"Metronidazole" (candles): reviews and instructions

Due to the structure of their body, women often have to use drugs for vaginal administration. It can be liquid solutions, gels, tablets or suppositories. Drugs are prescribed for hormonal correction, in order to have an antibacterial effect, restore microflora, and so on. Often, gynecologists prescribe Metronidazole (candles) to patients. Reviews about this drug and how to use it will be presented to your attention.

metronidazole suppositories reviews in gynecology

Release form and composition

The most popular type of Metronidazole is candles. The form of release of this tool may be different. In pharmacy chains there are tablets for oral use. There are also gels that have a vaginal route of administration. You can also buy a solution for injection.

The main active ingredient of the drugs is the compound of the same name - metronidazole. Its dosage may be different. Tablets are available in portions of 250 and 500 milligrams. The cost of such a tool will be respectively 100 and 200 rubles.

Metronidazole (candles)

The composition of this type of drug can be described by the following components: metronidazole 500, 250 or 125 mg, polyethylene oxide, polyethylene oxide, fat to form suppositories. The cost of the drug depends on its dosage. A pack with 10 suppositories of 500 milligrams will cost about 200 rubles.

The drug has an antimicrobial effect with an antiprotozoal effect. The medicine is a derivative of nitroimidazole. The active substance interacts with the DNA cells of microorganisms. It interferes with the synthesis of bacteria and leads to their death.

metronidazole vaginal suppositories reviews

The purpose of the drug

Despite the fact that Metronidazole (suppositories) is effective against thrush, doctors say that the medicine is prescribed for other pathologies. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor will definitely take a smear for the study. In the laboratory, with the help of special materials, microorganisms are tested for sensitivity to the active substance. If the bacteria do not have resistance to metronidazole, then the effectiveness of the drug is highly likely. Indications for the appointment will be the following cases:

  • protozoal infection (trichomoniasis, giardiasis, liver abscess, intestinal and non- intestinal amoebiasis) ;
  • bacterial diseases (meningitis, pneumonia, infections of the joints and bones, central nervous system);
  • infections caused by bacteria in the abdominal cavity and genitals (endometritis, metritis, salpingitis, adnexitis, peritonitis, appendicitis);
  • bacterial pathologies of the skin and soft tissues;
  • gastritis, ulcer, or sepsis;
  • infections acquired through sexual contact (treatment of a partner is also necessary for effectiveness);
  • radiation therapy for cancer;
  • prevention of infections that may develop after surgery.

The drug "Metronidazole" is prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism. However, in this case, the medicine should have a different form than vaginal suppositories. But the instruction does not prohibit therapy with candles. Each individual case is examined by a doctor, after which the drug is prescribed.

candles metronidazole reviews application


The drug "Metronidazole" (candles) reviews report that suppositories are well tolerated by consumers. This condition is valid only if the correct dose and regimen are observed. Despite this, there are contraindications to the medication. They should always be considered before starting treatment. It is forbidden to use an antibiotic in the following situations:

  • high sensitivity to components and the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • blood diseases, leukopenia;
  • disorders of the nervous system and coordination of movements, epilepsy;
  • breast-feeding.

If you have a history of liver failure, you need to consult a specialist. Severe liver diseases in acute form are a reason for refusing therapy and the selection of a substitute for a medicine.

Analogues of the drug

If for some reason the patient is not able to take the prescribed medicine, his substitute is selected. What are the reviews about Metronidazole (suppositories)? Analogues of the medication can be perfect and indirect - doctors report this. In the first case, we are talking about funds based on the same active ingredient - metronidazole. These are medicines with trade names: “Klion-D”, “Metrogil”, “Metrovagin”, “Trichopol”, “Trichosept”, “Flagil” and many others.

metronidazole suppositories reviews for bacagnosis

If we talk about indirect substitutes, then we can distinguish the preparations “Terzhinan”, “Pimafucin”, “Polizhenaks”, “Gyksekon” and so on. All these drugs have different composition and active substances. But their method of application and the principle of operation are the same.

During pregnancy

Can future mothers use Metronidazole (suppositories for thrush)? Reviews of doctors say that the drug belongs to antibiotics. The use of any antimicrobial agents in the first third of pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the child in the future. Therefore, any therapy that requires an antibiotic is tried to be postponed until the second trimester.

