What to do if the pelvis of the kidney is enlarged

A disease in which the pelvis of the kidney is enlarged is called pyeloectasia. This is a very common anomaly that is detected by ultrasound (ultrasound) of the urinary system. Enlargement of the pelvis of the kidney is often diagnosed even before the birth of the baby, during pregnancy or in the first year of the baby's life. Therefore, pathology can be safely attributed to the innate structural features of the body.
However, a disease in which the pelvis of the child is enlarged may appear at a later time. So at the age of 6-7 years begins the intensive growth of a person, and the arrangement of organs changes relative to each other. As a result, clamping of the ureter may occur with an additional or abnormally located vessel. In an adult, the expansion of the pelvis can occur due to the stone blocking the lumen of the ureter.
Pielectasis can develop if there are obstructions or difficulties in the outflow of urine at various stages of its excretion. These problems can be associated with an anomaly of development, kink, narrowing, squeezing of the ureter, with temporary or permanent overflow of fluid in the bladder. If it is constantly replenished, then the child urinates rarely and with a large volume. Obstacles that interfere with the passage of fluid from the ureter to the bladder, blockage of the ureter, tumor, stones, clots of pus (usually in adults) may also be causes.
With the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment, a disease in which the pelvis of the kidney is enlarged is treatable. In some cases, the child recovers independently, associated with the growth and change in the relative position of the organs, as well as with the redistribution of the pressure of the urinary system in the necessary direction. In addition, the cessation of pyeloectasia as a result of the maturation of the muscular system in a child is possible.
Due to the fact that after birth the most intensive growth occurs, during which the organs quickly develop and change their relative position, the functional load on the systems and organs increases, at this time most malformations, including the urinary system, are manifested. Not so intense growth, but very significant for the occurrence of developmental abnormalities, occurs during stretching and in adolescence. Therefore, if the renal pelvis is enlarged in the fetus or in the child in the first months of life, then pyeloectasia will definitely have to be monitored during the first year and in other critical periods.
If the pelvis of the kidney is dilated, then this is primarily due to an increase in pressure in the organ, which affects the adjacent tissue of the kidney. Over time, part of the renal tissue is damaged under constant pressure, which leads to disruption of normal functioning. In addition , the kidney needs additional efforts to remove urine, which distracts it from normal work.

There is no universal way to treat pyeloectasia, it all depends on the alleged or established cause. Thus, with a sharp increase in the size of the pelvis or with abnormalities of the ureter, the child may need surgical intervention aimed at removing obstacles to the outflow of urine. Sometimes the wrong tactics of waiting can lead to the loss of a kidney.
If the renal pelvis is enlarged, but there are no visible sharp deteriorations (according to urine tests, ultrasound results), another tactic may be used, which consists in observation and conservative treatment. Doctors prescribe herbal preparations, physiotherapeutic procedures, control ultrasound.

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