One of the most common diseases of the female genital organs is considered inflammation of the ovaries. The cause of the disease is infection with staphylococci, streptococci, as well as chlamydia, fungi and other pathogens. As a rule, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs for inflammation. Therapy includes the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Consider the use of antibiotics in ovarian inflammation in women.
The feasibility of antibiotic therapy
Inflammatory lesion is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microflora. When symptoms of ovarian inflammation appear, antibiotic treatment is carried out only with the permission of the doctor. The medical specialist selects the drug depending on the source of the disease, which is detected by seeding secretions.
When treating ovaries, certain rules must be followed:
- Consult a doctor for treatment. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication in order not to aggravate the condition.
- To use medicines in a full course. Even if the discomfort is no longer disturbing, it is important to complete the therapy.
What to drink antibiotics for ovarian inflammation in women
Not all drugs that have a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect are indicated for oophoritis. In addition, a certain type is prescribed taking into account the source of the infectious process, as well as the severity of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the woman's body.
Antimicrobial groups:
- Tetracyclines.
- Penicillins.
- Macrolides.
- Nitroimidazoles.
- Fluoroquinolones.
Tetracyclines have a large spectrum of influence, as they affect many pathogens. It is not recommended to forget that infections that are provoked by protozoa, as well as fungi or bacteria with increased acid resistance, they do not eliminate.
Penicillins are used in the treatment of ovarian inflammation primarily in women who have other diseases, since this drug group has a minimum of prohibitions on use. Penicillins have a significant bactericidal effect.
Macrolides stop the activity of streptococci, as well as staphylococci, chlamydia and mycoplasmas.
Nitroimidazoles affect many anaerobic pathogens, regardless of whether they are gram-positive or gram-negative.
Fluoroquinolones, as a rule, are used in gynecology, since they act on most bacteria without causing dependence in patients.
It must be remembered that only after examination, as well as identifying the sensitivity of bacteria to a specific group, can therapy be carried out. This means that recovery will come faster.
General rules
Like any other drug, an antibacterial agent must be used according to certain rules, since only in this situation will there be a positive dynamics, and the negative effect of chemical components will be minimized.
The rules for using antibiotics are as follows:
- Before drug therapy, the doctor must make sure that their appointment is correct, so a woman needs to undergo an examination, as well as pass biomaterials for analysis.
- Dosage should correspond to the body weight of the woman. When taking drugs in high concentrations, the likelihood of side effects increases, and with insufficient exposure there is no pharmacological effect. That is why the dosage of each drug has certain boundaries.
- In severe cases of the disease, it is best to combine different groups, since monotherapy is likely to be ineffective.
- The appointment of drugs is recommended, the purpose of which is the prevention and elimination of negative manifestations. The duration of therapy with antibacterial exposure is on average ten days. After this period, if there is no positive effect, it is necessary to replace drugs.
What contraindications do antibiotics have for ovarian inflammation in women?
As a rule, pregnancy can be a restriction on the use of antimicrobials, since during this period women worry about the health of the unborn child.
Indeed, some of them can cause a violation of the normal development of the future baby, but there are also medicines that can be used during this period. The same goes for antibiotics during lactation.
In most cases, the breakdown products of these substances are eliminated from the body by the liver and kidneys. In case of impaired functioning of internal organs, with liver or kidney failure, they are also prohibited. It is not recommended to prescribe antimicrobial agents in the presence of individual intolerance to their substances.
It is important to understand that certain drugs can provoke allergic manifestations that pose a threat to life. This is another argument in favor of the fact that the use of medicines should be agreed with the doctor.
List of drugs
The name of the antibiotics for ovarian inflammation in women:
- Ofloxacin.
- "Metronidazole".
- "Azithromycin".
- Amoxiclav.
- Doxycycline.
- Clindamycin.
Further, antibiotics for ovarian inflammation in women will be discussed in more detail.
The drug has an extensive spectrum of action, although, as a rule, it is aimed at gram-negative pathogens. "OFFloxacin" has an increased bioavailability, and upon penetration into the body is completely absorbed.
The effectiveness of this medicine depends on the reason for its appointment as one of the first, as it helps in situations where other antibiotics have a weak effect. It is used both for inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, and for infectious processes of other internal organs. Despite the advantages, the drug still has side effects, which include:
- Inflammation of the skin, which is manifested by rashes and itching.
- Loss of appetite and the development of dyspeptic disorders.
- The appearance of swelling of the face.
- Mental state suppression.
It is important to consider that treatment with Ofloxacin, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients, and negative manifestations that affect the work of the body are very rare. What antibiotics do women still have for ovarian inflammation?
An antibacterial agent that is produced in several dosage forms to eliminate infectious diseases. The following conditions are restrictions on the use of the medicine:
- Hypersensitivity.
- Severe impaired liver or kidney function.
- Myasthenia gravis
- Bronchial asthma.
- Ulcerative colitis (a chronic disease of the intestinal mucosa, which appears as a result of the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors).
The antibiotic is also contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Intravaginal use of the drug "Clindamycin" is possible only for medical reasons. The drug has a large list of side effects.
The drug can provoke various negative reactions:
- Metallic aftertaste.
