For example, the length of the urethra is already about 25 cm, it has several narrowings. In this case, all manipulations should be carried out with extreme caution and knowledge of the matter.
First, the catheter must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Advance along the urethra should be very smooth, making rotational movements. In places where anatomical constrictions are present, the man should be asked to take 4-5 deep breaths. In this way, you can avoid severe pain and relax the muscles. If a spasm occurs, it is recommended that you stop the procedure immediately. After relaxing the body, you can again begin to manipulate. The catheter continues to be deepened until the first drops of urine go.
Sometimes you have to resort to using a metal tool. The need to use this variant of the catheter is due to pathological changes in the male body. We are talking about diseases such as prostate adenoma and urethral stricture. Rotational movements with a metal catheter are prohibited, since the risk of mechanical damage to the walls of organs increases.
Complications after manipulations
Washing the bladder should not be accompanied by severe soreness. The appearance of discomfort usually indicates an illiterate procedure or excessive organ distension. In such a situation, it is necessary to stop all manipulations and allow the fluid to calmly exit. In what other cases should washing be stopped?
- Urethral spasm or obstructed catheter insertion.
- Bleeding.
- Incorrect selection of a drug, as a result, a burn of the mucous membrane.
- Bladder infection due to insufficient aseptic processing of instruments.
If the solution does not flow back, this indicates a blockage in the catheter tubes. The cause of this problem is mucus. To dissolve it and continue all manipulations, it is necessary to rinse the catheter with a special tool.
In order to prevent these complications, the procedure is best performed in a hospital and under the constant supervision of a doctor.