Cystitis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

A healthy person needs urination 5-6 times a day. He should completely empty his bladder without any discomfort. If urination is more frequent, and besides it is accompanied by various unpleasant phenomena, there is a high probability of the patient developing cystitis. Symptoms of the disease are quite vivid, which forces patients to immediately consult a doctor. It is necessary to do this, and not only to get advice and treatment. Rapid and painful urination can be observed in many diseases, one of which does not forgive mistakes in the diagnosis and improper therapy. It's about bladder cancer. Symptoms of cystitis and signs of a tumor in the urethra are very similar. An accurate diagnosis can only be made in a specialized medical facility. Sometimes the life of the patient depends on this. Cystitis alone is not considered a deadly disease and is easily treatable with medications. Alternative methods can help the genitourinary system restore its functions.


The main initial symptoms of cystitis in women, men and children are approximately the same. However, the forms of this disease may be different. Each of them has its own characteristics of manifestation and its consequences.

With the further development of the disease (in cases where the treatment is carried out incorrectly), the symptoms of cystitis in women and men may acquire some differences, which is associated with the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.

human bladder

In medical practice, cystitis is diagnosed:

  • Acute.
  • Chronic.
  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Infectious (subdivided into specific, postcoital and nonspecific).
  • Non-infectious.

By the nature of changes in the bladder, cystitis is hemorrhagic, catarrhal, cystic, phlegmonous, ulcerative, granulomatous, gangrenous.

Let's consider some forms in more detail.

Infectious nonspecific cystitis: causes and development scenario

As the name suggests, this form of inflammation of the bladder is caused by microorganisms that have penetrated into its mucous membranes. Most often, the culprit of the disease is Escherichia coli, which got into the urethra due to patient non-compliance with hygiene. In women, the symptoms of cystitis that arose for such reasons appear much faster and brighter than in men. The reason is simple: the urethra, which is the gateway to infection, is shorter and wider in the fair sex than in the strong half of humanity. In addition, its structure does not include bends and turns, which greatly facilitates the advancement of bacteria.

Escherichia coli is E. coli known to all, which is constantly present in the intestines. Normally, it brings invaluable benefits to the body - it contributes to the synthesis of vitamin K, "controls" the state of intestinal microflora. If the number of individuals exceeds the norm, a person develops a dysbiosis, usually accompanied by diarrhea.

Those who have such an unpleasant phenomenon are required to wash themselves thoroughly after each act of defecation. This is especially true for women, since it is not difficult for bacteria to move from the area of ​​the anus into the vagina, and then enter the bladder along the urethra.

infectious cystitis

Hygiene is also necessary without the presence of diarrhea, since pathogenic microorganisms are constantly present in the environment.

Symptoms of cystitis in women are unpleasant, so you should worry about prevention, because any disease, as you know, is easier to prevent than to treat. The pathology considered by us can develop for the following reasons:

  • For a long time do not change sanitary pads.
  • Unclean underwear is used.
  • Wiping the genitals is carried out with a dirty towel (paper). Perform these steps not from the anus to the vagina, but vice versa.
  • The bladder for some reason is not completely empty.
  • A woman carries out an act of urination with long delays (he suffers for a long time before going to the toilet). Urine removes many harmful substances from the body. If this fluid lingers in the bladder for a long time, it begins to decompose. The products of this process contribute to inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • In rare cases, in women, cystitis can provoke a gynecologist's examination if the doctor used non-sterile instruments.

In addition to the above reasons, the symptoms of non-specific infectious cystitis can be felt under such conditions and diseases:

  • Bakvaginoz. It can appear as a result of hormonal changes in the body, with the use of drugs that violate the microflora of the vagina, after some operations. In this case, non-pathogenic (for example, lactobacilli) or conditionally pathogenic bacteria that proliferate in the vagina penetrate the bladder, causing inflammation of its walls.
  • Poor nutrition (the menu has few fruits, a lot of carbohydrates). As a result, the body does not have sufficient immunity to withstand infections.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infection in the body. In this case, the bacteria enter the bladder not through the urethra, but with the flow of blood and / or lymph. This reason can provoke cystitis in all categories of patients, including children.
  • Prolonged sitting in one position, which causes stagnation of blood in the pelvic.

