Kidney diseases, especially chronic renal failure, are dangerous for their complications: increased blood pressure, delayed recovery of affected organs. In rare cases, death is possible . As a rule, it is associated with cerebral hemorrhages, acute heart failure. To avoid the dangerous effects of the disease, it is important to know about medicines. The article is devoted to the Ketosteril preparation, the instructions for which are discussed in detail in it. The material describes the pharmacological properties of the drug, contraindications and its use in veterinary medicine.
Pharmacological properties of Ketosteril
The drug "Ketosteril" is a tool designed to regulate protein metabolism during the disease of chronic renal failure. It is produced in Germany in the form of coated tablets. In terms of composition, it is a combined preparation that includes calcium salt, phenylpropionic acid, L-lysine acetate, L-threonine, nitrogen, etc. Ketosteril helps to fully supply the body with essential amino acids. The drug reduces the content of phosphate, potassium and magnesium ions in the blood. It helps the recycling process of nitrogen-containing metabolic products. As a result of exposure to the drug, nitrogenous improves and protein metabolism is corrected. If the drug is administered systematically, there are improvements in patients with chronic renal failure. The dose of the drug, calculated for intake with food, is from four to eight tablets three times a day.
Contraindications to the use of the drug "Ketosteril" instruction calls the violation of amino acid metabolism, hypercalcemia. The side effects of the drug include the possibility of developing hypercalcemia. In this case, you should reduce the intake of vitamin D and the drug "Ketosteril."
The medicine has special instructions for its use. For patients taking "Ketosteril", the instruction instructs to keep under observation the level of calcium in the blood serum and monitor the decrease in phosphates. With a decrease in the symptoms of the disease, along with Ketosteril, the simultaneous intake of aluminum hydroxide is reduced. In addition, patients undergoing Ketosteril therapy need to adhere to a specific diet. They need food rich in calories, not more than forty grams of protein per day.
Reviews about the drug and its use in veterinary medicine
Being a medicine for humans, Ketosteril for cats is also applicable. Judging by the responses of pet owners, it is used almost as a panacea for chronic renal failure. Special veterinary drugs are considered ineffective. "Ketosteril" is prescribed if the cat completely refuses food. Very carefully, it should be administered to older individuals. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the composition of the blood and the level of calcium, since with its high content "Ketosteril" is contraindicated.
Owners of animals that were injected with Ketosteril sick pets often leave positive reviews. There was an improvement in the well-being of cats, an appetite appeared, and the coat became smoother. Due to the side effects of the drug, it is combined with other drugs, monotherapy is not welcome.
In addition to positive feedback, there are also negative ones. They are associated with an allergic reaction in the animal to the drug. The high price of the drug can also be attributed to its shortcomings.
Analyzing the drug "Ketosteril", the instruction to it makes you think about its effectiveness. Reviews of patients and owners of animals lead to the conclusion about the high quality of the drug. But before using the drug, a specialist recommendation is needed.