The instructions for the use of the drug say that it is contraindicated until 14 weeks of pregnancy. Later, the drug is used with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The gynecologist must weigh all the pros and cons of such therapy. If the expected benefit is higher than the risks to the child, then suppositories are prescribed for use.

metronidazole candles reviews

"Metronidazole": instructions for use (candles)

Reviews of women indicate that the drug in the form of suppositories is introduced exclusively into the vagina. Other use of this form of the drug is unacceptable. The daily dose is 500 milligrams of metronidazole. For pregnant women, it is advisable to reduce the dose of medicine to 250 milligrams.

Next, you will find out what Metronidazole (candles) reviews have. With bacagnosis, the medicine is prescribed at 125 milligrams twice a day. If desired, the daily norm (250 mg) can be administered once before bedtime. Such treatment involves additional oral use of antibacterial agents. The duration of use of suppositories is from 5 to 14 days.

metronidazole suppository composition

Features of the use of the drug

About the medicine "Metronidazole" (vaginal suppositories), doctors say the following. The drug should be used strictly indicated time. Despite the fact that the product has this form, it is an antibiotic. If you stop using the medicine on the 3rd or 4th day of therapy, then the microorganisms will develop resistance to this active ingredient (in your case, metronidazole). In the future, this medicine will already be ineffective. Analog drugs based on this component will be just as useless.

Even with a significant improvement in the condition, it is necessary to bring the treatment to the end point. Use candles as much as indicated by the doctor and not a day less.

Side effects

Has the medication "Metronidazole" (suppositories) negative reviews. They are usually based on the occurrence of adverse reactions. These are always described in the annotation. Some unpleasant signs are a reason for canceling the medication. But such a decision is made by the doctor. Remember what was said above. Early cessation of therapy leads to the emergence of resistance of microorganisms.

Among the side effects is a violation of the digestive system: flatulence, diarrhea, nausea. Negative reactions reported by patients: burning in the vagina, increased secretions, itching and allergies. After treatment, some women developed candidiasis. Less commonly, people complain of dry mouth and a change in taste.

metronidazole suppositories for thrush reviews

How does the medicine work?

How fast is Metronidazole (suppository)? Reviews of doctors say that suppositories dissolve almost instantly. Most of the active substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation and is determined in the liver. Next, the component begins its work. It inhibits the reproduction of bacterial colonies. The medicine contributes to the death of existing microorganisms.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys and through the intestines. Despite this, the liver is involved in its distribution. After a few days of regular use, a woman should feel better. The main signs of pathology pass on 3-4 days. However, this is not a reason to stop treatment. In combination with other drugs, the effect of the use of metronidazole may increase.

The medicine is used to treat alcoholism. But more often they use other forms of the drug. If this is not possible, then it is permissible to prescribe vaginal suppositories. From the simultaneous use with alcoholic beverages, patients develop disulfiram-like reactions and an aversion to ethanol.

What they say about the drug

What are the "Metronidazole" (suppositories) reviews in gynecology? Patients say that one of the advantages of the medicine is its composition. The annotation clearly and clearly indicates that the suppository includes an antibiotic and additional components that help to shape the medicine. There are no extraneous unknown components in the medication. The low price of the drug is also important. You can buy one pack in the maximum dosage for only 200 rubles. While other similar drugs are much more expensive.

A plus of the tool is its effectiveness. In 80 percent of all cases, medication is useful. Women say that after treatment their discharge with an unpleasant color and smell disappeared, the fever went away and their general health improved. The effectiveness of therapy is confirmed by laboratory studies. No harmful microorganisms are detected in the smear, the level of leukocytes returns to normal.

Many women are prescribed several antibiotics at the same time. Together with suppositories "Metronidazole" use amoxicillin. This active substance is present in many trade names of drugs. The combination eliminates the resistance of microorganisms to metronidazole, which increases the likelihood of a full recovery.

There are women who are not flattering about this medicine. Therapy benefited and saved patients from pathology. But at the same time, the use of suppositories led to the development of candidiasis. It turns out that the drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush, but at the same time it can provoke it. To find the right therapy, you need to consult a doctor. With prolonged use of vaginal suppositories, the use of a complex of beneficial bacteria is required.

metronidazole suppositories reviews


Relate to antibiotics and antimicrobial agents candles "Metronidazole". Reviews, the use of the drug and its analogues are presented to you in the article. You can also familiarize yourself with the appearance of the drug. The medicine is not a prescription. It can be purchased independently at each pharmacy. But this should not contribute to the popularity of self-medication. As you can see, in each case, an individual approach to therapy should be used. Only then will you have positive reviews about the drug. Heal correctly and in a timely manner, success to you and good health!

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