Sergey Shakurov: Antonio Stradivari and mechanic Gavrilov

Zabelin from “Among Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Her Own” and Gavrilov from “Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, Jonathan Small from “Treasures of Agra” and Walker from “Stone Age Detective”, Dmitry Stepanov from “Face to Face” and Eduard Romanovich from “ Stupid Stars ”, Arkady from“ Dog Feast ”and Leonid Brezhnev from the series“ Brezhnev ”. All these diverse, characteristic and complex roles in different years were played by the Soviet actor Sergei Shakurov. And, speaking of his on-screen heroes, one cannot help but recall one of his most famous and best works - the detective Visit to the Minotaur, in which Sergei Kayumovich simultaneously played two characters at once - MUR investigator Stas Tikhonov and the famous violinist Antonio Stradivarius.

Childhood among Arbat punks

During the New Year holidays, on January 1, 1942, a boy was born in a Russian-Tatar family. His dad was a professional hunter. Mom was related to the Soviet cartoonist Shchegolev.

The whole life of little Seryozha could have turned out not so joyfully and happily. A great part of the time in childhood, the boy was left to his own devices. He did not want to study, so the grades were far from perfect. Often, he made too rash decisions about participating in fights, so abrasions and bruises were almost a constant “decoration”.

Sergey Shakurov

But fate turned out to be more than favorable to him, and Sergei Shakurov at some point began to enthusiastically engage in sports acrobatics. He worked very hard and diligently, even reached the title of master of sports. The only thing that stopped him was his huge unquenchable desire to shine on the stage. After all, while still studying in the seventh grade, Seryozha began to study in the drama circle.

Theater life

After graduating from high school, Sergey Shakurov sent his footsteps to a school-studio at the Center for Contemporary Art. The famous playwright Viktor Rozov recommended it there .

He completed his studies at the school-studio in 1964. Being quite gifted, and as a result very promising, the young guy began to serve at the Malaya Bronnaya Theater. After a short period of time he moved to the Central Academic Theater.

From 1971 to the present day, the most devoted fans of Sergei Kayumovich’s talent have the opportunity to see him on the famous stage in the Stanislavsky Theater.

Movie transformations

filmography of Sergei Shakurov

Despite his workload in the theatrical environment on the stage of one of the best theaters of our time, Sergei Shakurov did not forget and about the movie.

He played the very first role back in 1966. He was invited to star in the film "I am a Soldier, Mom." In this tape, he embodied the life of Pegakov, a rookie who is very stubborn and practically defies disciplinary order. The next main role was in the Soviet comedy about a student who presented himself as a contemporary of famous historical figures.

Although his best leading roles were ahead, by the time the onset of the 70s, he had already become well-known to the mass audience.

The Golden Era and the New Period

70s - the period of enrichment of the multifaceted talent of the actor. The filmography of Sergei Shakurov has more than eighty paintings, in many of which the main roles belonged to him. Films with his participation go out in turn. Now this is a classic of domestic cinema. And whoever he plays - an alcoholic or a security officer, a chief doctor or a member of a military tribunal, a leader or a poet - he gave a part of himself to each hero.

In 1974, the film “Familiar among strangers, stranger among friends” (Zabelin), which became a kind of Soviet western, the first in the country of the Soviets, was presented to a wide audience. From the first minute, the attention of the audience was riveted to the ups and downs occurring on the screen. And the actors who starred in it instantly became extremely popular. Many years later, Shakurov calls his image in this film one of the most expensive for himself.

So little by little, slowly the image of the heroes played by Sergey Kayumovich began to be drawn. In most cases, they are intelligent, purposeful, very courageous people, who do not recognize any compromises, and have moral purity.

In the 80s, the actor came just crazy popularity. It was then that he “revived” on the screen the heroes most adored by the audience: the ship mechanic Gavrilov, the alcoholic Kolyunya, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Fokin, Bambito.

The harshest film critics still consider one of the best two roles played by Shakurov in the detective "Visit to the Minotaur" - Antonio Stradivari and Stas Tikhonov.

Sergey Shakurov movies

Even if the character, talented embodied by the actor, was only secondary in the film, he still remained in the memory of the audience for many years. What is the role of Jonathan Small in the legendary film "Treasures of Agra" from a series of films about the adventures of an English detective of all time and his friend doctor.

Another important stage in the work of the actor is the role of Alexander Menshikov, who was the favorite of Tsar Peter, in the series “Secrets of Palace Coups” directed by S. Druzhinina. Filming continued for five years, but the time spent was worth it. Once in an interview, Shakurov admitted that this is his favorite role.

Another, but diametrically opposite to the other heroes, role played by Sergei Kayumovich - the criminal authority of the Cross in the action movie "Antikiller". The actor boldly entered this image and played it as accurately as possible thanks to his talent and the ability to observe a real person.

Love, families, children

And in family unions Sergey Shakurov was loved and appreciated. The personal life of the actor for many years is under the scrutiny of cameras.

He had two official marriages. The first wife was actress Natalya Oleneva. They had a son, Ivan (in 1969), who now has three of his children. The second time, Sergei Kayumovich married Tatyana Kochemasova, also an actress who was almost 20 years younger than her husband. In this marriage, daughter Olga was born (in 1986).

Now the actor has a civil marriage with pretty brunette Ekaterina Babalova, who worked as his administrator. The age difference with this wife is about thirty years. In 2004, Shakurov became a dad for the third time. Catherine gave birth to his son Marat.

Sergey Shakurov personal life

For his very long creative life, Sergei Shakurov, whose films are the property of Soviet and Russian cinema, has been shot by many eminent directors - Andrei and Yegor Konchalovsky, Andrzej Wajda, Emil Lotyanu, Nikita Mikhalkov and many others. In recent years, he has been invited as a jury member to KVN games and to the show “Together with Dolphins”.

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