Rabbit in kefir: recipe with photo

Looking for a delicious recipe for a gala or family dinner? We can offer you the three most delicious recipes for making rabbit in kefir. A simple rabbit turns out to be so delicious, juicy, fragrant thanks to kefir marinade. Baking such meat in the oven is a pleasure.

Let's take a closer look at the proposed recipes.

Rabbit with kefir in the oven

Rabbit in kefir

Kefir marinade is a winning recipe. If you compare rabbit meat with a rabbit, then the first one is much tougher, and in order to cook a really soft, juicy dish, you have to either simmer the meat for a long time, or choose a suitable marinade that can soften the rabbit’s meat fibers, fill and emphasize its taste and aroma.

Onions are also added onions, which can give a pleasant aroma, often mustard, various herbs and spices. Greens - rosemary, basil, parsley. For a bright color, a little sweet paprika is added to the rabbit. Universal seasonings, for example, for barbecue, are also suitable for marinade. Pay attention to the composition of universal sets of spices, take into account the presence of salt in them when cooking dishes.

If you are going to use an adult rabbit carcass for a kefir rabbit recipe, it is best to leave it in the marinade for the whole night. For 7-8 hours, the meat is better saturated, softened and saturated with spices and spices. In addition, in kefir marinade, rabbit meat will completely lose its specific flavor, it will be blocked by onions and herbs. If you have only 2-3 hours to marinate, then, of course, it is better to use a young carcass.

Rabbit in kefir marinade

A simple recipe for a rabbit in kefir marinade

To cook a rabbit according to the first recipe, you will need:

  • 1 carcass of a rabbit;
  • 1 cup kefir;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1/2 tbsp. l mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l seasoning for meat;
  • 1 can of olives;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt.
    Rabbit marinade


Cut the rabbit carcass into portioned pieces and put in an enameled or glass bowl. Peel the onions and cut into thin rings. Also add a tablespoon of spices for meat or barbecue in a bowl. Salt to taste. Remember the pieces of rabbit meat along with onions, rub the spices into the meat.

Fill the rabbit with kefir, mix. Cover with a lid, leave it to marinate for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Next, take a baking dish, season the bottom with vegetable oil. From the bowl, select the onion and lay out evenly over the entire bottom.

In a bowl with meat, add a little mustard, mix and leave for another half hour. Start preheating the oven. Add a little pepper if desired, if the mustard is not too hot.

After half an hour, lay out the pieces in one layer, but firmly pressing each other on a pillow of onion. It is advisable to use olives without stones, lay on top of the rabbit.

Baked rabbit marinated in kefir, quickly. In the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees, an hour is enough for him to completely bake.

While the rabbit is languishing in the oven, take a garnish. Fried potatoes are great.

Remove the rosy rabbit from the oven; when serving, put a few olives, sliced ​​fresh vegetables, a side dish. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs - dill, green onions.

Baked kefir rabbit

Rabbit with Orange Zest

The following recipe for a rabbit in kefir in the oven has a special aroma, because garlic and orange peel are added to it, revealing all the charms of this meat. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 kg of rabbit;
  • 1 orange
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 tbsp. kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • spices: ginger, curry, pepper;
  • salt to taste.
    Kefir rabbit recipe

Cooking process

So, how to cook a rabbit in kefir? Rinse the carcass thoroughly, dry it on paper towels and cut into portions. Next, prepare a marinade for it.

Pour kefir into a deep bowl, pour a tablespoon of curry to it. For flavor add half a tablespoon of dried ginger, it will give the dish a special piquancy. Through a press in a bowl, pass a few peeled garlic cloves. Grate the zest of one orange on a fine grater. Salt and pepper the marinade to taste and mix all the ingredients, carefully breaking the lumps of dry spices.

Pour the rabbit into the baking dish and fill with the marinade. Peel the onion and finely chop into very thin half rings, distribute them into pieces of meat. After covering the dish, leave it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees in advance. Put the rabbit in kefir in the oven, bake it for 1.5-2 hours until golden brown.

Delicious rabbit on kefir

Rabbit with rosemary and potatoes

You can cook a delicious dinner of rabbit in kefir in the oven with potatoes, you will be surprised how quickly this dish disappears from the plates. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of rabbit;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 6 large potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp rosemary;
  • salt and pepper.
    How to bake a rabbit tasty

Cooking rabbit

Before cooking the rabbit in kefir, wash the carcass under water, dry and cut into large portions. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Peel a few onions and cut into thin rings. Transfer them to the rabbit in a bowl, adding salt, pepper, paprika, rosemary. Grate the garlic or pass through a garlic squeezer. Remember well the pieces of meat with onions to let the juice go.

After pouring the meat with kefir, mix it well again, cover and put in the refrigerator. The time for pickling depends on the age of the rabbit: an adult needs at least eight hours to soften, and three is enough for a young one.

Cooking rabbit in kefir on a potato pillow. Peel the potato tubers and cut into large circles or slices. Pour a baking tray with vegetable oil, then spread the potatoes on it in an even layer. Remove the onion from the marinade and spread it evenly over the potatoes.

Set aside the baking sheet, and add some mustard to the rabbit marinade and leave it at room temperature for half an hour. After the allotted time, lay on a baking sheet over the onion.

Turn on the oven in advance and preheat to 180-200 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with baking foil and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Then remove the foil and give the dish another 20 minutes so that the extra flag is gone, and the potatoes and the rabbit are browned.

Kefir rabbit in the oven

At this stage, the main thing is not to overdo the meat, tender rabbit meat is so easy to dry. If it seems to you that the rabbit is already ready, and the potato pillow is damp, get pieces of meat, bring the potatoes separately to full readiness.

Serve the dish hot with a fresh vegetable salad and light garlic sauce.

Note: in the same way you can cook a rabbit up your sleeve. After 40 minutes, cut the baking sleeve and let the dish brown for 15–20 minutes.

Delicious rabbit recipe in the oven

Here are such simple rabbit recipes in kefir marinade. Enjoy your meal!

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