Antibiotics for coughing for adults and children. What cough is prescribed antibiotics

Now it is difficult to find a person who does not know about the existence of antibiotics. These drugs have saved thousands of lives, but is it worth drinking antibiotics for coughing? And if so, at what? We will talk about how to take these medications correctly and not harm health, in this article.

Incorrect choice

Many people consider antibiotics almost a panacea and use them for any case of the common cold. Others, on the contrary, are afraid of these drugs, believing that they destroy the body. Both opinions are only partly true. Antibiotics for coughing are not used in all cases, but there are diseases that are almost always treated only by them, and the diseases are potentially fatal, such as pneumonia. So for starters, doctors have to figure out not what antibiotic is right for you, but whether it is needed at all.

cough antibiotic reviews

We determine the pathogen

Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria, which means that they are effective for diseases caused by bacteria. Ordinary acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are caused by viruses, so in this case, taking antibiotic drugs will not only be useless, but also harm your health!

In order not to use the power of drugs to your own detriment, you must consult a doctor. With a prolonged cough with sputum, this should be done necessarily, since the doctor will send the sputum for analysis, and this will accurately determine the pathogen. Such a study allows you to determine which antibiotics for coughing in adults will be most effective.

Dangerous symptoms

ARI and ARVI are the most common colds that hardly anyone has ever encountered. As a rule, they are of a viral nature, but atypical symptoms sometimes appear. This may be evidence of another infection. With these symptoms, you need to think about a more serious treatment, but what cough is prescribed antibiotics for?

If sputum has an unpleasant aftertaste or the color changes to green or purulent, you should immediately consult a doctor!

If colds are complicated by fever above +38 C, shortness of breath or severe headache, if the cough is protracted (more than three weeks), you need to see a doctor. According to a blood test, doctors can find out the level of white blood cells, and therefore the presence of infection.

Such symptoms may indicate a secondary respiratory infection that develops along with the common cold. This can cause acute bronchitis, tracheitis, or pneumonia. Bacterial tonsillitis, pleurisy, and even purulent inflammation of the trachea and pharynx can also develop.

Other colds, as a rule, do not require the use of antibiotics. With cough and runny nose, you can use the usual means that can reduce the cough reflex and facilitate the withdrawal of sputum. The rest will do its own immunity.

what cough is prescribed antibiotics


What antibiotics to take when coughing? The question of the appointment of these strong and dangerous drugs should be raised only by a specialist. Remember that wet and dry coughs should not be the reason for unauthorized use of antibiotics for yourself! The disease may have other causes (not bacteriological): viruses, allergies, intoxications, heart disease. In this case, antibiotics for coughing will not bring success. But it’s not always possible to go to the doctor. How to determine the infection yourself?

The first feature of a bacterial infection is a clear localization. If it happens that a virus has entered the human body, the temperature rises sharply, and overall well-being worsens. Transparent or liquid discharge most often occurs with viral infections, and a dark and greenish color with bacterial infections. However, this symptom does not give full confidence, it should be taken into account only in total with the rest.

Throat should be examined. An experienced specialist in one type of throat can almost always correctly identify the disease. People far from medicine should remember that white spots are most often caused by bacteria. Bacterial infections are much more likely to have a viral "escort" in the form of sneezing and runny nose.

Temperature is also one of the symptoms. In general, it cannot be attributed to any one type of infection, but its character can be traced. A bacterial infection usually causes a higher temperature, and it rises from day to day, but during a viral infection, the temperature usually decreases in a few days.

Doctors' appointments

Most often, antibiotics become the main drug for bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia), pharyngitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, sinusitis, tuberculosis.

Usually, doctors use three types of antibiotic substances: penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins. The medicine is chosen depending on the bacteria that it works best for. The more the disease is started, the wider the drug should have, therefore, Amoxiclav is most often prescribed as a universal drug.

The doctor monitors the condition of the patient, notes the presence of improvements or their absence, and, depending on this, may adjust the course or prescribe another, more effective drug. If antibiotics for coughing did not help even after completing the full course, then the medicine was chosen incorrectly or the patient did not follow the instructions for taking it.

antibiotics for children in suspension when coughing

For bronchitis and cough

The antibiotics presented below are most often prescribed by doctors to fight bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.

  • Ampioks.

This drug has an active effect and affects the inflammatory process, it quickly inhibits a bacterial infection, the patient feels a quick improvement in well-being. The medicine can destroy even a stable pathogenic flora.

  • Ampicillin.

One of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It is effective in eliminating the symptoms of respiratory diseases, but it is not used to treat patients prone to allergic reactions. Suitable for treating children. This antibiotic is also used for coughing in adults, as it has a wide spectrum of action.

antibiotics for bronchitis and cough
  • Augmentin

The drug has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It quickly helps to eliminate a respiratory infection, it is also used in cases where the pathogen is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Another name for the drug is Amoxiclav. It has two active substances: ampicillin and clavulanic acid, and it is thanks to the latter that the effect is enhanced. It is sold in the form of a powder from which the patient can independently prepare a suspension. You should be careful with the antibiotic, since it is contraindicated in phenylketonuria, liver and kidney diseases, jaundice.

  • Arlet

Penicillin group antibiotic, used for pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Contraindicated in violation of the kidneys and liver, as well as people suffering from lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis.

  • Suprax.

The drug can be bought in convenient granules for the preparation of a suspension for children. When coughing, the Suprax antibiotic is prescribed quite often, of course, if the cause of the symptom is a bacterial infection.

This is a modern medicine that is designed to actively counter bacterial infections. It is used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, urinary tract and some other organs. This drug is good because it is relatively safe at almost any age.