In addition to E.coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, Klebsiella, Candida mushrooms, Proteus can cause the disease.

Analysis of urine

Symptoms of non-specific infectious cystitis

The manifestation of the disease is not long in coming. A few hours after infection, a woman has such unpleasant symptoms:

  • Frequent (sometimes after 3-7 minutes) urge to urinate. In this case, very little urine can be released, literally a few drops.
  • Pain when trying to commit an act of urination. Their character in medicine is defined as a “dagger”. Women have sensations as if they were pierced through with a sharp blade.
  • Temperature rise.

Very often, in women, the symptoms of cystitis are much brighter and more painful than in men, because similar processes in the urethra (urethritis) and in the vagina (exocervicitis, colpitis) are usually added to the inflammation of the bladder, since bacteria initially enter these organs.

This scenario of the development of the disease is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Chills.
  • Headache.
  • False urge to defecate.
  • Trembling legs.
  • Abdominal pain displaced in the lower abdomen.

Bacteria successfully multiply without proper treatment, even if the woman has managed to stop the pain with analgesics. The growth of colonies will soon be manifested by symptoms of intoxication, since any living creature (including bacteria) in the process of life necessarily releases waste substances into the environment. For humans, they are toxins.

If any person (woman, man, child) has symptoms of cystitis, treatment at home of the disease, the cause of which were microorganisms, should be carried out by drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Signs indicating that recovery does not occur:

  • Dagger pain during urination somewhat eased, but did not pass at all.
  • Urine became cloudy, blood appeared in it.
  • At the end of urination, there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.
  • Holds the temperature.
  • Symptoms of intoxication appeared (nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea).

Infectious specific cystitis

This form occurs when the microbes that cause sexually transmitted diseases infect the bladder. Among them are chlamydia, gonococcus, trichomonas, mycoplasma. The cause of specific infectious cystitis is unprotected intercourse with a sick partner (80%) and household methods of introducing bacteria into the vagina (20%).

If this is the type of cystitis in women, symptoms may include:

  • Cutting, dagger pain during urination.
  • Unpleasant pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  • A feeling of fullness of the bladder, which is the reason for the frequent urge to urinate.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Itching and redness of the genitals.
  • Discomfort a day or two after a dubious intercourse.
  • Continuation of the manifestation of the disease after the use of classic remedies, which usually help well with cystitis.
  • Dyspareunia.

These may be symptoms of cystitis in women. Drugs with a specific form of the disease are prescribed only by a doctor.

Postcoital cystitis

This type of disease is observed exclusively in women. It is caused by features or pathologies in the anatomical structure of the urethra and vagina, as well as congenital hypermobility of the urethral opening. In fact, this disease is non-specific infectious, but it occurs after sexual intercourse. Therefore, many women believe that its manifestations are symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, which is absolutely wrong.

general and biochemical analyzes of urine

Postcoital cystitis occurs as a result of the fact that at the time of sexual intercourse, the bacterial flora, always present in the vagina of any woman, enters the urethra, and from there into the bladder.

The main symptoms of postcoital cystitis can be called classical - painful urination, frequent urges to this act, sometimes fever, turbid urine with bloody streaks.

A distinctive feature of this form of the disease from specific cystitis is that women do not have itching and inflammation of the genital organs.


Above, we examined the symptoms of infectious cystitis in women. Both treatment and diagnosis of this form of the disease are required. Self-selection of therapeutic agents may not produce a result and exacerbate the situation.

Diagnosis is quite simple and generally available. Women need:

  • Pass a urinalysis (biochemical, according to Nechiporenko, general).
  • Visit a gynecologist and have an examination. In this case, a smear on the vaginal microflora is almost always taken.
  • In rare cases, an ultrasound, blood test and biopsy are prescribed.

Having identified which microorganisms caused the disease, the doctor selects antibiotics and prescribes a course. It can be penicillins, nitrofurans, vtorhinolona, ​​macrolides, phosphomycin. Antifungal agents are sometimes prescribed.

According to the testimony, additionally prescribed:

  • Antispasmodics (Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Papaverin).
  • Analgesics.
  • Vitamins
  • Diuretics, including some herbs (bearberry, corn stigmas).
  • Antipyretic.

The patient is attributed to bed rest.

Herbal baths that relieve inflammation of the external genitalia, tampons with antibacterial or antifungal agents and restoring the vaginal microflora are also recommended.

