Is there any need to worry when a newborn baby grunts

To the question of why a newborn baby groans, it is difficult to find a definite answer. The baby himself will not be able to explain the reason for such his behavior. He expresses all the problems that arise with the help of crying, grunting and other emotions.

Newborn baby groans
Naturally, any parents are worried about this behavior of the newborn baby. Over time, they, of course, will begin to understand their child without words and satisfy his needs and requirements instantly. But what about now?

Let's try to figure out why the newborn baby groans and pushes. Most often, this behavior is caused by problems in the intestines. It can be gases, colic, which cause pain, which worries the baby. In this case, the child’s stomach hardens, and legs twitch. To determine the presence of this cause of concern for the baby, it is enough to probe his abdominal cavity.

Do parents need to worry if a newborn baby groans? Necessary! But in the event that the baby does not have stools for a long time.

Newborn baby groans and pushes
It is worth taking measures to empty the children's intestines.

In order to avoid problems in the digestive system of the child, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. Before feeding, lay the baby on the stomach.
  2. It is necessary to bend his legs, bringing the knees to the chest, then stretch back.
  3. It is necessary to regularly massage the baby’s stomach with stroking movements.
  4. It is necessary to properly feed the baby, in the process of absorption of food, air should not enter the intestines.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the mother, products that contribute to the occurrence of constipation and gas are excluded from her diet.
  6. Newborn baby groans in a dream
    After eating, you need to hold the baby a little upright so that he is released from the air, especially when there is hiccups.
  7. To reduce the formation of gases, specially designed drugs should be used, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Following these simple rules, you can relieve the state of discomfort when a newborn baby groans.

In which case is it really necessary to see a doctor? If a newborn baby groans in a dream, he is tormented by constant constipation, then a pediatrician should be called. Immediate medical care for the baby will be needed in such cases:

  • when he refuses food;
  • with abundant regurgitation after each feeding;
  • with significant weight loss in a short time;
  • with constant problems with the stool.

If a newborn baby grunts, he has a bad dream, he squeezes his knees beneath him, pushes, and at the same time blushes, cries, very quickly fingering with legs and arms, then, most likely, he suffers from colic. The reasons for their occurrence can be different: slow and excessively fast movement of milk into the stomach, swallowing of air, ear infections, eczema, disorders of the genitourinary system, constipation.

No matter what the child is uncomfortable with, his mother will always help him calm down. Sometimes it’s enough to take the baby in his arms, hold him close to him, stroke his tummy. But consulting a doctor will never hurt.

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