Insidious virus or How does chickenpox begin in children?

The myth that sooner or later everyone should get chickenpox is dispelled by scientific evidence. Susceptibility to this infection depends on many factors, including weak immunity. So if you have not had chickenpox before, but the immune system can withstand the onslaught of this insidious virus, you have every chance of not knowing the sensations of the unbearable itch inherent in this disease.

how does chickenpox begin in children
The second myth: since the disease is inevitable, it is best to specifically infect a child with chickenpox in childhood. The basis for this opinion is the fact that the older the patient, the more difficult he tolerates this infection. However, on the part of adults, it is foolish to intentionally expose a child to the risk of chickenpox. On the contrary, as soon as the carrier of this virus appears in the environment, it is necessary to protect the baby from contact with the patient and urgently take preventive measures. So how does chickenpox begin in children?

Chicken pox vaccination

chickenpox in children
Better to warn than to heal. This principle is relevant in this case. For some reasons incomprehensible to parents, the chickenpox vaccine is not included in the mandatory vaccination schedule for children. Nevertheless, if desired, everyone can get it by contacting the vaccination center on their own. Vaccinated children are less susceptible to this infection. It is impossible to verify this at the initial stage of infection, since chickenpox begins in children vaccinated with this virus, and those who get sick in the "wild" way are the same. However, even if he becomes ill, he will suffer chickenpox without any complications. In addition, the vaccinated patient is not so dangerous for the environment in terms of infection. The likelihood that he will be able to transmit the infection is minimal.

Preventative treatment

Often the victims of chickenpox virus are adults. This disease is particularly dangerous for the elderly and pregnant. Infection of the fetus in the prenatal period is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, upon first contact with a virus carrier, regardless of the gestational age, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor. The fact that the expectant mother once had chickenpox does not matter either. An infectious disease doctor will do a blood test to confirm the presence or absence of antibodies in the body. If antibodies are not detected, prophylactic serum treatment is necessary. Caution: this vaccine can only help if more than 5 days have passed since the moment of contact with the patient.

How the wind starts

how does chickenpox begin in children photo
Yankee in children

Symptoms of this disease are very similar to the first signs of SARS and ARI. The patient complains of muscle pain, fever and lack of appetite. And since the main symptom in the form of a rash appears only on the third or fourth day after the first symptoms, the treatment is limited to taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, parents should be aware of the fact of a viral infection in the team where their child is from the very beginning. In this case, treatment aimed at suppressing the virus will be started in a timely manner, which will avoid complications. In the photo you can see how chickenpox begins in children (the photo shows: this disease can not be confused with anything else).

chickenpox rash

Chicken pox rash

Characteristic rashes in a child infected with chickenpox virus (and an adult, too) appear most often on the head and body. The area of ​​the palms and feet is less prone to rash. How does chickenpox begin in children? First, pink spots appear on the skin. Following are the bubbles filled with a translucent liquid. This stage is considered the most difficult, since the blisters begin to itch strongly. Parents should monitor the baby so that he does not comb the vesicles and does not bring the infection into the wounds in this way. The treatment of the rash is complicated by the fact that the rash appears gradually. So, rashes in the form of spots, vesicles and wounds can be on the same part of the body. The termination of the rashes is indicated by the crusts that cover all the wounds that have appeared.

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