"Allokin-Alpha": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The medication "Allokin-Alpha" belongs to the group of immunomodulating and antiviral drugs. It is active against papillomaviruses, as well as viruses that cause influenza, hepatitis B and C.

According to the instructions for "Allokin-Alpha", the main active substance alloferon is in the composition of the medication.

Release form, composition, packaging

The manufacturer releases the drug in the form of a lyophilisate powder, intended for further preparation of the injection solution. The powder is packaged in 1 mg ampoules. Each package of a medicine contains one, three, five or ten ampoules with powder, and also a special file designed to open a glass ampoule.

allokin alpha instruction

Indications for use

As the instructions for Allokin-Alpha indicate, only a doctor can prescribe a medication. The drug is used as an antiviral agent for:

  1. Influenza and SARS.
  2. Papillomas, warts, condylomas.
  3. Labial herpes.
  4. Herpetic infection localized on the genitals.
  5. HPV
  6. Erosive damage to the cervix.
  7. Viral hepatitis with viral etymology and chronic nature.
  8. Herpetic infection.
  9. Mixed infections with urogenital localization.
  10. Prevention of RMS.

Among other things, the drug can be prescribed by a specialist in cases of severe immunodeficiency accompanying a viral infection. To stop the spread of the infectious process, it is necessary to support the body by taking an effective immunomodulator.

This is confirmed by the instruction for Allokin-Alpha. We will consider reviews below.


The immunomodulator is contraindicated in taking:

  1. Pregnant and lactating patients.
  2. To the children.
  3. If the patient has hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to alloferon and other substances that make up the drug.
  4. If the patient has severe pathologies that are autoimmune in nature.
allokin alpha instructions for use

Pharmacological effects

According to the instructions for use for injections "Allokin-Alpha", the main active ingredient in the drug is alloferon, which can activate the production of endogenous interferons and killers. In addition, alloferon helps cytotoxic lymphocytic structures to quickly identify and dissolve infected cells.

Against the background of Allokin-alpha therapy, all immune units are strengthened - both cellular and humoral. In this case, the drug has absolutely no toxic effects on the body.

The medicinal composition is able to exert the following pharmacological effects on the body:

  1. The duration of exacerbation of the pathological condition is reduced.
  2. Virus-infectious symptoms completely disappear.
  3. Guaranteed no recurrence.
  4. Significantly reduces the likelihood of complications.

Alloferon also activates T-lymphocytes, which make up the immunity of cellular structures. T-lymphocytes under the influence of a medication suppress, and then destroy the virus, which penetrated the body and provoked the disease.

The drug stimulates neuromuscular transmission, regulates neurocellular excitability. Alloferon, among other things, acts on smooth muscle tissue, resulting in increased exposure to acetylcholine, oxytocin, histamine and serotonin. This is described in detail in the instructions for Allokin-Alpha.

Application and dosage

Most often, the patient is prescribed a standard course of treatment, which includes three injections. The drug is administered in a day. If the pathology is in an advanced stage or has a complex shape, the duration of the course of treatment and, accordingly, the number of injections increase.

allokin injections

To breed Allokin-Alpha powder is necessary exclusively by means which are noted in the instruction for use.

The powder in one ampoule should be diluted using an isotonic sodium chloride solution in an amount of 1 ml. It is strictly forbidden to mix several medicines in one syringe. The prepared solution should be administered immediately, storage is unacceptable due to the loss of therapeutic properties.

Use the prepared Allokin-Alpha solution subcutaneously. To do this, take the skin into a crease and insert the needle at an angle of about 45 degrees. It is necessary to insert the needle shallowly, about two-thirds of the length, slowly. The place where the injection should be carried out is determined by the attending physician. Most often, subcutaneous injections are done on the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, on the stomach or thigh.

Select a treatment regimen using the Allokin-Alpha instructions, as well as the dosage regimen of the drug should be a doctor who takes into account the patient's condition and the pathology to be treated.

If the pathology was provoked by oncogenic type papillomaviruses, the introduction of 1 ml of the drug every two days is recommended. The total duration of treatment includes several injections, more precisely 6. The instructions for Allokin-Alpha state this.

Therapy for viral hepatitis involves three injections over a week. The general course of treatment includes 9 injections, that is, three weeks.

With recurrent herpes, 1 ml of the drug should be administered once every two days. The course of therapy is 3 injections.

