How to bake carp in foil in the oven?

You can bake carp in foil in different ways. Someone prefers to cook such a fish whole, and someone makes it in the form of large steaks. Today we will present to your attention the first option, since in this case carp can be stuffed with aromatic ingredients, which will make it more tasty and juicy.

bake carp in foil

How to bake carp in foil: a step by step recipe

Components for the dish:

  • olive oil - 4 large spoons;
  • large ripe lemon - 1 pc.;
  • medium onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh greens (dill, parsley) - in a bunch;
  • sea ​​salt, aromatic spices, black peppercorns - add to taste;
  • large carp - 1 or 2 pcs. (see by the number of guests).

Preparation of fish for baking

Before baking carp in foil, it should be washed well, cleaned of scales and viscera. The tail, head and fins can be left at the same time. In order for the fish in the oven to turn out to be juicy and especially tasty, it must be coated in advance with salt, aromatic spices and sprinkled with juice from ΒΌ lemon. In such a marinade, the carp should stand for about 30-50 minutes.

how many bake carp in foil

Fruit and vegetable processing

To deliciously bake carp in foil, it is recommended to fill it with some aromatic ingredients. For this, we decided to use onion heads and ripe lemon. These products should be cleaned and cut into thin circles. It is also required to rinse fresh greens separately and finely chop it with a knife.

The process of forming a dish

After the carp is completely saturated with aromatic marinade, it should be carefully laid out on a large sheet of dense foil and the abdomen should be opened as much as possible. Next, put the onion rings, part of the lemon slices, black peppercorns and fresh herbs in the fish. If desired, these products can be salted. After this, the abdomen of the fish should be closed, and several incisions should be made on its carcass, where it is subsequently required to place thin slices of fresh lemon. On top of the carp, it is advisable to coat with olive oil and wrap with foil.

Heat treatment

Everyone who at least once made this dish was surely interested in the question of how much to bake carp in foil. It is worth noting that such a medium-sized fish becomes usable after 40 minutes. If the river product is too large, then it is advisable to increase this time by another quarter of an hour. By the way, often housewives are also interested in information about at what temperature to bake carp in order to get a more fried dish. In this case, the oven is recommended to be heated to 220 degrees.

at what temperature do bake carp

After the above time comes out, the fish in the foil should be carefully removed, unfolded and removed using a scapula, while maintaining its integrity. In this form, carp should be placed on a flat dish, decorated with mayonnaise net, fresh herbs, lemon and other vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.).

How to serve to the table

It is recommended that you bake carp in the oven for dinner along with a side dish of vegetables, pasta or some cereals, as well as wheat bread and tomato sauce.

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