How to cook chicken cutlets - recipes, features and reviews

Tender minced chicken cutlets - a dish loved by many. It is wonderfully combined with various side dishes: vegetables, porridge, mashed potatoes. In order to please your household with delicious meat balls, you need to know several recipes on how to cook juicy chicken cutlets. Some of them, as well as the features of the creation of minced meat and the roasting process, we will consider further.

How to cook chicken cutlets

Features of creating juicy minced meat

Practice shows that the main secret of juiciness of cutlets and their softness is a correctly selected combination of ingredients, as well as their quantity. The main components that ensure the softness of the finished product are bread and chicken eggs soaked in milk - they must be included in the minced meat. As for the proportions, a pair of eggs per kilogram of meat is considered the ideal ratio. For the same amount of fillet, take no more than 200 g of bread.

An additional ingredient that gives juiciness to the dish is onion. In some cases, housewives save dry minced meat with crushed ice or a piece of butter.

How to improve the taste of cutlets

Many culinary experts give certain recommendations on how to cook chicken cutlets with excellent taste. In order for all the minced meat components to blend in best with each other, before the process of forming the products and frying them, you must first beat the mince and let it brew for half an hour.

How to make chicken breast cutlets in such a way that they are incredibly fragrant? Culinary experts advise adding a mixture of peppers to them, as well as, in some cases, mustard. Garlic, dried herbs also favorably affect the taste characteristics of products.

How to Make Chicken Breast Cutlets

Subtleties of frying

In reviews of various recipes for meat products, many culinary experts give some advice on how to cook chicken cutlets. So, many recommendations are in the correct roasting of semi-finished products.

Specialists in the field of cooking advise to perform this procedure exclusively on a red-hot roasting pan with the addition of a copious amount of oil. chicken cutlets are best fried first on both sides over high heat, and when they are crusted, repeat the process in slow heat, under a lid.

Steamed cutlets

Fans of diet dishes often ask questions about how to cook chicken cutlets for a couple. To do this, take two halves of chicken breast and grind the fillet with a meat grinder. To the minced meat, add the onion chopped in the same way, three slices of loaf soaked in milk, and also finely chopped greens. To these ingredients, you should put a chicken egg, as well as salt and pepper to taste. In order for the minced meat to turn out to be the most homogeneous, it must once again be passed through a meat grinder with all the components, and then stirred.

After everything is ready, it is necessary to form small cutlets. They should be laid out in a slow cooker on a plane designed for steaming. Now you should pour boiling water into the container and, having set the β€œSteaming” mode, cook the dish for 25 minutes.

With semolina

Don't know how to cook delicious minced chicken cutlets? This can easily be done with semolina and herbs.

To prepare a meat dish, you should take 400 g of prepared minced meat, pour a couple tablespoons of semolina into it, pour in an egg and a spoon of sour cream. After that, add the favorite spices to these ingredients, including salt and a mixture of peppers. How to cook chicken cutlets in such a way that they turn out to be very juicy, fragrant and have an interesting taste? To do this, add a teaspoon of sugar and liquid mustard to the minced meat.

After the ingredients are combined, they must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then small-sized cutlets are formed. It is necessary to fry the finished products in a hot pan with the addition of vegetable or butter on both sides (for 2-3 minutes each).

In reviews of such a recipe, it is often said that cooked products are very juicy, have a spicy aroma and a pungent taste.

How to Cook Delicious Chicken Cutlets

With potatoes

How to cook chopped chicken breast cutlets? To do this, you can use potatoes among the main ingredients.

To create the forcemeat, you need to take a kilogram of fillet, wash it and chop it into very small pieces. After that, onion, 4 potato tubers grated, and also three crushed cloves of garlic should be added to the meat.

Separately, in a half glass of sour cream, you need to soak a couple of slices of brown bread, and then put the product in the minced meat. At the last stage, add a couple of chicken eggs to the mixture, as well as salt, pepper, chopped dill and mix everything thoroughly.

Cutlets should be formed from the finished mass and lay them on a piled baking sheet. After this, the dish must be baked in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The cooking process will take no more than 50 minutes.

In some reviews of this recipe, cooks recommend adding half a glass of boiling water to a baking sheet in the last minutes of cooking. This action will ensure the juiciness of the finished product.

How to cook chopped meatballs from chicken breasts

Oatmeal cutlets

Any housewife should know the recipe for how to cook chicken fillet cutlets with the addition of cereal. The reviews of various culinary experts say that a dish prepared using this technology is distinguished by its tenderness and juiciness, which cannot but please the household.

So, how to cook delicious chicken cutlets in this way? To do this, you need to take a pound of prepared meat, put in it chopped through a meat grinder onion head, as well as a couple of garlic cloves.