What else can you learn from the instructions for Allokin-Alpha?

allokin alpha injections instructions

Side effects, overdose of medication

Immunomodulator tolerance is generally good. In some cases, the use of the medication can provoke the appearance of such negative effects as muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches, the appearance of new foci of herpes, allergic reactions.

All possible negative manifestations described above are very rare in practice and are mainly due to a violation of the recommended dosage, or improper administration of the drug. Side effects can also develop if complex therapy is carried out using Allokin-alpha and drugs that are incompatible with it. In some cases, negative manifestations may occur if hygiene rules are not followed.

No cases of drug overdose have been reported at this time.

Special instructions when using the drug

In accordance with the instructions for use of "Allokina-Alpha", throughout the entire course of using the immunomodulator, it is recommended to refrain from activities that require the patient to concentrate too much and speed up reactions. This is due to the fact that the drug is capable of causing sudden dizziness.

If therapy using this medication is aimed at getting rid of viral hepatitis, then complex treatment should be started no later than 6-7 days from the moment when pronounced symptoms of hepatitis appeared, such as fever and chills, yellowing of the sclera and skin, darkening of the urine, the appearance of steatorrhea and painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.

allokin alpha instructions for use reviews

With HPV, provoked by oncogenic type viruses, monotherapy with the drug is carried out.

During treatment, the patient should abandon the use of alcohol-containing drinks due to the fact that Allokin-Alpha is able to increase the concentration of interferon, which is highly sensitive to changes in the chemical composition of the blood. As a result, the reaction to drinking alcohol in parallel with drug injections can be unpredictable, the appearance of very pronounced side effects is not ruled out.

This also confirms the instructions for use "Allokina-Alpha."

Interaction with other medicines

Quite often, the drug is used as part of complex therapy. For example, the treatment of chronic herpes infections may include injections with Allokin-Alpha and taking Acyclovir, or its derivatives. These compounds are effective in combating viruses and, at the same time, supplement each other.

Hepatitis therapy can combine Allokin-Alpha and basic treatment. There are currently no data on other drug interactions with other drugs.

The frequency of use of the drug depends on the pathology for the treatment of which Allokin-Alpha is used. However, the decision to conduct a second course of treatment with the drug should be solely by the attending physician.

injections allokin alpha instruction reviews

Cost of medication

The drug is an expensive medicine. The average cost of one package containing three ampoules ranges from 3700–4400 rubles. The price of Allokin-Alpha No. 6 is about 7450–8050 rubles. A package with one ampoule of the drug costs about 1200 rubles.

Each pack has instructions.

Analogs of Allokina-Alpha

A similar effect has drugs such as Panavir, Kagocel, Oxolin, Amiksin, Gardasil, Cervarix, Groprinosin, Amizon, Isoprinosine, Arpeflu. All of these drugs are cheaper substitutes for Allokina-Alpha. So, the cost of “Arpeflu” is an average of 250 rubles, “Amizon” - 200–350 rubles, “Groprinosin” - 700–1600 rubles, “Amiksin” - 530–700 rubles, “Kagotsela” - 200–280 rubles, “Oxolina” "- 50-300 rubles.

The only synonymous drug "Allokina-Alpha" is "Alloferon".

Terms, storage conditions, leave from a pharmacy

Allokin-Alfa is dispensed from pharmacies if there is a prescription from a doctor.

Store the drug in a refrigerator, at a temperature of no more than 2-8 degrees Celsius. Subject to storage conditions, the therapeutic properties of the drug are maintained for two years.

So it is said in the instructions for injections "Allokin-Alpha." Reviews confirm this.

allokin alpha analogue instruction

What do the reviews say?

Most doctors leave exclusively positive reviews about the drug. This is due to the fact that the medicinal composition practically does not cause side effects, cases of overdose are excluded, and its effectiveness is very high. Gynecologists report that "Allokin-Alpha" works well in the treatment of patients with cervical erosion, papillomas. Dermatovenerologists note that the drug is effective against HPV by 96%, and by 98% when used for the prevention of cervical cancer and dysplasia.

Patients also talk about the high effectiveness of the drug, but the main and perhaps the only negative is its high cost. Only a small part of patients are able to afford it, especially if complex therapy is carried out and it is necessary to purchase a large number of drugs at a time.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews of "Allokin-Alpha."

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