Many people consider beer a light drink. Therefore, it supposedly cannot cause serious harm to health. This is a misconception, beer is as damaging to the internal organs and central nervous system as are stronger drinks. Depending on the amount of beer drunk, after a headache, nausea and vomiting may appear, the temperature rises. Why is this happening? How to prevent or eliminate such a reaction? All of this is described in this article.
Varieties of beer
The following beer classification exists:
- non-alcoholic (a mistake in thinking that it does not contain ethyl alcohol, it is simply very small - about 0.5% in one hundred grams);
- low alcohol (contains from 3% to 5% ethyl alcohol, such a drink can be drunk before a hangover if you drink from three liters or more);
- strong beer (contains from 5% to 10% ethyl alcohol, it is a full-fledged analogue of ordinary alcoholic drinks).
Modern society negatively refers to the manifestations of alcoholism. There was even a decree banning the promotion of beer and beer drinks. However, manufacturers have found a way out - now there is a massive advertising of non-alcoholic beer everywhere, which is often not at all safer for health than alcohol.
Effect on the body and psyche
Beer, like any other drink, affects the body as follows:
- destroys neural connections;
- contributes to the death of brain cells;
- increases toxic load on the liver;
- helps increase blood density, increases the risk of thrombosis;
- increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
- causes paralysis of the nervous system;
- disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
- spasm of blood vessels and capillaries;
- toxic effects on the brain.
In our society there is an opinion that one can drink and become an alcoholic only with regular use of strong drinks - vodka, cognac, whiskey. This is a fallacy, there is even the special term "beer alcoholism". This drink, so aromatic and tasty, is drunk in the same way as fortified strong drinks.
Consequences of Regular Alcohol Abuse
Consequences of regular intake of alcohol (including beer):
- development of persistent psychological and physical dependence;
- the development of chronic liver diseases - fibrosis, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis;
- stroke, myocardial infarction, thromboembolism (often lead to the death of the patient);
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- panic attacks;
- depressive and anxiety disorders;
- leaching of calcium, magnesium, and other vital vitamins and minerals from the body.
If you feel a headache after beer - do not be surprised. This is one of the main symptoms of a hangover syndrome. This condition will disappear a few hours after the intoxication passes. Ethanol metabolites are still walking through the blood, the liver is still struggling with poisoning. But the feeling of euphoria and fun that alcohol gives has already disappeared. By the way, this imaginary "fun" is nothing but the consequence of spasm of blood vessels and the toxic effects of beer on the nervous system.
Modern narcology indicates that if a patient has lost control over the amount of alcohol consumed several times and has received a hangover, then this is a formed dependence. That is, about the first stage of alcoholism. This is a disease that should be treated and prevent its aggravation.
Stages of alcoholism: a brief description of the disease
In our country, there are many myths surrounding the diagnosis of alcoholism. Some of them are true, some are not. Everyone should know the main stages of this disease and be on their guard. If a person has found similar symptoms when drinking beer, the best thing he can do is completely abandon the use of such drinks in any quantity.
The first stage does not carry pronounced manifestations of the hangover syndrome. The patient does not drink drinks in liters and is able to go to work after a slight abuse.
If after a headache a beer, then we are talking about the second stage of dependence. You should try to completely abandon drinking beer drinks - this is the best solution for such problems. If you canโt solve the problem yourself, you should contact a narcologist.
The second stage is characterized by a pronounced hangover syndrome. A person already drinks a few liters of drink per evening. He does not just have a headache after beer, he still feels nauseous, vomits, chills, tremors, fever, and digestive upset. He is inefficient the next morning after a libation and is forced to quit even a profitable job. This is the alcohol decomposition of the personality, and it often begins even after the abuse of beer. Do not flatter yourself with a low degree and taste, this drink is just as dangerous to health as everyone else with an ethyl alcohol content.
In the third stage, a person, as a rule, does not already drink beer, but the cheapest alcoholic drinks. This is moonshine, vodka, pharmacy tinctures for alcohol. There comes a moral personal decomposition and the refusal of some organs. Fatal diseases develop: thromboembolism, strokes and heart attacks, cirrhosis, toxic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis. The question, why does a headache after beer ceases to excite the patient. Now he has only one goal - to quickly find the money to sober up with any strong drink.
After what dose of beer a hangover begins
If you have a headache after beer, do not be surprised, this is a completely natural process with a hangover syndrome. Many people wonder what a hangover can be, because a relatively small amount of the drink was drunk. This is the insidiousness of beer: it is drunk easily, and a hangover causes a very real one.
If your head hurts after a liter of beer, then you should tie it up at all, since the liver does not cope well with the utilization of metabolites of alcohol decay products. This does not mean that you should switch to drinking wine, cocktails and other drinks. Only one way out - a complete rejection of any drinks containing ethyl alcohol.
In most people, a hangover begins after drinking two to three liters of beer. This is nausea, vomiting, chills, tremor, fever, migraine. These manifestations can last from several hours to several days.
