Purulent-inflammatory and enteric diseases caused by various bacteria should be treated with special means. Very often, with such pathological conditions, doctors recommend the use of Sextafag. Reviews, instructions and features of this drug are presented below.
Packaging, description, release form, composition
What form is inherent in the medicine "Sextafag"? Reviews report that this drug goes on sale in the form of a solution intended for oral administration, as well as local and external use. It is a transparent and yellowish liquid (a greenish tint is possible), which contains filtrates of phagolysates of bacteria streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus and Klebsiella pneumonia.
This product is available in 20 ml bottles, which are placed in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological action
What is remarkable solution "Sextafag"? Reviews indicate that this is a multivalent pyobacteriophage, which has the ability to specifically lyse the bacteria Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella pneumonia, as well as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Why is Sextafag prescribed to a child? Reviews indicate that this medicine is indicated for children and adults for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:
- infections of the intestines and stomach, dysbiosis, enterocolitis, enteritis, cholecystitis;
- inflammatory and purulent diseases of the respiratory system (pleurisy, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia);
- infections of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, colpitis);
- surgical infections of the skin, as well as purulent inflammation of the soft tissues (phlegmon, abscess, mastitis), with burns, peritonitis and purulent wounds;
- purulent and septic diseases in newborns (bacterial inflammation of the umbilical wound, gastroenterocolitis, pemphigus, sepsis);
- septic generalized conditions.
What is the purpose of appointing a βSextafagβ baby? Reviews indicate that this tool is actively used for the treatment and prevention of infected wounds and hospital infections.
Are there any contraindications for the medicine we are considering? According to the instructions, this drug can not be used only in the presence of hypersensitivity.
Instructions for use
This medication is used for irrigation, lotions, rinses and intracavitary administration - into the sinuses, pleural, abdominal cavity, the cavity of the bladder and uterus, middle ear, as well as in the cavity of abscesses and wounds. In addition, this tool is taken orally, using the introduction of enemas and a probe.
How should "Sextafag" be introduced into the nose? Reviews indicate that with purulent-inflammatory diseases of the throat, ear and nose, this medication is used in an amount of 2-10 ml three times a day.
With enterocolitis, intestinal dysbiosis, cholecystitis, various purulent-septic diseases and pyelonephritis, this medicine is taken orally 5-20 ml three times a day, for up to 15 days.
For the purpose of preparing for surgical interventions in proctology, drip enemas are used.
How should Sextaphage be given to children with indomitable vomiting? In the nose (reviews of this medicine are presented below), this drug should be instilled only under the supervision of a pediatrician. To stop severe vomiting, the medication is administered to the child through a probe, as well as in the form of enemas of 3-5 ml daily, for up to 1 week.
With pemphigus and purulent inflammation of the umbilical wound, babies are given lotions twice a day for 7 days.
For diseases of the throat, the mucous membrane is rinsed with the drug in an amount of 20 ml three times a day.
With keratoconjunctivitis and conjunctivitis, this medication is instilled into the eyes 2 drops four times a day, with a corneal ulcer - 5 drops, and with purulent iridocyclitis it is used in an amount of 8 drops every three hours. If necessary, for the treatment of such a disease, you can use the drug inside.
In the treatment of generalized chronic periodontitis and stomatitis, the drug "Sextafag" is used to rinse the mouth four times a day in the amount of 10-20 ml. It is also introduced into periodontal pockets using turundas, which were saturated with a bacteriophage. It is advisable to carry out such therapeutic procedures within 5-11 minutes.
With gynecological diseases that are purulent-inflammatory in nature, the medication in question is injected into the uterine cavity at a dose of 5-10 ml every day.
If chemical antiseptics were used to treat wounds before using this medicine, the cavity should be well washed with a sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
Side effects
The medication in question almost never causes side effects. In some cases, it can provoke local irritation on the skin.
Special recommendations
Before applying the Sextafag solution, you should evaluate its transparency and make sure that there is no precipitate, as well as the integrity of the package. If the drug is cloudy and the integrity of the pack is impaired, it is forbidden to use it.
When opening the bottle, all aseptic rules should be strictly observed. Keep such a medication is prohibited. It must be used immediately after opening.
Analogs and price
How much does the Sextafag antibacterial solution cost? Reviews say that its cost is about 740 rubles. If required, this drug can be replaced with an analogue such as Bacteriophage. By the way, in pharmacies, the drug in question can be purchased under the name "Purified Polyvalent Bio-bacteriophage" or simply "Piopolifag".
Most of the reviews about this medication are positive. In the treatment with this tool, consumers note a significant effect, especially in the treatment of dysbiosis and purulent infections of the respiratory system. Also, the advantages of this medicine include the possibility of its use in young children.
Of the disadvantages of the drug, patients indicate its high cost.