Emphysematous chest: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Emphysematous chest is a sign of serious respiratory distress. Deformation of the sternum bones indicates that the disease is progressing. Most often, this symptom is noted with emphysema. Pulmonologists also call this barrel-shaped deformity. What pathologies are accompanied by such a sign and how to treat them? We will consider these issues in the article.

What it is

What does an emphysematous chest look like? The signs of this pathology are as follows:

  • an increase in the transverse and anteroposterior size of the chest;
  • a large volume of the chest;
  • bulging clavicle bones;
  • the expansion of the spaces between the ribs;
  • cylindrical or barrel-shaped chest.

A wide sternum can also be observed in healthy people of a dense complexion (hypersthenics). However, there are differences in the description of the emphysematous chest and hypersthenic. With a stocky physique, the size of the chest corresponds to the dimensions of other parts of the body. With respiratory disorders, the volume of the breast increases significantly more and looks disproportionate.

A photo of the emphysematous chest can be seen below. On the right is a barrel-shaped deformation.

Emphysematous chest


Most often, a barrel-shaped breast is observed in patients with emphysema. With this disease, spaces filled with air expand in the lungs. This leads to an increase in the volume of the chest and its deformation.

However, this is not the only reason for the formation of an emphysematous chest. The etiology of this symptom may be associated with the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory system, as well as with degenerative diseases of the bone tissue.

Possible diseases

What diseases can cause breast bones to deform? Most often, this is noted with serious pathologies of the respiratory system:

  • emphysema;
  • obstructive bronchitis.

Pulmonologists attribute these two diseases to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In addition, emphysematous chest deformity is noted in patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchial asthma. Curvature of the sternum bones is also observed in advanced cases of osteoarthrosis.

Next, we will consider in detail each of the possible pathologies.


Pulmonary emphysema often affects smokers and patients working in hazardous industries. This disease can also develop as a complication of obstructive bronchitis. Under the influence of various harmful factors, the pulmonary alveoli expand in patients. This leads to a deterioration in gas exchange and the formation of an emphysematous chest. Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • progressive shortness of breath (aggravated by physical exertion);
  • shallow breathing;
  • short breaths and long exhalations;
  • coughing
  • blue skin due to hypoxia.

Over time, patients develop respiratory and heart failure. Patients become susceptible to various respiratory tract infections. In this case, colds occur in a severe form.


Obstructive bronchitis

With this disease, patency of the bronchi is impaired. Mucous secretions accumulate in the airways, which leads to impaired lung ventilation. Emphysematous chest is one of the signs of this pathology. In addition, obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • coughing
  • shortness of breath, aggravated by walking and physical exertion;
  • the release of purulent and mucous sputum.

The disease occurs most often due to exposure of the bronchi to tobacco smoke and harmful gases. There is also a hereditary predisposition to obstructive airway diseases.

This pathology is quite dangerous. In the later stages of the disease, respiratory failure and pathological changes in the heart ventricles (pulmonary heart) develop.

Bronchial asthma

With frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, the patient retains air in the lungs. This leads to the expansion and swelling of the alveoli. Respiratory organs are as if in a state of constant inspiration. The trapped air does not go outside and uselessly occupies a significant amount of lung tissue. This leads to the formation of an emphysematous chest. Especially often, this symptom is noted in children.

This disease is characterized by painful attacks of suffocation. Most often they occur after contact with allergens. Breathing becomes shallow and shallow, with a short breath and a long exhale. Wheezing and whistling in the bronchi are noted. Sometimes the attack is accompanied by other allergic reactions: urticaria, skin itching and runny nose.

Asthma attack

In the period between attacks, the patient's well-being may remain normal. However, periodic asphyxiation does not pass without a trace to the body. Over time, patients may develop such a dangerous complication as asthmatic status. This is a severe attack of suffocation, which is not stopped by conventional bronchodilators and corticosteroids. Often this condition causes a fatal outcome.

Cystic fibrosis

An emphysematous chest may be a sign of cystic fibrosis. This is a serious hereditary disease associated with a gene mutation. With cystic fibrosis, a person accumulates mucus in all organs, including the bronchi. Patients have a strong cough with viscous sputum and difficulty breathing.

Signs of Cystic Fibrosis

Typically, such a disease is diagnosed in children in the first months of life. Pathology is often complicated by chronic pulmonary failure.


Barrel-shaped deformation of the chest wall is noted not only in diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Often, such pathological changes occur with osteoarthritis of the ribs and spine. This disease is accompanied by degenerative changes in the bone cartilage. The ribs lose their mobility, and as a result, the chest is deformed.

The disease is accompanied by pain and stiffness in damaged joints. It is commonly found in older people. Due to constant arthralgia, patients are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle.


With a barrel-shaped chest, a comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary. A pulmonologist prescribes the following types of diagnostics:

  • spirometry;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • chest x-ray;
  • ECG;
  • sputum analysis for bacterial culture.
Pulmonary function test

If osteoarthritis is suspected, a detailed radiographic examination of the ribs and spinal column is performed.

Treatment methods

Barrel-shaped breast deformity is just one of the symptoms of various diseases. You can get rid of such a defect only after treatment of the underlying pathology.

In chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system and bronchial asthma, patients are shown the following bronchodilators:

  • "Foradil."
  • Serevent.
  • "Atrovent N".
  • Salbutamol

These drugs are released in the form of inhalers. They relieve spasm of the bronchi and facilitate breathing.

Atrovent N Inhaler

In severe obstructive diseases and asthma, drugs with corticosteroid hormones are prescribed:

  • Prednisone.
  • "Dexamethasone".

Hormonal drugs are used both in oral and in inhalation form.

With difficult sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs are indicated:

  • Ambroxol.
  • "ACC".
  • "Carbocysteine."

These funds dilute sputum and facilitate easier discharge of mucus from the bronchi.

If the use of inhalers does not have the desired effect, then drug treatment is supplemented with oxygen therapy sessions. This helps to significantly improve the condition of patients.

Oxygen treatment

Therapy for cystic fibrosis can only be symptomatic. Modern medicine cannot cure a gene mutation. However, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient. Patients are prescribed bronchodilators and mucolytic drugs. These medicines must be taken throughout life. With severe obstruction of the respiratory tract with mucus, the bronchi are washed with a solution of sodium chloride.

With osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors and intraarticular injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid are prescribed. With severe pain syndrome, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Diclofenac", "Nise", "Ibuprofen") is indicated.

Often patients are interested in the possibility of plastic surgery for curvature of the chest wall. If the deformation is caused by serious lung diseases, then it is impossible to get rid of it with the help of cosmetic surgery. Indeed, the volume of the chest in this case increases due to air retention in the respiratory system. Usually, after achieving remission, the shape of the chest is normal.


How to prevent chest wall deformation? For this, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from harmful effects. Pulmonologists advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • completely quit smoking;
  • avoid exposure to allergens, dust and toxic gases;
  • when working in hazardous production regularly undergo medical examinations;
  • timely cure inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases.

With systematic coughing, wheezing in the chest, and difficulty breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will help to avoid serious complications such as heart and lung failure.

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