What is streptoderma? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Streptoderma is a fairly common skin disease of an infectious origin. According to statistics, children often suffer from such an ailment. That is why many parents are interested in questions about what streptoderma is and what symptoms it is associated with. After all, the sooner therapy is started, the easier the healing process will go.

What is streptoderma? Causes of the disease

streptoderma in children photo

As already mentioned, this is an infectious disease. The causative agent in this case are streptococci. Pathogens are transmitted by contact in contact with an infected person. In addition, a common way of transmitting infection is common, for example, when sharing household items, towels, bedding, clothes, etc.

That is why streptoderma is most often found in children (photo - in the article) attending kindergartens, schools, mugs, etc. Indeed, in closed groups, the kids are in close contact, share toys.

What is streptoderma and what are its symptoms?

streptoderma on the face

As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear a week after infection. In most cases, streptoderma is observed on the face, skin of the arms, shoulders, legs. The disease begins with the appearance of small spots of pink. Subjective sensations are most often absent, only some patients complain of slight itching and burning. In some cases, redness and swelling of adjacent healthy tissues is observed.

As infection progresses, the spots may increase, merging with the edges and forming large areas of the lesion. A few days later, small abscesses form, which subsequently open, forming wounds and covering the skin with yellowish crusts.

If pathogenic microorganisms affected only the upper layers of the skin, then after attenuation of the disease, areas of hypopigmentation form on it, which disappear with time. But if the disease has affected the germinal parts of the tissues, then the formation of large scars is possible.

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can become chronic. It also contributes to a decrease in immunity, hypothermia or overheating of the skin, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, the presence of injuries and damage. Often, chronic streptoderma affects people with diabetes and kidney failure.

How is streptoderma treated?

what is streptoderma

Of course, at the first manifestations of the disease, you need to consult a dermatologist. Only a specialist knows what streptoderma is and how to get rid of it. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will need the result of a microscopic examination of the skin scraping.

Most often, local therapy and certain rules are enough to cure it. In particular, pustules and pustules on the skin are opened with sterile needles, and then treated with antiseptics. Zelenka, methylene blue, and some other drugs are perfectly able to cope with this task. Sometimes antibiotics are additionally prescribed, and the affected areas of the skin are treated with special ointments, for example, the Syntomycin medication.

During treatment, it is recommended to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. Do not wear tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics, as this leads to increased sweating and, accordingly, worsens the patient's condition. It is also worth limiting contact with water, as this can lead to the spread of infection. Healthy areas of the skin should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or chamomile broth.

In more severe cases, patients are prescribed vitamins, immunomodulators. Curative ultraviolet radiation will also be useful.

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