Actor Michael McElhatton: biography and creative activity, personal life

Michael McElhatton gained worldwide popularity after starring in Game of Thrones. The good-natured and sympathetic person was able to accurately show the extremely cruel and cold-blooded character that causes genuine hatred and anger among most fans of the project.

Understanding acting

An Irish actor was born in Tereniur on September 12, 1963. The boy was always distinguished by a craving for social activities and speaking to the public. While still at school, he began working as part of a local theater troupe. After completing his studies, Michael entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

At the beginning of his career, Michael McElhatton tried himself in episodic roles in film and television. His first serious experience was participation in the project "November Noon", which was released in 1996. After that, there were roles in films shot exclusively by Irish directors. He had the opportunity to work on the same platform with Conor MacPherson and Paddy Bretnack.

Michael McElhatton

True popularity

The invitation to appear as a star in the series “Game of Thrones” allowed the actor to show himself to the world from an unfamiliar side. His hero - Ruse Bolton - is a cold and calculating head of the clan. This man is ruthless, cruel, knows how to control his hysterical son. In a world where everything is incredibly confusing, Ramsey’s desire to earn praise from such a father seems to be one of the few clear and unambiguous elements. But their relationship is developing so intriguingly that the project managers decided to introduce Michael to the main cast in the 5th season of the series.

No less successful work in the filmography of Michael McElhatton is the picture "Out of the Darkness", which came out in 2015. The latest creative achievements of the actor include the roles of Sheriff Sheldon from “Demon Inside” (2016) and a terrorist from the “Justice League” (2017). Without this actor, Streets of the Ripper would have lost their depth and mystery. In 2014, Michael McElhatton received the Actors Guild Award for his dramatic role. After that, he was nominated several times for the award, but did not receive it.

frame from the movie

Related Works

Michael is not limited to acting. He likes the sound process itself. On this side, he showed himself in the “Legend of Logunwood” in 2014, the “Culinary Book of Love” in 2013, “Norm and the Indestructible” in 2016.

Since 2000, the man tried himself as a screenwriter. His first successful project was the series Paths to Freedom, the last currently requested scenario was Your Bad Self in 2010.

Personal life

"Game of Thrones"

The actor does not like to mix career with family. Michael McElhatton tries not to let camera flashes into his real world. He does not talk about his beloved, trying to protect her from the annoying attention of fans. Such behavior only fuels the interest of many reporters and fans, but the man insistently makes it clear that he does not want to give up his personal life for cheap PR. Michael also keeps his hobbies a secret: if he is engaged in social activities, then it’s not at all for the sake of attracting additional attention to his person.

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