Krylov's fable "Pike and cat". Way to yourself

Krylov's works are inexhaustible. Each time, touching them, the reader stumbles upon some other, new meaning. Krylov’s fable “Pike and Cat” is no exception and carries many more possible interpretations, we will try to extract one of them.

Krylov pike fable and cat


For unclear reasons, Pike wanted to change jobs: she decided to hunt mice. Naturally, the marine predator turned to the main specialist in this matter - Kotu Vaska. The manual killer reacted to the request of the pike with understanding, but as a decent and quite conscientious beast, he tried to dissuade the “godfather” from this matter. He said that she had little sense in catching mice. Anyway, why should she do all this? Pike scornfully said: “What do I need mice? I've been catching a ruff easily. ” The cat gave up, realized that arguing is useless.

And he took the fish to hunt in the barn. Naturally, everything went smoothly with him, and the mice almost ate the fish themselves. This is what Krylov’s fable “Pike and the Cat” narrates.

cat and pike fable


The moral comes down to the famous Latin proverb, which we, of course, will give here in Russian: "To each his own." Nothing good ever comes of the fact that people begin to engage in something other than their own business. For example, a shoemaker starts cooking borsch, and a cook starts repairing shoes. Krylov's fable "Pike and Cat" teaches fairly simple truths.

True, to justify people, one can say that they are not born with a predetermined natural attitude, that is, one cannot say, looking at a person, what he is adapted to, because a person is a “stepson of nature”. It is almost not determined by archaic instincts, when compared with animals, and nature did not give him anything to quickly and effortlessly adapt to the environment.

Whether it's animals, birds, fish, insects. Everything is clear with them. You will never make a lion eat worms or swim in the sea like a fish does. Nature took care of our lesser brothers much better than we miserable ones. But let’s not lose heart, but we’ll hasten to learn better what Krylov’s fable “Pike and the Cat” can teach us, modern people .

The cult of "creative man"

The search for your calling in life is good, it is necessary and it is inevitable when a person is young. It is bad when this kind of research drags on for 40 or 50 years. But now in the modern world there is another pressing problem: the cult of the “creative person” is imposed on people. Now everyone imagines himself a creator. Others, on human self-conceit, make good money, but the saddest thing is that all this rattle of the Russian "show-biz" distracts a person from really important and necessary things. Instead of reading something worthwhile or watching, people “stuck” to the screens and watch their brothers get their three minutes of fame. Everyone who stares at the television box and sees how the latter suddenly become the first, thinks: "But I can do that too."

What harm is caused by such thinking?

It is impossible to answer unambiguously. If a person has abilities, then, of course, he must go after his dream. The only problem is that before experience it cannot be said if these very abilities or not. And imagine that a person tried, he did not succeed, but he insists and exploits his ambitions, wanders around various television programs, and so on all his life. As a result, he wastes himself, and perhaps a wonderful driver or carpenter died in him. Then, it seems, the harm is obvious from the cult of the "creative person", right?

"Cat and pike" (fable) teaches you not to pay attention to external noise, to what is fashionable or correct, but to look for a way to yourself.

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