How to cook shrimp?

Shrimp is a common and popular marine product. Most often, when buying, we are offered to purchase ordinary shrimps or tiger. Tiger prawns are distinguished by their relatively large size and tiger shell. Taste is approximately the same for all types of shrimp. Below we consider how much to cook the shrimp and how to choose them.

Choosing quality shrimp

They can be sold: freshly frozen, fresh from the aquarium, in frozen, but already boiled form. You can buy shrimp in peeled or unpeeled (in shell) form. When buying unpeeled shrimp, you should definitely pay attention to their integrity and the thickness of the ice covering the shrimp. The thickness of the ice should be up to 1 mm, and the shrimp should not be stuck together. If this is not observed, then the product is not qualitatively frozen, and you should not buy it. Typically, such a product after defrosting, cooking and cleaning, reduced in weight by 75%. Therefore, it is most rational to choose shrimps of a larger size and high-quality freezing.

Also, when buying shrimp, you need to make sure they are frozen, fresh or frozen after cooking. It depends on how much to cook the shrimp.

How to cook shrimp

The traditional method of cooking shrimp is cooking. We will figure out how and how much to cook frozen prawns. To prepare shrimp, you need 1-2 lemons, salt and other spices are used at will and to taste.

Rinse the frozen shrimp thoroughly with warm or cold tap water. This is done so that the shrimp completely thawed from the ice and cleared of various dirt. After all, we cannot be sure that the shrimp is perfectly clean, and ice is not a pure substance.

While the prawns are thawing in water, cookware should be prepared. The volume of dishes depends on the amount of shrimp cooking. The volume of water should be 2-3 times the volume of shrimp so that they are completely covered. Dishes with water should be placed on medium heat and bring to a boil.

After the water begins to boil, lemon juice is added to it , and shrimp are lowered into it. How much to cook the shrimp depends on their type: frozen - 7-10 minutes, frozen already cooked - 3-5 minutes. However, when cooking shrimp, it is necessary to focus on their size, i.e. the smaller they are, the less time they should be cooked.

Shrimp readiness is easily determined by color - they become slightly transparent, and also begin to float to the surface of the water. Also, when cooking shrimp, you should be careful, because when digested, they lose their taste and become β€œrubber”.

When the prawns are cooked, they must be placed in a colander so that the water is completely glass. After this, shrimp should be placed in a deep dish and pour with lemon juice (you can also pour olive or vegetable oil, 1-2 tablespoons). Everything is neatly mixed and laid out on saucers for serving guests.

When the shrimp is served unpeeled, napkins and a bowl of water should be served with them. Shrimps are cleaned by hand, and fingers are rinsed in a bowl of water. The easiest way to clean shrimp: it is necessary to take it by the head, and remove the legs with the second hand. After this, the head comes off, at the same time the shell is pulled by the tail. In the hands will remain a clean piece of meat, tasty and rich in nutrients.

In conclusion, we can conclude that everyone can cook shrimp. This is not a difficult process. Anyone who wants to eat this delicious meat, rich in protein, can carry it out. Enjoy your meal!

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