Trench foot - an unpleasant disease of wet and frozen feet

What the diagnosis "trench foot" denotes is not known to everyone. Most people do not even think that catching an ailment is very simple. Enough to get the habit of walking in tight and wet shoes in cold weather.

The diagnosis of trench foot

In medicine, a trench foot is called a special form of frostbite on the skin of the legs, which is the result of prolonged maintenance of the limbs in a wet and wet environment. If an ailment is detected, it is important to quickly dry and warm the feet, as well as prevent them from being re-placed in a humid environment. Otherwise, the disease develops rapidly.

Wearing wet shoes in the cold season provokes a strong narrowing of blood vessels, and also does not allow the skin of the feet to eat normally, which leads to impaired functioning of the tissues.

First of all, those who grab a trench foot for those who keep their legs regularly in a humid environment, and while limbs are periodically exposed to cooling, can catch it. During the fighting, foot soldiers, being in the trenches in wet boots, can catch the disease. Also, the trench foot is a disease of fishermen and travelers.

Foot trench

How to identify a disease - a description of the clinical picture

This disease is primarily associated with arteries and impaired normal blood flow in them. Cooling the legs and their long stay in a humid environment is the first reason for the development of a traumatic ailment. The first signs are very blurry, it is quite difficult to recognize the severity of the disease at the initial stage. First, pain of an incomprehensible nature is felt in the legs, and the muscles noticeably weaken. It can be seen that the feet are swollen. The color of the skin changes, cyanosis becomes acquired. At the very beginning of the disease, the skin of the feet slightly changes color and turns pale, it is wet to the touch, and cold comes from it. The pulse is palpable, but it is weak and barely noticeable. With this injury, the course of the disease has a clear sequence. First, nerves and muscle tissue react to cold and damp, and only after that do external manifestations of the ailment appear on the skin.

Patients with this diagnosis say that they feel temporary numbness of the legs, and when trying to rub the skin there is pain. Especially uncomfortable at night.

Trench foot - a disease that can affect not only the lower, but also the upper limbs.

If the disease is started and not treated, the consequences can be disappointing. But usually patients seek help immediately after detecting external signs and with the appearance of pain of an incomprehensible nature associated with weakness of muscle tissue.

Degree of frostbite

Stages and degrees of disease

Doctors call 4 degrees of frostbite. The first occurs within a couple of weeks with regular wear of wet shoes in cold weather. There are frequent cases when the first stage appears on the third day after staying in cold and damp shoes. At the onset of the disease, spontaneous pains occur in both limbs. They are especially felt in the fingers. It is difficult for patients to walk, they try to step only on the heel. Feet gradually lose sensitivity. When checking for the Achilles reflex with a medical mallet, there is no reaction. Muscle tissue weakness at this stage is not due to arterial changes.

After a short period of time, the first stage is replaced by the second. The trench foot is accompanied by severe swelling of the legs. The skin on the fingers begins to redden. Redness may rise above the calf muscle.

Patients who seek help with primary and secondary signs of injury are safely treated.

Patients with a third stage of injury are rare. All because no one expects deterioration and in time turns to doctors for help. During the third stage, vesicles appear on the skin, from which dark liquid can stand out. Bursting, they form dense scabs. This manifestation of necrosis can spread wide and deep. Over time, the scabs turn into unpleasant ulcers, which are very difficult and long to treat.

The fourth stage stop trench is considered the most difficult and dangerous. The skin tissue is severely affected, severe necrosis is observed. As a result, anaerobic infection joins and gangrene develops. In this case, it is impossible to save the feet and legs of a person.

Foot cooling

Trench foot treatment

Depending on which stage of the trench foot is identified, treatment is prescribed. The first thing to do is to eliminate the pain and all the nutritional disorders of the skin. To restore blood circulation in the tissues, drugs are attributed. Which ones - only the doctor decides. Feet should be warmed carefully, but without the use of electrical and heating appliances. The patient is laid so that the legs are slightly raised above the level of the head. If damaged areas are found on the feet, tetanus serum is immediately injected.

Patients with stage 3 and 4 immediately administered reopoliglyukin. Bubbles can not be opened so as not to provoke infection. Liquid from them can be carefully removed by puncture. If gangrene has begun, amputation is prescribed.

Wearing wet shoes

How to protect yourself from an ailment

Trench foot - an unpleasant disease. Better to warn her than to treat her. It is important to wear shoes dry and loose, to prevent hypothermia of the extremities. It will not be superfluous to constantly change socks. And in cases of the appearance of the described signs, consult a doctor and be treated.

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