Effective medications to improve cerebral circulation. Folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation

The presence of impaired blood flow can occur at any age. There are various medications to improve cerebral circulation. They can be recommended not only to elderly people, but also to rather young patients. Many may experience cerebrovascular accident. Medicines of a certain type can significantly help to improve it.

medications to improve cerebral circulation

Description of signs of circulatory disorders

The manifestation of memory loss is the most obvious symptom of impaired blood flow in the vessels of the brain. This is important to know. As a result of this, at the first symptoms of this pathology, it is necessary to take medications to improve cerebral circulation. They will help fix this problem. In this case, the implementation of any medication should be carried out only after a certain examination. Currently, there are no such means that would act exclusively on cerebral circulation. How to improve it, we will consider further. Nevertheless, there are such agents that affect the general blood circulation to a lesser extent.

cerebrovascular accident medication

Accepted to cure a violation of cerebral circulation, medications of a certain category. When they are received, the following changes occur:

  • The supply of momentum in the nerves is enhanced.
  • Free radicals that contribute to the destruction of cell walls are removed.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Better is the penetration and absorption of glucose in the cells of the nerve type.
  • There is a recovery process after a stroke and injuries.
  • The blood supply to the brain improves.

What are the drugs to improve cerebral circulation?

Means of this type can be based on medicinal herbs or solely chemical composition. However, some medications to improve cerebral circulation can be taken without a medical prescription. Acceptance of other drugs is allowed only on the recommendation of specialists and under their careful supervision.

The main means of this type are:

- "Aspirin."

- "Glycine."

- "Aminolone."

- "Pantogam" (hopantenic acid).

- "Bilobil."

Without a prescription, it is possible to take such medications that improve cerebral circulation. The list of drugs in this category is listed above.

what drugs to improve cerebral circulation

The following drugs must be discussed with a qualified specialist:

- "Phenotropil".

- "Piracetam."

- "Picamelon."

- "Encephabol".

- Actovegin.

- "Eastenon."

- Phenibut.

Quite good are the results of medications to improve cerebral circulation, based on the alkaloid of a plant like periwinkle. For example, "Vinpocetine". This tool has an antispasmodic type and provides effective expansion of the vessels of the brain and improved microcirculation in the vessels.

drugs to improve peripheral circulation

"Cinnarizine" and "Nimodilin" are the best drugs to improve cerebral circulation, least affecting the functionality of the main bloodstream and acting exclusively on the area of ​​the brain.

Prophylactic drugs

Events with funds of this nature are important. They will help in a longer preservation of mental activity and in alleviating the problems associated with circulatory disorders in the brain. These active substances include:

- Acetylsalicylic acid.

- Ticlopidine.

- Anticoagulants.

- Pentoxifylline.

Good reviews have a medicine like Fezam. Its action is vasodilating, antihypoxic, nootropic.

circulatory enhancers medication list

The simplest prophylactic can be attributed to aspirin. It contributes to a good dilution of blood and a decrease in thrombosis. Assign it even with a very severe degree of the disease. However, attention should be paid to the fact that the basis of this medicine to improve cerebral circulation is acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated in:

- stomach ulcer;

- various bleeding;

- fragility of blood vessels.

As a result of this, it is very important to consult a doctor to determine the necessary preventive doses.

Folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation

With this ailment, there are manifestations of unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, symptoms for health and life. In this case, you can help the patient by resorting to some recipes of alternative medicine. Next, we consider each of them.

folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation

Hawthorn and periwinkle

For proper reception, certain actions should be taken. It is necessary to grind the leaves of periwinkle. Then you need to take one teaspoon of herbs and pour boiling water (1/2 liter). After this, the composition should be put on a small fire, bring it to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Next you need to add one tablespoon of the leaves and flowers of hawthorn and remove from heat. It is necessary to insist composition 2-3 hours. Then, in half a glass, you need to take this composition before meals in 60 minutes. To achieve a positive effect, regular use of this drug is necessary. It regulates cerebral hemodynamics well.


In the preparation of this drink also has peculiar criteria. To do this, you need to take the crushed dry grass of the celandine (one tablespoon) and pour it with boiled water (1 cup). This composition is insisted 15 minutes. After this, it should be filtered. Take the composition per day 3 times for two tbsp. l Treatment must be carried out for 21 days. Then a break is made. When taking this remedy, strict adherence to dosage is extremely important. Use this drink in a specific case, namely when a stroke has occurred.


In this case, there are two methods. They are as follows:

- Valerian root (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (one glass). This composition is insisted for 8 hours. This drink is taken daily 3 times, 1 tablespoon each. The dosage should also be observed here.

- The alcohol tincture of Valerian must be inhaled overnight. This procedure will put the nervous system in order, and also help to fall asleep.


This recipe is pretty simple. The crushed root of elecampane (1 tablespoon) must be poured with a glass of hot water. This composition should be insisted one day. Take the infusion before meals thirty minutes a day 4 times for 2 or 3 tbsp. l


In the preparation of this recipe is also nothing complicated. One tablespoon of oregano is poured with two glasses of boiled water. Insist composition for half an hour. Take this drink in half a glass at each meal.


The crushed leaves of this herb (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiled water (1 cup). Insist composition 5 hours. It is necessary to take a drink 3 times a day in half a glass.

