Lichen is a disease of a fungal or viral nature. Many are panicky afraid of the word itself. But most types of this disease are successfully treated. The doctor will prescribe a suitable ointment for lichen, you just need not to be lazy to rub it daily into the affected areas of the skin.
The causes of the disease can be many, they can act in combination. For example, living conditions play a large role (the more dirt, the more likely it is to catch an infection), the disease can begin simply due to infection, when immunity is lowered. In serious diseases, when the body's resistance to various infections is markedly reduced, internal reserves may not be enough to cope with the attack of pathogens. Endocrine diseases can also affect. More often, lichen affects children.
Lichen can be transmitted by close contact from person to person. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, it is better to consult a dermatologist right away. Symptoms that are characteristic of almost all types of lichen: discoloration of some areas of the skin, peeling and itching. Not only ointment for lichen can always help, complex treatment is often necessary, so going to a pharmacy and buying an antifungal agent is not an option. One and the same medicine can be very effective in one type of mushroom and useless in another. A specific pathogen can only be determined by laboratory research.
You can take some measures yourself. It is desirable that the patient avoids close contact with others, you can also use tools that increase immunity to help the body cope with a fungal disease. But directly the ointment from lichen can only be prescribed correctly by a doctor.
What microorganisms can cause lichen
There are three types of fungi that can cause lichen in humans: zooanthropophilic (which can be transmitted from animals), anthropophilic (which can live only on human skin) and very rare geophilic (they can be transmitted by contact with the ground).
Usually our immune system is able to cope with the infection itself if it works normally. Otherwise, you will have to help her, then the ointment for depriving, which the doctor will prescribe, comes to the rescue.
What happens lichen and how it is treated
Multi-colored (pityriasis) lichen forms spots of different sizes and shapes on the body. Usually these are oval or roundish spots that differ in color from the surrounding skin. The disease can last for years, spreading to the chest, shoulders, stomach or back. The spots may peel off slightly. This species successfully treats ointment for depriving colored "Exoderil" or antifungal cream "Clotrimazole". It is very important not to interrupt the treatment started, even when the symptoms disappear, you need to continue it for at least another two weeks.
Lichen planus can affect both the nail plates and mucous membranes. The lesion sites are usually strewn with flat nodules of red color, and on the mucous membranes they are pale pink. This type of disease is always accompanied by severe itching. Lichen planus most often affects women aged 40 to 60 years, as well as people with diseases of the biliary tract and liver, digestive tract, and diabetes. This type of disease is treated more easily than others, even an ointment for lichen may not be needed. Usually a set of therapeutic measures is carried out aimed at strengthening the immune system and preventing the attachment of another infection.
To eliminate itching, antihistamines are prescribed: Tavegil, Loratadin, Zirtek. Lichen planus is treated with Diprospan, Prednisolone, as well as Advantan, Celestoderm ointments based on corticosteroids, Dekaris, Reaferon immunomodulators and multivitamins.
Ringworm - a disease serious enough to treat it yourself. And the most unpleasant thing is that this particular species is more common in children. Given that all antifungal medications are completely harmless, only a doctor should prescribe an ointment for lichen for children.
Shingles is somewhat aloof from the rest, because it is caused by viruses that are in the body constantly, which only with weakened immunity make themselves felt.