Separately, combine in a bowl a chicken egg, half a glass of milk and the same amount of oatmeal. The mass must be mixed and left for half an hour. After the contents swell, introduce it into the meat with the remaining components and mix thoroughly until smooth. Minced meat should be salt, pepper and make small round patties out of it.

Prepared semi-finished products must be fried on both sides in a hot pan until a crust forms.

With cheese

How to cook delicious chicken cutlets so that they turn out quite juicy and tender? You can use cheese for this.

The cooking process should begin by mixing 500 g of minced chicken and crushed clove of garlic.

Separately, soak 200 g of white bread in half a glass of warm milk. After the mass is ready, it must be introduced into the stuffing. Now salt the ingredients, add the pepper and mix until smooth.

From the meat mass, it is necessary to form small layers, put a piece of cheese in each of them and, wrapping it, fry the patties in a pan with hot butter. Fry products should be on both sides until golden brown.

In reviews of such a recipe, it is often said that the cutlets prepared according to it are very tender. In addition, many housewives like that you can make an original dish pretty quickly.

How to cook steamed chicken cutlets

Cutlets with sauce

How to cook chicken cutlets in the oven? To do this, take 800 g of minced meat, add a piece of white bread soaked in half a glass of milk (about 100 g), as well as chopped onion. Add black pepper and salt to the mince to taste. After that, mix the mass thoroughly and beat off the walls of the dishes.

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and put on it the patties formed from the resulting mass. They should be placed in such a way that between the products there is a distance of about 0.5 cm. After this, the pan must be put in the oven for 20 minutes.

While the cutlets are cooking, you need to do the cooking of the sauce for them. To do this, you should combine a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, twice as much sour cream, as well as two pinches of seasoning hops-suneli and sweet paprika. Ready sauce should turn out liquid, for which you can add a little water to it.

After the allotted time, remove the baking sheet from the oven and pour sauce over its contents. In this form, the sheet with cutlets should be returned to the cabinet to finish baking for another 20 minutes.

According to reviews, following this technology, you can pamper your family members with not only a delicious, but also a beautiful hot dish.

With mushrooms

How to cook chicken cutlets with mushrooms? To do this, take a pound of chicken breasts, wash the meat, dry and grind using a meat grinder. After that, chopped dill greens, as well as a chicken egg, a couple of crushed garlic cloves, should be added to the ingredient.

Separately, in a hot frying pan with oil, fry the finely chopped onion and 300 g of fresh champignons, previously cut into slices. When the ingredients are ready, you need to combine them with minced meat. Now the mass should be salt, add ground pepper to it and, having mixed, form the product.

After all preparations, the patties must be fried in a hot frying pan with oil, for 7-10 minutes on each side.

How to cook chicken cutlets in the oven

Cutlets with cabbage

The correct technology for creating cutlets with vegetables is a real find for any housewife who wants to surprise the household and guests with a tasty and inexpensive dish. It turns out very tasty meat products, which include vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, carrots, onions, etc. How to cook chicken cutlets with cabbage?

To prepare products of this type, you need to take 600 g of prepared minced chicken, a clove of garlic, black pepper, salt, a chicken egg and three tablespoons of flour.

Separately, in a blender, grind 200 g of cabbage. After that, it should be sent to the total mass. The ingredients must be mixed well, and then small cutlets should be formed from the resulting mixture. Each of them must be rolled in breadcrumbs so that a thick layer is obtained from them. Now the prepared semi-finished products must be sent to a hot pan with vegetable oil for roasting. The process should be carried out until a crust appears on both sides of the cutlets.

Fire cutlets

The classics of the genre are these delicious cutlets that have been known in culinary practice since the time of Alexander Pushkin. So, how to cook chicken cutlets in a fire?

To do this, you need to take a kilogram of pre-prepared chicken stuffing. Separately, a couple of finely chopped onions should be fried in a pan until the vegetable is given a golden color.

You also need to prepare the bread. To do this, take 70 g of white pulp and fill it with half a glass of liquid cream.

After all preparations, the ingredients must be combined in one container and grind them with a blender, while simultaneously bringing the mass to a state of uniformity. Then the mince should be salted, add a small amount of salt to taste, chopped dill and mix.

Cook Juicy Chicken Cutlets

Now, in almost ready-made mincemeat, you need to add 150 g of butter. This ingredient should first be kept in the freezer until it becomes hard, and then grated and added to the meat mass. Now all the components must be kneaded to homogeneity and sent to the freezer so that the mass is slightly frozen.

From the prepared minced meat, form small patties, roll each of them in a breading made of bread, and then fry on both sides in a hot pan with a copious amount of butter (two minutes on each side).

The reviews about this technology say that the cutlets prepared using it are distinguished by a high level of juiciness and excellent taste, which is good news.

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