Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease of a bacterial nature, caused by hemolytic group A streptococcus, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and inflammation of the skin.
The causative agent (hemolytic streptococcus) causes other diseases, such as tonsillitis, but not all people who have had tonsillitis develop erysipelas. The reason may be reduced immunity, allergic reactions to staphylococcus aureus, a predisposition to this disease, and many other factors.
Infection occurs more often by contact, through minor damage to the skin, abrasion, since the pathogen is constantly on the surface of the skin, but acquires pathogenic properties only under favorable conditions.
It is possible infection from the outside through untreated medical instruments, and there is also a lymphogenous pathway (with recurrent erysipelas).
The location of erysipelas can be different: face, neck, trunk, but the lower extremities (lower legs) are most often affected.
Erysipelas of the legs symptoms.
The incubation period is several days (usually 3-4 days), although symptoms can develop within a few hours. The severity distinguish between light, medium and heavy erysipelas. By localization: localized, common and metastatic. By the nature of the course: erythematous, erythematous-bullous, erythematic-hemorrhagic, and bullous.
Primary erysipelas begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, muscle pain). In severe cases, symptoms such as cramps, light-headedness, nausea, vomiting, etc. can be observed.
By the end of the first day, and sometimes the next day, the symptoms of inflammation of the skin join: redness, burning sensation and bursting of the skin, local temperature increase (limb hot to the touch), accompanied by edema.
If the infection is localized on the skin of the face, then the swelling and redness greatly disfigures the appearance, as a result of which the disease got its name.
The inflamed area of ββthe skin has a bright red color, clearly localized edges with elevations (inflammatory shaft) along the periphery, often inflammation is compared with flames. Acute erysipelas lasts from five to fifteen days, after which inflammation begins to subside, and peeling of the skin appears. Pigmentation of the skin remains at the site of the lesion.
In a more severe course of the disease, the epidermis (upper layer of the skin) can peel off and be filled with serous contents with the formation of blisters (erythematous-bullous form) or hemorrhagic contents (bullous-hemorrhagic form). After the transfer of such forms of inflammation, trophic, long, non-healing ulcers may appear.
If a relapse of erysipelas occurs after an acute illness within two years, then they talk about recurring erysipelas.
How to treat erysipelas of the legs?
Treatment of erysipelatous inflammation of the legs should begin with a decrease in body temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs. Further treatment for erysipelas of the legs is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Since inflammation is bacterial in nature, it is treated accordingly with antibiotics. Therapy is carried out, as a rule, with penicillin preparations (penicillin, bicillin-5) in large doses, in a course of 7-10 days. In case of often recurring erysipelas, the treatment of erysipelas with the help of hormones (prednisone) is added to antibacterial therapy.
Also, treatment for erysipelatous inflammation of the legs includes local treatment with antiseptic solutions ( furatsilina solution ).