Peeling skin on the toes: causes, possible diseases and treatment methods, prevention

The reasons for peeling the skin on the toes can be very different. Itching of the skin and cracks in the feet is a very common complaint of patients who come to see a dermatologist. This problem can occur at any age in both sexes, and in most cases it can be prevented. What actions should be taken if the skin on the toes is peeling, and what can the appearance of this symptom indicate?

Climb skin on the legs: normal or pathological?

Not a single highly qualified doctor can accurately and instantly answer the question of why peeling appears on the feet. A number of factors are capable of provoking this violation, from harmless to life-threatening. In some patients, the poor condition of the skin on the toes is a consequence of chronic vitamin deficiency, in others - a neglected fungal infection. Accordingly, treatment regimens will have fundamental differences. In any case, if the skin is flaking between the toes, this is a certain violation in the body or the adverse effects of external factors. Cracking of the epidermis on the legs is not the norm.

peeling cracked toe skin

Hygiene Failure

Improper care of the skin of the feet is the first thing to exclude if the skin is peeling between the toes. The reason, at first glance, is insignificant, but often it leads to serious consequences. With insufficient foot hygiene, the risk of joining a fungal infection, a bacterial lesion, which will be evidenced by an unpleasant odor, a change in the color and texture of the nail plates, increases.

In addition to poor-quality foot skin care, other factors can also cause problems. To determine why the skin on the toes peels off, you can by the type of shoes that a person wears. The small size, due to which the shoes constantly rub, low-quality manufacturing material - it is likely that this is the whole solution to the problem.

Weakened immunity

The problem of peeling of the epidermis on the limbs is most often encountered by owners of a dry type of skin. The upper layer of skin on the fingers may also crack due to an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals in the body, prolonged exposure to adverse environmental conditions. A sudden change in temperature and climate regimes is also included here: the skin simply does not have time to adapt to new conditions.

peeling skin on the toes of a child

Another reason why the skin on the toes peels off is bathing in too hard, chlorinated water, which kills local immunity. The protective mechanisms of skin cells weaken, so there is a violation of the elasticity and integrity of the tissues. By the way, for the same reason, the epidermis on the legs can peel off. This skin change is observed in people of different ages.

Pathological causes of peeling

When eliminating any of the above non-pathological factors, it is possible to quickly restore a satisfactory condition of the skin. However, it should be understood that this manifestation may be a symptom of serious dermatological diseases. It is much more difficult to deal with them, since most ailments do not have an exact etiology. But still, why is the skin peeling between the toes? Dermatologists call several diseases for which this symptom is characteristic.

Fungus on the foot

This is the most common ailment of an infectious origin. In addition to peeling the epidermis, the fungus of the foot causes itching, burning, redness and offensive odor. This contagious disease most often affects people with a weakened immune system, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, as well as those who do not follow the rules of basic hygiene in common areas (swimming pools, saunas, baths, etc.).

Foot fungus can be recognized by the appearance of a strong unbearable itching, redness. If the necessary therapeutic measures are not taken in time, in a few days it will become noticeable how the skin is peeling between the toes. For treatment, antimycotic drugs of systemic and local action are prescribed.

flaky skin on toes causes

Eczema and Psoriasis

These are completely different dermatological pathologies, but one thing unites them: the inability to establish the cause of the development of the pathological process. Both eczema and psoriasis can affect various parts of the body, but eczema is most often diagnosed on the toes. Skin diseases of this type occur against the background of stress, exhaustion, an allergic reaction, and a number of other adverse factors.

With eczema, specific red vesicles appear on the skin, which after a while burst and strongly peel off, itch. Psoriasis, in contrast to eczema, appears on the tissues with specific scales. With the treatment of this disease, it is better not to delay, since it can affect the epidermis not only on the toes, but also throughout the body, and even affect the joints. In severe cases, psoriasis leads to a significant decrease in the patient's quality of life.

why peeling skin on toes


At first glance, it may seem the most harmless reason. The skin on the toes peels off if a certain irritant acts on this part of the limb - a detergent or cosmetic product, low-quality synthetic material of shoes, socks, etc.