Non-infectious cystitis

This form of the disease occurs with various external and internal influences on the bladder:

  • Injuries (e.g., bruising or mucosal damage by a catheter).
  • Chemical substances.
  • Temperature exposure (thermal cystitis).
  • Allergic responses to certain foods or medicines.
  • Irradiation.

The general symptoms and treatment of non-infectious cystitis are largely identical to those that we observe with an infectious form of the disease. Women experience:

  • Severe pain with every act of urination.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, although only a couple of drops may be released.
  • General weakness.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Chills.
  • Temperature rise.

Diagnosis in many cases is facilitated by the patient’s story about her injuries and other effects on the bladder. Also, with this form of the disease, urine tests are done and an ultrasound scan is done.

Treatment necessarily includes the elimination of the factor that triggered the disease. In addition, the patient is prescribed:

  • Analgesics and antispasmodics "No-Shpa", "Papaverine", "Galidor", "Buscopan", "Elmiron" or others.
  • Medications that reduce the urge to go to the toilet. This is Doxepin, Amitriptyline, Imipramin.
  • Bed rest.
  • Diet (excludes watermelon, pickles, spices, dairy products, pickles from the menu). Warm baths with chamomile, calendula, aloe extract or other herbs that relieve inflammation.

Douching with any drugs is strictly prohibited.

cystitis treatment

Primary and secondary cystitis

These two forms of the disease are inextricably linked with the above infectious and non-infectious cystitis.

If the inflammation has affected only the bladder, then the primary form of the disease is diagnosed.

If cystitis is a complication of the patient's other diseases of the genitourinary system, then the secondary form is diagnosed.

Ailments that contribute to the onset of cystitis:

  • Bladder tumors.
  • Stones in this organ.
  • Urethral stricture.
  • BPH.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Pathology of the genital organs.

Symptoms of secondary cystitis are classic for this ailment:

  • Frequent and very painful urination.
  • Clouding of urine.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Low-grade fever.

Symptoms can worsen significantly due to the presence of the underlying disease, each of which has its own characteristic signs.

Acute and chronic cystitis

The acute form of the disease is usually characteristic of infectious cystitis. After a few hours have passed since the penetration of microbes into the mucous membrane of the bladder, its bright manifestation is observed. Usually, it begins with a sudden sharp pain during urination. In the next quarter hour, there are 3-5 urges to visit the toilet. These are the very first symptoms of cystitis. Medicines that can relieve pain: No-shpa (relieves spasms), Furadonin (an antibacterial agent), Papaverine (reduces the number of urges, relieves pain).

In the future, the patient must undergo examination. The doctor can prescribe a number of physiotherapy procedures, vitamins to strengthen the genitourinary system.

If you do not go to the doctor and hope that independent treatment has helped, the ailment can turn into a chronic form. This means that the disease is hiding. It will appear at every case convenient for her:

  • Hypothermia (especially the pelvic area).
  • Wet feet.
  • Infectious disease (flu, acute respiratory infections, any other).
  • Conditions in which immunity is reduced (stress, poor nutrition, a busy schedule without enough time to rest).
  • The postoperative period.
  • The course of antibiotics.

Note that postcoital cystitis also occurs in a chronic form.

In this case, women will feel sharp, sometimes unbearable pain during urination, frequent urges to this act, a feeling of fullness of the bladder (even immediately after going to the toilet), pulling pains in the lower part of the peritoneum, fatigue, fatigue, loss of appetite. These are the symptoms of cystitis in women. At home, the treatment of a chronic form of the disease is practiced quite often. Patients are prescribed:

  • Peace.
  • Bed rest.
  • Diet.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Analgesics (stopping pain).
  • Decoctions of diuretic herbs (lingonberry leaf, Ivan tea, knotweed, parsley, fennel).

We examined what the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women are. Strict compliance with the disease will allow strict observance of the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor.

But representatives of the strong half of humanity are also affected. How does the disease develop and proceed, and are there any differences in terms of therapy?