Pine cones

The preparation of this tool requires certain actions. It is necessary to collect 10-12 pieces in the forest. fallen green cones. Then you should rinse them thoroughly under running water. After that, they are crushed and poured with vodka or alcohol (0.5 l). The resulting composition is insisted in a thermos for 14 days. To take this remedy, you need to dilute it 1 teaspoon in one glass of tea. The healing process in this case lasts a week. Then a break for a month is arranged.


Shredded leaves of this herb (one tablespoon) must be brewed in boiling water (1 cup). This composition should be insisted for 30 minutes. Use this product before meals for 60 minutes, one tablespoon. spoon.

Alfalfa seeds

Here you should also observe certain proportions. Alfalfa seeds (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiling water (100 ml). Drink this drink before eating in 30 minutes. Reception of this tool should be carried out 3 times a day. Namely in the morning, afternoon and evening for nine months. After this, you need to take a break for 30 days. Then the treatment course is repeated. This drink provides memory recovery.

Collection number 1

In this case, it is necessary to mix such ingredients as Veronica (10 g), lemon balm (10 g), strawberry leaves (30 g), fruits and flowers of hawthorn (40 g). Then 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this composition should be steamed with boiling water (300 ml). This fee must be consumed daily. If desired, honey can be added. This recipe must be used when cerebral circulation is disturbed against the background of the manifestation of atherosclerosis.

Mixture "Magic"

In this case, it is necessary to chop 500 g of cranberries (you can take frozen). Honey (350 g) and finely grated horseradish root (150 g) should be added to it. This mixture is knocked down by a mixer. After that, it must be poured into jars and refrigerated. The use of this mixture is carried out after food intake per day 3 times for 3 teaspoons, while drinking hot tea. The dosage of honey can be increased to 500 g. When this mixture is used , blood vessels become stronger, memory is restored, cerebral circulation is stabilized, and immunity is increased.

Peripheral circulation enhancers

Consider this item in more detail. The peripheral circulation is:

- small veins and arteries;

- capillaries;

- arterioles;

- postcapillary type venules;

- anastamoses.

medications improving cerebral circulation medication guide

The following drugs are available to improve peripheral circulation:

1) Means based on low molecular weight dextran. These drugs help to attract additional blood volumes from the intercellular space to the appropriate channel. For example, medicines “Reopoliglyukin“ and “Reomacrodex“. Means of this category improve blood flow.

2) Drugs that stabilize microcirculation. These are the so-called angioprotectors. They contribute to the normalization of capillary permeability, as well as to the improvement of metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. For example, Persantin, Curantil, Flexital, Trental, Radomin, Vasonit, Doxy-Hem, Pentoxifylline.

3) Preparations based on prostaglandin E1. These funds help improve blood flow, microcirculation, and red blood cell elasticity. They increase anticoagulant blood activity. Also, these drugs dilate blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in their peripheral resistance and blood pressure. For example, “Vazaprostan“.

4) Calcium type channel blockers. They contribute to the improvement of microcirculation of blood vessels located in the brain. They have a cerebroprotective effect. These drugs are used to improve cerebral circulation: “Kordafen“, “Kordaflex“, “Nimotop“, “Cinnarizine“, “Logimax“, “Stugeron“, “Arifon“, “Adalat“, “Brainal“, “Kordipin“, “Grindek “,“ Cortiazem “,“ Diacordin “,“ Nafadil “,“ Cinnasan “,“ Latsipil “,“ Noraks “,“ Nifecard “,“ Cinedil “,“ Foridon “,“ Nemotan “,“ Stamlo “,“ Plendil “.

5) Antispasmodics myotropic. Drugs in this category dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. They are highly effective for vascular spasms in the brain. This is an important property. If the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis, then the effectiveness of these drugs is manifested to a lesser extent. The disadvantage of these funds (with the exception of “Cavinton“) is the presence of the phenomenon of “robbery“. That is, they dilate mainly vessels intact, while reducing blood flow to the starving regions of the brain. “Halidor“, “No-shpa“, “Drotaverin“, “Midokalm“, “Cavinton“, “Nikoshpan“, “Eufillin“, “Spazmol“.

6) Herbal remedies. These are products from raw materials of a natural type. The effect of drugs in this category, unlike synthetic drugs, develops much more slowly. In this case, the manifestation of the therapeutic effect is facilitated by a combination of certain compounds. Means of this group are effective in case of diseases in the cerebral vessels and manifestation of obliterating ailments in the lower extremities (“Tanakan“, “Bilobil“).

7) Ganglion blockers. These funds contribute to the expansion of arterioles, small veins, venules. Due to this, a decrease in blood pressure ("Pakhikarpin", "Dimekolin", "Pentamine", "Camphony", "Pyrene", "Temekhin") is ensured.

8) Bioflavonoids. Drugs in this category contribute to improved blood flow due to the fact that with their help increases the elasticity of red blood cells. They also ensure the normalization of capillary blood flow (“Antioxidant”, “Troxevasin“, “Venoruton“).

9) Alpha blockers. They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels of the intestines, kidneys, skin, especially precapillaries and arterioles, reducing their overall resistance. In this case, there is an improvement in the blood supply to peripheral tissues. These are the medicines “Prazosin“, “Sermion“, “Pyroxan“, “Nilogrin“, “Phentolamine“.

10) Dopamine-type receptor stimulants. These drugs have vasodilating effects. This is accomplished by dopamine receptor stimulation. Drugs of this type increase blood flow in vessels located in the lower extremities (Pronoran).

cerebral circulation how to improve it


Having become acquainted with the foregoing, everyone will be able to find out what means exist that improve cerebral circulation. The reference book of medicines indicated in this text will help in solving this issue.

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