Why does a headache after beer
Directly, a headache occurs due to vasospasm. First, ethyl alcohol, getting into the bloodstream, causes them to expand. Then they sharply narrow. After the patient drinks some more liquid containing ethyl alcohol, they expand again. As a result, they wear out very quickly, become fragile, and a sick person almost always feels bad: weakness, poor working capacity, bouts of heat or chills, migraine.
If after drinking beer the head hurts - this is a direct signal of the body that it is necessary to tie it with a bad habit. If the abuse is repeated, after two or three years the second stage will come. A sick person will become addicted to alcohol on a physical level, and the process of social decline will start. But it all starts very trite - just after a beer headache, nausea and sometimes vomiting can occur. Very rarely, anyone thinks about the problem of alcoholism in the first stage.
Why after beer shakes and feels sick
A common symptom of a hangover is not only a headache, but also a tremor. This is a small tremor of the hands, fingers, and sometimes the whole body. Tremor appears after severe intoxication.
If the shiver is accompanied by the fact that after a beer the headache immediately hurts, even if just a couple of cans were drunk, this indicates the beginning of the second stage of alcoholism. Spasms of blood vessels lead to their rapid wear. As a result, migraine begins even after tiny doses of alcohol, and with it comes trembling, tremors, vomiting, fever.
At this stage, a headache after non-alcoholic beer hurts, because even in it there is a small percentage of ethyl alcohol. This is a natural reaction of the body to poison. The human body is struggling to convey to its negligent owner that it is necessary to stop drinking. But most people are already heavily addicted to ethyl alcohol, and to quit, they already need professional help from a narcologist or psychiatrist.
Especially dangerous in this regard is female and adolescent alcoholism: a fragile physique and a low percentage of muscle tissue are caused by the fact that a person needs a small amount of beer to get intoxicated. This leads to the fact that women and adolescents become beer alcoholics much faster than men.
Why do you feel unwell after non-alcoholic beer
Non-alcoholic beer contains 0.5% ethyl alcohol per 100 ml. This amount is enough to get quite intoxicated after drinking one can. Most people take these drinks for granted.
Meanwhile, non-alcoholic beer is prohibited for use by the following categories of citizens:
- pregnant and lactating women;
- people with chronic liver disease;
- people with alcohol addiction;
- persons with unstable mentality;
- persons with confirmed psychiatric diagnoses.
In order to prevent a relapse of diseases of the pancreas and liver, you should abandon the use of non-alcoholic beer. Advertising may be silent about the dangers of this drink. Non-alcoholic beer, depending on the amount drunk, can also cause migraines, anxiety, nausea and other manifestations of a hangover syndrome.
Headache Relievers
Headache after beer. What to do? An analgesic tablet should be taken. The following cheap drugs have proven themselves best with hangover syndrome :
- Citramon in tablet form;
- "Analgin" in the form of tablets;
- "Tempalgin" in the form of a dragee;
- Drotaverinum in the form of tablets or injections;
- Papaverine in the form of tablets and injections.
If, in addition to the headache, the patient is disturbed by hallucinations, he loses consciousness or observes other serious deviations in behavior, an ambulance team should be called immediately.
Can I take pills for a hangover
If you have a headache after a bottle of beer, you can take no more than one tablet of any pain medication. Take alcohol in large quantities is prohibited.
The combination of almost all drugs with ethyl alcohol increases the toxic load on the liver. It is worth remembering this and allowing such a combination rarely, only as a last resort. If no other way saves you from pain, and you need to urgently go to work, it is permissible to take no more than one tablet of analgesics.
How to quickly get rid of the symptoms of a hangover
Simple ways to clean yourself up after abuse:
- take a contrast shower;
- take a shock dose of ascorbic acid;
- drink a tablet of Citramon, Aspirin, Analgin;
- take a walk through the cool air;
- get enough sleep (at least ten hours of sleep).
How to get rid of headaches with alternative methods
If your head hurts in the morning after beer, some alternative methods may help:
- massage of the temples and the back of the head: strong pressure should alternate with soft strokes;
- nettle infusion will help get rid of the symptoms of a hangover, has the ability to thin the blood, lower the temperature and relieve tremor;
- hot broth of calendula, mint and chamomile (boil 500 ml of water for five minutes in one tablespoon of each plant) helps to get rid of a hangover in a few hours;
- contrast shower is an excellent way to cheer up (it is forbidden to people with cardiovascular diseases).
Prevention of headache with alcohol
There is one, but the most reliable method to prevent the development of headaches - do not drink beer at all. This applies to any drink containing ethyl alcohol. So that in the morning you do not have to wonder how to cure migraines and reduce nausea, it is best to simply drink compote or juice. Then there will be no problems.
If it is not possible to refuse to drink beer, you can take a few tablets of activated carbon or a couple of bags of Polysorb. Absorbents will help to mitigate the toxic impact on all organs and systems, and then drinking the drink will be more favorable.