Georgian cognac "Tetroni": description, reviews

Cognac Tetroni is a brand of Georgian drink that is made in the small village of Okami by a company bearing the same name. This is a relatively young production, but its products have already gained a lot of admirers. About Georgian cognac "Tetroni", its taste and features will be described in this essay.

Factory History

The village of Okami in Georgia has long been famous for its traditions of winemakers. This settlement is located in the Cape region, which is one of the centers of Caucasian viticulture. In 1966, the Okamsk winery Samtrest was built here. Like the rest of the plant’s production, the Tetroni brandy has gained a considerable degree of fame due to its favorable location. It was built next to the highway, which connects two large Georgian cities - Gori and Tbilisi.

Vineyards of Okami Plant

Almost 30 years after its founding, the plant became the property of Okami JSC. It is an interesting fact that the new owner initially worked in the subordination of the Samtrest plant as an additional production force, as well as as a supplier of raw materials and its processor.

After the change of ownership, new European equipment appeared at the plant, and the bottling shop was substantially modernized. Today, the enterprise owns more than 430 hectares of land on which vineyards are located.

Drink description

Currently, the plant produces 10 items. Among them is Tetroni cognac, which was enjoyed by many lovers of strong alcohol. At international exhibitions of cognac products "Tetroni" was awarded a gold medal. In total, the plant’s products have 6 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals. Cognac produced by Okami JSC is aged from 6 to 25 years, and then bottled.

Assortment of cognac "Tetroni"

It is fair to say that Tetroni is not formally cognac, it must be classified as brandy. This is due to the fact that it is not released in France, in the Cognac region.

By consistency, the Tetroni brandy is thick and buttery. These qualities can be seen if you turn the bottle upside down. Upon completion of this operation, cognac will slowly begin to flow down the walls of the bottle in the voids formed.

This drink has a rich dark amber color. However, the color of a three-year-old cognac is lighter than that of a five-year-old. Tetroni has a pleasant, mellow taste, with delicate floral and chocolate notes underlined by noble alcohol.

Cognac Tetroni: reviews

Reviews about this brandy, first of all, speak of its high quality, despite the relatively low price. So, for example, a bottle of a three-star Tetron with a volume of 0.5 liters will cost the buyer 650-700 rubles. The same bottle, but a five-star drink will cost 700-750 rubles.

Cognac "Tetroni" 3 stars

Fans of strong alcohol tasting Tetroni brandy note its moderately tart and at the same time mild taste. It has a rather interesting aromatic bouquet, which is not interrupted by alcohol vapors, that is, there is no so-called alcoholicity.

Indirectly about the good performance of this drink says the fact that it quickly began to fake. It is difficult to disagree, because they will not fake a bad drink - it does not make sense. Tasting "Tetroni" emphasize the taste characteristics of the drink, which have the whole spectrum inherent in a real, good drink.

Reviews on cognac "Tetroni" 5 years aging

The five-star Tetroni, according to reviews, differs from its three-year-old brother. However, this difference is not significant. First of all, they are distinguished by color. The five-year-old drink has a darker shade. There is a slight difference in taste, but not everyone will notice it.

Cognac Tetroni 5 years

Tasters of wine and cognac are well versed in alcoholic beverages, the five-year-old Tetroni is described as a fairly good cognac with a complex aromatic bouquet. They recommend this cognac for consumption as an aperitif, as well as as the main drink at any celebration. It has a rich dark amber color, a pleasant aroma and a moderately delicate taste.

Cognac connoisseurs are advised to definitely try Tetroni. In their opinion, he will like it due to its quality and taste characteristics. Also, this drink will pleasantly surprise you with its low price. For relatively little money you can get a very good cognac.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the Tetroni cognac was appreciated by connoisseurs of hard liquors. It is distinguished by excellent taste characteristics and a bouquet of aroma. In this drink there is everything that is inherent in a good quality cognac.

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