An interesting fact: adults often neglect the preparation of a suspension for themselves, since drinking tablets is much faster. Meanwhile, this option of using the drug can significantly reduce discomfort with severe sore throat.

  • Flemoxin.

It is successfully used to treat bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tract. It is prescribed for diseases such as tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis), sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. It has such contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, renal failure.

antibiotics for coughing in adults

Cephalosporins and Macrolides

From time to time, lists of drugs used for coughing are reviewed. The names of antibiotics from a number of macrolides and cephalosporins, most often used by modern doctors, are presented below.

  • Cefetamet.

Refers to third generation cephalosporins. It is prescribed by doctors for infections of the ENT organs, as well as the lower and upper respiratory tract, with diseases such as sinusitis, pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsollofaringitis. Not applicable for patients suffering from allergenic diseases, as well as those with hypersensitivity to the drug.

  • "Spectraceph".

Also applies to third-generation cephalosporins, has the same indications for use as "Cefetamet". It is contraindicated for people on hemodialysis, and people with liver failure.

  • "Azithromycin".

It belongs to the type of macrolides. It is prescribed for bacterial infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract and ENT organs. This is acute tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillopharyngitis, otitis media and several others. Not applicable for impaired liver and kidney function.

  • Macropen.

Another macrolide antibiotic. It is used for the same diseases. Contraindicated in cases where the patient has an increased sensitivity to the components, as well as in severe liver failure.

  • Sumamed.

Refers to macrolides. Doctors often use this antibiotic for severe coughing in children, but only if the symptoms are caused by a bacterial infection. It is able to accumulate in tissues without intoxication, due to which the course duration can be reduced to five days. In contraindications, only sensitivity to the components is indicated. It is impossible to accept along with the Heparin drug.

  • Syrups.

Is there an antibiotic cough syrup? In the literal sense of the word, there are, however, there are syrups that have a certain antibacterial effect. They will not be able to fully replace antibiotics, but are often prescribed by doctors. Often they are prescribed for children with a strong cough. This is plantain syrup, "Lazolvan" in the form of syrup, "Doctor Mom", "Broncholitin".

Special nutrition

Treatment with any antibiotics for your body is a real test of strength, since together with pathogenic bacteria, the medicine destroys the beneficial microflora. The gastrointestinal tract is most affected, hence the majority of side effects, such as diarrhea, diarrhea or constipation, heartburn, and in some cases even dysbiosis. Often there are pains in the stomach and intestines. Despite the fact that the negative effect of antibiotics on the human body can often be too strong, doctors do not cancel the drug, since the drugs themselves are unique. No other drug can replace an antibiotic. Side effects cannot be completely ruled out, but they can be minimized.

cough syrup with antibiotic

How to protect your stomach

An antibiotic is an integral part of the treatment of a large number of inflammations. Despite the harm done by them, safer analogues simply do not exist, therefore, doctors have developed rules by which patients can protect the stomach from the harmful effects of the medication and reduce the manifestation of many adverse side effects.

During treatment, you should adhere to a special diet. Since the gastrointestinal tract is already under tremendous pressure, it is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods: fried, salty, alcohol, preservation, acidic foods and fruits. Eat more vegetables and sweet fruits, drink more clean water without gas.

It is not recommended to drink the antibiotic on an empty stomach, but you can not take the medicine on a full stomach, because then it will be much more difficult for him to cope with the medicine. For a snack, it is better to use products that have an enveloping effect. This will reduce irritation from the drug. The best food during the course will be soups, cereals, jelly, boiled vegetables.

Doctors often prescribe special drugs to maintain the microflora of the stomach. These may be Linex, Lactofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, and others. They are also used to treat dysbiosis, which is one of the common side effects of any antibiotic.

antibiotic cough treatment

For children

It should be remembered that children are prescribed only the safest and most sparing antibiotics, since the smaller the age, the more kidneys and other organs will suffer from the drug. Not all drugs will be effective due to the characteristics of children's metabolism. The most common antibiotics for prolonged coughing in children are Augmentin, Ampicillin and Sumamed. If there is no way to see a doctor, use the drugs, carefully studying the contraindications and dosage. Often, children and adults prone to allergies, doctors prescribe antihistamines. If consultation with a doctor is not possible, have at home any of these drugs, such as Suprastin or Tavegil, in case of an allergic reaction. The main thing - clearly read the instructions and consult a pharmacist, because the drugs you take may be incompatible.


Antibiotic for coughing - is it really necessary? And if so, is it worth choosing from reviews? Sometimes incompetent doctors may prescribe one or another antibiotic drug, although its use is not justified. A correctly selected antibiotic always gives an excellent result, so if it did not work, then either the doctor made the wrong appointment, or the patient himself made mistakes in taking it. Do not forget that it is important to follow the dosage and time of administration, so that the concentration of the drug in the blood always remains at the right level.

Antibiotics are now considered a panacea, then blamed for many side effects. Some believe that they are more harmful than good, so it seems safe to take a drug that is well reviewed. But you have already seen that each antibiotic has its own contraindications, and allergies are not uncommon. For example, the doctor prescribed Sumamed, and the child started allergic reactions. Of course, an upset mother will write a bad review about the drug, despite the fact that this medicine is prescribed to children most often.

Now you are armed with theoretical knowledge, but do not arbitrarily prescribe antibiotics. Information about antibiotics will help you even if your doctor is not competent. Just do not be afraid to ask for clarification of tests and appointments, so you can protect your health.

Remember that antibiotic cough treatment will be effective only if the disease is caused by a bacteriological infection. It does not matter how good the reviews about the drug are, because it will not be effective against other pathogens.

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