Cystitis in men: symptoms and treatment

A strong half of humanity suffers much less from this ailment. According to statistics, out of 1000 people, 8 men and 200 women suffer from cystitis. The reasons lie in the anatomical structure of the genitourinary organs. In men, the urethra is narrow, long and winding, which complicates the path to the bladder by microbes.

cystitis in men

They may have a disease for the following reasons:

  • The presence of infection in the body.
  • Ingestion of bacteria with blood or lymph in the bladder.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Allergy.
  • Radiation.
  • Some diseases (prostatitis, tuberculosis, sepsis, sexually transmitted diseases, prostate adenoma, oncological tumors).
  • Bladder injuries (e.g., catheter insertion).

In men, all of the above forms of cystitis (except postcoital) can be observed.

Symptoms of cystitis in men are as follows:

  • Painful and difficult urination.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • The urine is cloudy, with an unpleasant odor, sometimes with pus or blood.
  • Burning in the urethra.
  • Pain in the scrotum, groin, penis, lower abdomen (pubic region).
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • General weakness.
  • Temperature.
  • Overweight in the whole body.

Diagnosis in men includes a clinical examination with palpation of the groin and suprapubic zone, as well as the prostate through the rectum. This eliminates the presence of prostatitis and adenoma.

With the help of laboratory tests, urine is examined for the presence of white blood cells, blood, pus, mucus, and microbes in it.

A blood test (general) is also performed to detect ESR and white blood cells.

Men must undergo bacterial inoculation of the urethra and PCR to detect the presence of pathogenic bacteria and their resistance to antibiotics. Treatment is carried out with the same drugs that are used for women.

Cystitis in children

. :

  • .
  • ( ).
  • Hypothermia.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • .
  • Dysmetabolic disorders.
  • Circulatory disturbance (with constipation, tumors, low mobility).

Its herpes virus, staphylococcus, candida fungus, streptococcus, protozoa, adenoviruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas cause it.

Microbes penetrate into the baby's bladder in a descending way (for example, from the kidneys), ascending (from the genitals), with blood and / or lymph.

cystitis in children

Treatment and medication, the symptoms of cystitis in children are about the same as in adults. The difference is that the child is not always able to describe his condition. Parents should pay attention to such changes in the behavior of the child:

  • Crying when urinating.
  • Anxiety, moodiness.
  • Too frequent urination.
  • Children can say that "the stomach hurts."
  • In boys, sometimes blood appears from the penis.
  • Enuresis (in adult children).
  • Sometimes oliguria is observed in babies with cystitis (little or no urine).
  • Temperature.
  • Lethargy.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Urine becomes cloudy with an unpleasant odor.

Diagnosis of cystitis in children consists mainly in various urine tests (total, culture, two-vessel test). A blood test and an ultrasound scan are also performed. In some cases, cystoscopy is performed.

For the treatment of cystitis in babies, "Furamag", "Monural", "Furagin" are most often used. Antibiotics are prescribed with great care. Among them, the drugs of choice are Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Cedex, Ceclor, Zinnat and their analogues. Spazmalgon, Papaverin, Baralgin and other analgesics and antispasmodics can also be prescribed.

What can I take at home?

The appearance of signs of cystitis is an unpleasant surprise for people, frightening, violating the rhythm of life and plans. With frequent and painful urination, there is no way to not only visit a doctor, but even just leave the house. Therefore, when the first symptoms of cystitis appear, quick treatment at home becomes very relevant. What can I advise? To begin with, take anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs, and with severe pain - an analgesic. Drugs of choice include:

  • "Nurofen."
  • Diclofenac.
  • "Indomethacin."
  • "Papaverine".
  • No-Shpa.

When the pain subsides, and the frequent urge to the toilet stabilizes a bit, you need to go to the doctor's office. Self-treatment often leads to serious complications.

As a rule, they are not hospitalized with cystitis. The exception is gengenic, ulcerative, cystic forms of the disease, in which surgical intervention can be prescribed. Most forms of cystitis are treated on an outpatient basis. At home, the patient needs to provide rest and bed rest. Be sure to follow a diet. It is also recommended to drink a lot of decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties (pine forest, St. John's wort, cuff, white acacia, alder, calendula, chamomile, yarrow, coneflower and dozens of others). Useful teas with herbs that have diuretics. During treatment, you must drink all the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Then the healing process will take 7-10 days.

Traditional medicine recommends drinking propolis tincture (alcohol). In 50 ml of water you need to add 10 drops of the product and drink many times a day.

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