Sometimes an allergy is manifested not only by damage to the epidermis, but also by attacks of suffocation, lacrimation, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes. If the skin on the toes peels off, you need to contact an allergist. Knowing about your allergic predisposition, you need to take antihistamines in a timely manner and avoid contact with the irritant.

Is it possible to get rid of peeling

As soon as the reasons for the deterioration of the skin on the toes become known, it is first necessary to direct efforts to eliminate them, and only after that focus on the fight against a cosmetic defect. Restore the condition of the skin using a set of procedures:

  • bath with table or sea salt, essential oil;
  • the use of exfoliating scrub or special pumice;
  • the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams for the skin of the legs.

If the skin of the toes is peeling and cracking due to a serious dermatological pathology, special drugs can not do without prolonged treatment. So, for dermatitis and eczema, the use of steroidal anti-inflammatory and regenerating ointments (Elokom, Afloderm, Celestoderm) is often required, and for allergies, antihistamines (Loratadin, Claritin, Tsetrin, Zodak) ) If a bacterial infection is attached to the lesion sites, the patient is prescribed local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

why flaky skin between toes

How to cure a foot fungus

To get rid of a skin infection, you will have to be patient and calm. Pathology is found in both adults and children. Many have to fight the foot fungus for years, applying antimycotic drugs to the skin. With the slightest weakening of the immune system, the disease can recur.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for scraping. A laboratory study is carried out in order to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to the antifungal component. For the treatment of infection, the use of external (liquid solutions, emulsions, ointments, creams) and systemic drugs is required. In order to prevent fungus, the medicine is also applied to the nail plates. If today the skin is peeling on the big toe, then tomorrow, with a great deal of probability, it will peel off already in other parts of the foot.

Why the fungus on the toes becomes chronic

The main reason for the failures of patients who are trying to get rid of the disease is the use of drugs in the absence of treatment of shoes with antimycotics. The situation is as follows: as soon as the patient manages to remove the fungus on the skin or suppress its activity, re-infection occurs. Therefore, the best solution in the treatment of infection will be replacing shoes with a new one.

flaky skin on the big toe

Households who live with a person infected with a fungal infection must always take precautions so as not to get infected. First of all, you can not use the patientโ€™s personal belongings, shoes, including slippers. It is advisable for the patient with a fungus on his toes to walk on the floor not barefoot, but wear socks. For prevention, family members of the patient need to use antifungal sprays. Such drugs should be prescribed by a dermatologist.

What to do if the skin on the toes peels off in a child?

One of the reasons why the epidermis on the legs clings at an early age is hyperhidrosis. This pathological condition is characterized by increased sweating of the feet. Often hyperhidrosis develops due to the baby wearing shoes or clothes made from synthetic materials. If the childโ€™s leg is in the shoe for a long time, it begins to swell, as a result of which the surface layer of the skin suffers. If the baby had such a problem, before putting on his shoes or sandals, the foot must be treated with special talcum powder or cream.

Peeling of the skin on the toes of children is often a sign of dysbiosis, a condition characterized by a deficiency of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Often, dysbiosis occurs while taking antibacterial drugs. Skin problems in a child go away by themselves as soon as normal microflora in the intestine is restored. As a therapy, the child is prescribed probiotics that contribute to the "settlement" of the missing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

How to prevent peeling on the skin of the toes

First of all, you should refuse to wear tight and uncomfortable shoes. Shoes should be soft and light, not rubbing the feet. You need to pay attention to increased sweating of the legs, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. A humid environment is most comfortable for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of fungal infections.

flaky skin between toes

Each of us can independently strengthen the body and increase its resistance to various infections, making appropriate adjustments to the lifestyle:

  • eat balanced;
  • minimize the consumption of salty, spicy, fatty foods;
  • refuse alcoholic beverages;
  • with a tendency to allergies, use allergenic products with caution (nuts, seafood, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, strawberries, etc.);
  • avoid areas where there is a period of mass flowering of plants;
  • have a good rest.

In order to prevent the development of skin disease, it is necessary to constantly take measures to strengthen the immune system. You can use immunomodulators and other drugs only after consulting a immunologist.

If the epidermis on the legs flakes up due to increased dryness, it is important to constantly moisturize it with the help of medical and cosmetic products. A worthy alternative to pharmacy and store formulations can be vegetable oil or fat sour cream.

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