How to draw a rose flower in stages

Painting flowers is both simple and difficult at the same time. It depends on the result we want to achieve. And if we do not pretend to create artistic value, but just want to congratulate someone with a flower painted by our own strength, then there are no reasons that will prevent us from doing this.

how to draw a flower
We draw a flower with a pencil, and then it can be painted with watercolors or gouache. First we need a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

How to draw a flower?

Of course, in stages. First, mark it on a piece of paper with a few light strokes. We are doing it right - not very large, but not very small, we leave room for a congratulatory text, if it is planned with us.

how to draw flowers
This is called a layout. It seems to be nothing complicated in it, but if you make a mistake at the first stage, then we simply will not succeed in answering the question of how to draw a flower. Further, the most important stage is to build our flower. We outline large masses - a rosebud, stem and petals. At this stage, do not delve into the little things. Only the main proportions between the portrayed parts are trying to maintain correctly. And then we proceed to the study of parts and elements. Pencil out petals and curls. We try to do it expressively. If it is not planned to paint our drawing later with multi-colored paints, then we should work with a pencil on chiaroscuro. How to draw a flower with a pencil? Here a lot depends on the correct shading, on the direction of the stroke and the pressure of the stylus. There is no need to get carried away and take the drawing to black, it is not always possible to remove it with an eraser. Do not pay equal attention to all rose petals. Drawing is, first of all, selection. Therefore, we choose only what seems to us expressive. Gradually bring the drawing to completion. We act with broad generalizing touches.
draw a flower with a pencil
If it is our intention to get a color picture, then we arm ourselves with a thin column brush and paint the rose bud and stem with leaves in watercolor or gouache. These paints are easily diluted with water to the desired concentration. We try the color and tone on a separate piece of paper. Do not forget that these paints slightly lose their brightness when dried. Well, it seems to be done. We meticulously examine our work - whether we managed to answer the question of how to draw a flower. We will try to take into account our mistakes and not repeat them in the future, when we continue to depict a diverse flora.

How to draw flowers in general?

There are so many of them. Among them, there are no two identical, but all consist of the same parts - the stem, leaves, petals, pistils and stamens. And it is important to catch these laws of their construction, common to all colors. And, of course, a pencil should be used for this only at the first, preparatory stage of drawing.

how to draw a flower detail
Depict flowers should be in paints. That's why they are flowers. To begin with, it will be nice to master water-based paints - watercolor and gouache. And then you can move on to more complex visual technologies - oil and tempera painting, acrylic. These techniques are more expensive and require a certain set of professional skills.

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