Hollywood comedians: a list. American comedy awards

What comedy actors in Hollywood claim to be called the best? What prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of a humorous genre? We will talk about this later in the material.

American comedy awards

Hollywood comedians

This award not so long ago was the most prestigious award awarded to outstanding American comedians. They handed it over since 1987. The annual ceremony was hosted by the popular ABC television channel. The prize was awarded not only to the actors, but also to the personnel who participated in the creative process of creating comedy paintings.

In 2001, the most recent American Comedy Awards were distributed. A few years later, they established an alternative award called the Commie Awards, which began to be awarded to the best comedians under the auspices of Comedy Central.

So, we found out what award is given to artists for achievements in the development of a humorous genre in cinema. Next, consider a list of comedic actors in Hollywood who deserve the primary attention of a wide audience.

Charlie Chaplin

Woody Allen

Many viewers the name of this, no doubt, an outstanding comedian of Hollywood is familiar only by hearsay. If Chaplin lived in our era, it is quite possible that he would have surpassed the skills of Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and other modern stars. However, we will never know about this. Nevertheless, Charlie Chaplin will forever remain the greatest silent film actor. It is unlikely that anyone will find as many parodists and imitators. At one time, the actor was awarded as many as 3 Oscars and stood at the very beginnings of the development of the comedy genre.

Jim carrey

tom hanks big

Many critics call Jim’s game plain antics. However, reality shows that the actor is able to reveal serious dramatic images. Confirmation of this is his incomparable play in such films as “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, “Truman Show”, “Fatal Number 23”. Naturally, often Kerry "pulls" the characters due to his unique facial expressions. But no one will argue that he possesses talent.

The outstanding abilities of the actor are indicated by the presence of numerous awards. First of all, we are talking about the multiple awards of MTV Movie Awards, Golden Globes and BAFTA.

The majority of films with the participation of the actor, the viewer is ready to review endlessly. The cult status has long been earned by such artist paintings as The Mask, Bruce Almighty, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber. The presented tapes are able to charge positive for the whole day. The ability to invent jokes impromptu, a great sense of humor, creating cute and funny characters on the screen - for all this, the actor deserves the highest praise.

Woody Allen

Macaulay Culkin Home Alone

As soon as the conversation about the genre of comedy enters, the name of this short, thin and touching person often comes to mind. Old-fashioned trousers, a rare, disheveled hair, large glasses on an eternally pale face - this is what Woody Allen has remained throughout his life. Despite his advanced age, this person does not get tired of creating both as an actor and as a director.

What can be said about the best works of the artist? Such films are Cairo's Purple Rose, Cassandra's Dream, Another Woman, Petty Swindlers, Hannah and Her Sisters. These tapes are not clear to every viewer. To many, they may seem far from comedic due to the slight touch of irony. However, this is exactly what Woody Allen's work is like - filled with light humor and realistic experiences of ordinary people.

Tom Hanks

american comedy awards

The actor has the status of one of the best dramatic and comedic actors in Hollywood, and is also a real living legend. A subtle sense of character allows the characters to reveal the most complex images on the screen. Heroes of the artist are strong in spirit, positive and nice people. Looking at them, the audience feels joy and sadness at the same time.

One of the best works of Tom Hanks' entire career is The Big. It was the main role in this good comedy that made critics talk about the actor as a real professional. Thanks to the talented play of the artist, the film turned out to be really easy to understand. It seemed that the character of the picture was simply created for Tom Hanks. "Big" set the actor a difficult task - to play both an adult and a carefree boy. By his work, the artist exceeded all expectations.

As for the other outstanding roles of Hanks, here is also worth noting the cult film "Forrest Gump". If before filming in the film he was just a popular artist, then after he climbed to the top lines in the list of the best comedy actors in Hollywood. For the bright disclosure of the image of the main character, Tom was awarded a wide range of awards, including the Oscar.

Macaulay Culkin

Hollywood comedians list

Can one be considered one of the best comedians of Macaulay Culkin? “Home Alone” - this picture made him for many years the most successful child in Hollywood, a millionaire and holder of numerous records. Indeed, the artist deserves attention, because his film to this day remains a real symbol of Christmas. No less successful was the continuation of the cult comedy. Unfortunately, due to the aggressive “policy” that the artist’s parents conducted towards employers, he was never able to express himself in other serious projects.

Robin Williams

Hollywood comedians

One of the best comedians in Hollywood is considered to be Robin Williams. The appearance of the artist on the screen never caused a hysterical laughter from the viewer. The actor’s game only aroused warm and bright feelings in the soul. Among other things, he coped with the disclosure of complex psychological images. What is his participation in the drama film "Clever Will Hunting", for which the artist was awarded the Oscar. Among the outstanding roles of the actor, it is also worth recalling the films “Mrs. Doutfire” and “Good Morning, Vietnam”.

Eddie Murphy

Woody Allen

Murphy is considered one of the most talented black actors of all time. The comedy genre looks like its real vocation. Like many American comedians, Eddie began his career by performing on stage as a stand-up comedian. It was here that the artist was once noticed by the creators of the famous painting "Beverly Hills Police Officer".

However, Murphy is not an actor of one role. Other films with his participation enjoyed extraordinary success, in particular, such films as “Change places,” “Daddy on duty,” “Doctor Dullittle,” and “A Thousand Words”.

Adam Sandler

tom hanks big

The career of the artist began with solo performances on stage as a comedian. Brother, who did not fail, advised Adam to assess his strength in this field. Soon, Sandler began acting in films, and his affairs quickly went uphill. Congenital charisma and outstanding talent played a role.

The actor, like no other, manages to transform into the images of all kinds of loafers, swindlers, rogue and slobs. For such a wide audience, the artist was remembered in the films “Lucky Gilmore”, “Do not mess with Zohan”, “50 first kisses”, “Pretend to be my wife” and a number of other magnificent paintings.

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