- An abscess (purulent inflammation of tissues with their fusion and the formation of a purulent cavity, can develop in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, as well as in organs or between them).
- Esophagitis (a disease of the esophagus, accompanied by inflammation of its mucous membrane).
- Pain in the abdomen.
- Diarrhea.
- Liver disease.
- Jaundice (icteric staining of the skin and visible mucous membranes, due to the increased content of bilirubin in the blood and tissues).
- Nettle rash.
- Reversible leukopenia (low white blood cell count in the general cellular composition of the blood).
- Febrile conditions.
- Thrombocytopenia (a condition characterized by a decrease in platelet count below 150⋅10 9 / L, which is accompanied by increased bleeding and problems with stopping bleeding).
- Lowering blood pressure.
- Weakness.
- Vaginitis (an inflammatory disease of the vagina, manifested by itching, pain and abnormal discharge).
- Cervicitis (an inflammatory lesion of the cervix, which includes damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix).
- Vulvovaginal irritation. Inflammatory changes in the vaginal mucosa provoked by a fungal infection. They arise in conditions of a significant weakening of the immune defense.
What antibiotics for ovarian inflammation can I take more?
The list of pathogens against which its effect is directed includes:
- staphylococci;
- streptococci;
- clostridia;
- Giardia
- chlamydia.
It is well absorbed by the body when taken orally, and also has high bioavailability. "Metronidazole" is used orally, intramuscularly, intravenously. The positive side of the drug is that it has a minimum of side effects, among which are noted:
- dyspeptic disorders;
- weakness;
- dizziness.
It is not recommended to use the drug with:
- Severe damage to the liver and kidneys.
- Pregnancy
- Presence of individual intolerance.
Metronidazole actively interacts with other groups, providing an increased pharmacological effect. A drug is produced, usually in the form of tablets and injections, candles.
What antibiotics for ovarian inflammation in women are still treated?
A wide range of effects on the source of the infectious process, which, in addition to the above, also include gonococci, ureaplasmas and certain types of mycoplasmas, allows doctors to prescribe it in cases where other drugs with an antibacterial effect are ineffective.
These antibiotics in tablets with ovarian inflammation in women are perfectly combined with other antimicrobial agents. In addition, its shortcomings include a short course of application.
Since the drug has a powerful effect, Azithromycin adversely affects the work of internal organs, and this is manifested in the development of the following unpleasant conditions:
- Abdominal pain.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Upset stool.
- Photosensitization (a condition in which a person develops an acute allergic reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays).
- Allergic reactions.
- General weakness.
- Drowsiness.
- Migraines (the primary form of headache, the symptoms of which are periodic bouts of headache of medium and high intensity).
- Vaginal dysbiosis (violation of the normal ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the vaginal microflora).
Therefore, a specialist can prescribe this drug as the first line of attack on the source of the disease, when its origin is still not fully known, as well as in difficult situations. But in the future it is recommended to replace "Azithromycin" with another antibiotic.
The composition of the medication includes amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Clavulanate eliminates pathogens that amoxicillin cannot affect. In addition, Amoxiclav has a gentle effect on the body, therefore it is often prescribed for infections of the genital organs and for damage to other systems.
These antibiotics in tablets for ovarian inflammation in women are not recommended for people with the following problems:
- Increased risk of allergies.
- Bronchial asthma (an inflammatory lesion of the respiratory system that is characterized by suffocation).
- Infectious mononucleosis (an acute viral disease characterized by fever, damage to the pharynx, lymph nodes, liver, spleen and peculiar changes in the composition of the blood).
Among the likely side effects are:
- Urticaria (a group of diseases, the main symptom of which is itchy rashes ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters that rise above the surface of the skin).
- Edema.
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea.
- The development of candidiasis of the mouth and vagina (one of the varieties of fungal infection caused by microscopic yeast fungi of the genus Candida).
As a rule, the medication is prescribed in the form of tablets and suspensions.
The drug is prescribed when treatment with other tetracyclines does not have the desired result. Doxycycline is rapidly absorbed and distributed in the body.
You should not use the drug in the presence of the following conditions:
- Severe disruption of the internal organs, liver and kidneys.
- Porphyria (a group of diseases characterized by a malfunction of the biological synthesis of heme and the accumulation of its toxic metabolic products).
- Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disease characterized by impaired neuromuscular transmission and manifested by weakness and pathological fatigue of striated muscles).
- In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
Adverse Reactions:
- Allergic reactions.
- Sensitivity Disorders.
- Change of mood.
- An increase in the level of urea with long-term use of the drug.
- Change in the shade of teeth, the presence of age spots.
If the representative of the fair half takes any medications, it should be said to a specialist, since some drugs when interacting with antibacterial agents can reduce their effectiveness.
According to reviews, antibiotics for ovarian inflammation are the main component of therapy. Before treatment, a medical specialist takes tests from a woman to determine the source of the disease. And only then a certain drug is prescribed that will be effective against a specific pathogen. Antimicrobial therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
It is forbidden to select medicines on your own. In addition, it should be remembered that suppositories and tablets from ovarian lesions with anti-inflammatory effects are not considered a replacement for antibiotics. They are also prescribed as part of complex treatment.