Dangerous parasites of Giardia. Features of the course of giardiasis

Medicine knows up to 200 types of parasites, some of which can pose a serious danger to the human body, and this is in addition to tangible discomfort. One of these microorganisms is the giardia parasite, the presence of which leads to the development of giardiasis. This helminthic disease is included in the list of the most common pathologies. In order to avoid the risk of infection, you need to know how parasites are transmitted.

general information

According to statistics, up to 10% of the world's population is affected by giardia, among children this indicator is even higher - about 40%. For the first time, people learned about these parasites only in 1859. A scientist named Lambl has identified and described an intestinal parasite. He also determined which categories of people and animals are most susceptible to infection, that is, we are talking about adults and children who live in unsanitary conditions.

Human immunity

This parasite belongs to unicellular microorganisms, its approximate size is 9 x 12 microns. Its body is symmetrical, on the one hand the body of the parasite has a rounded shape, on the other - pointed. They move through flagella, and very actively. Another no less interesting feature is the suction disk. Due to it, parasites are attached to the villi of the gastrointestinal mucosa, reliably fixing their body. At the same time, they lead a nomadic lifestyle and are attached only for a while.

Life cycle

Giardia parasites enter the body orally, after which they reach the duodenum, where, in fact, the process of reproduction takes place. The intestines are their permanent habitat, where they take for themselves the majority of the nutrients that enter the human body from food.

Moreover, their life cycle is divided into two stages:

  • Vegetative period.
  • Cysts.

The above description just refers to the vegetative stage of their development. In this form, they are able to survive in the intestines for 40 days, nothing more. Once in the large intestine from the small intestine, they are in an unfavorable environment. Exposure to high temperature (for example, boiling) or disinfectants also kills them.

At the same time, once in adverse living conditions, they turn to cysts. This is another stage of their life cycle, in which unicellular microorganisms take the form of spores, while their vital activity slows down. Immature microorganisms can take the form of cysts.

In this state, giardia parasites in children or adults can be a long period of time (up to 12 months), without showing signs of life. But with the onset of a favorable moment, individuals come to life. Although the intestines are a permanent area of ​​residence of parasites, they can also be colonized in the duodenum, gall bladder, and even the liver. The last option is the most dangerous of all.

Distribution methods

To protect your body from the penetration of dangerous parasites, you need to know their main migration routes.

The environment is disastrous for them, and therefore they abide in it in the form of cysts. They can enter the human body in the following ways:

  • By food.
  • Through contaminated water.
  • Through common household items.
  • Contact with a sick person.

Also, infection can occur when eating dirty fruits or vegetables. Cysts are preserved in raw unfiltered water, so a person can catch giardia parasites by bathing in open water, involuntarily swallowing infected water. Of great danger are artificial waterworks, where water stagnates.

Giardia can enter the body during a person’s communication with their pets. Children are also at risk of infection when they play among themselves and one of them is already infected with giardiasis. In some cases, parasites are transmitted from mother to child, and therefore this disease is diagnosed even in newborns.

How does the disease develop?

The parasites themselves in their active phase do not pose a danger to the human body, invasion is caused by cysts. In most cases, we are indebted to our cats and dogs for these parasites. And since infectious agents enter only through the mouth, this often happens through dirty hands after recent contact with an animal. No wonder our mothers and grandmothers always told us to wash our hands before eating.

Once in the intestines, cysts begin to become fixed on its villi. As a result of such activity of parasites, there is a violation of the absorption of this organ. Ultimately, after fixing and active reproduction of Giardia, inflammatory processes of the intestine begin. At the same time, its microflora changes.

Possible parasite carrier

The presence of giardia parasites in the human body leads to the fact that patients experience constant abdominal pain, which is aggravated by the use of fatty foods. After a certain time after infection, dystrophic, degenerative disorders of the digestive organ appear. And in the presence of concomitant diseases, the pathology goes into the chronic stage.

Features of chronic giardiasis

The chronic stage of the disease is accompanied by a whole complex of characteristic signs that indicate a malfunction in the functioning of the digestive system. The main symptom is a violation of the stool. Food absorption worsens, instead of diarrhea, constipation appears, which brings tangible discomfort.

What other symptoms may appear? Giardia parasites can cause in humans:

  • loss of appetite
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • deterioration in general condition.

In addition, a plaque-laden tongue and bitterness in the mouth may indicate the presence of the disease. During the examination, the specialist reveals pallor of the skin, peeling on the surface of the palms and feet. You can also observe hair loss, fever. This suggests that the infection has been present in the body for quite some time.

Is there a risk?

Acute stage of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of giardia parasites largely depend on the form of the disease. In acute giardiasis, the characteristic signs are slightly different from the chronic stage of the disease:

  • Frequent upset stomach in the form of loose stool accompanied by an unpleasant musty odor, but without blood streaks and mucus.
  • The temperature rises sharply to 38 Β° C.
  • Pain in the abdomen, and they can be aching in nature and almost invisible. But sometimes severe cramping pains occur.
  • Nausea with periodic vomiting.
  • During the examination, you can find a sharp decrease in body weight, up to anorexia.
  • The appearance of flatulence, the cause of which is a change in the intestinal microflora, which leads to the accumulation of gases in its cavity.
  • Rashes on the skin in the form of follicles like rubella or measles.
  • Allergic manifestations in the form of pimply vesicles accompanied by itching, localized near the anus or nose.

The acute form of the disease without proper attention, timely diagnosis (including tests for Giardia parasites) and proper treatment lasts for a week, and then goes into the chronic stage.

Giardia parasites in children

Therefore, it is so important to detect pathology precisely within 7 days after the appearance of the first characteristic signs of acute giardiasis.

What is the danger?

About 30% of the total population of the Earth are, of their own free will, of course, carriers of lamblia. Moreover, most people live with these parasites, not even suspecting their existence, since for the most part these parasites try not to give themselves away. If the body has strong immunity, then it can cope with pathogenic microorganisms on its own.

However, after the lamblia is populated, some changes may appear in the body. Often this is enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine, the blow of which falls on the duodenum. As a result of this disease, the intestinal mucosa suffers, and it partially loses its functionality. Often, the patient develops colitis or gastritis.


As you know, before prescribing the necessary course of treatment for Giardia parasites, it is necessary to diagnose the patient. As a rule, in order to verify the presence of pathogenic parasites, stool is sampled. From the liquid consistency, you can understand the presence of lamblia of the vegetative period of their life, and cysts can be found in hard feces.

At the same time, this diagnostic method is relevant only during the period of their active work. And this is from 1 to 3 weeks after the entry of parasites into the human body. Typically, during this time, characteristic signs of infection may already appear.

Parasites are detected in several ways:

  • Serological method.
  • Duodenal examination.
  • Enterotest.

With the serological method, blood is taken for analysis for the presence of IgG or IgM antibodies. Their presence indicates an ailment, moreover, a recent, or acute form of the disease, respectively. In the case when both types of antibodies are detected in the blood, this indicates the occurrence of a chronic disease.

Gelatin capsule

A duodenal examination involves examining bile for cysts (a passive state of protozoan giardia parasites). This type of analysis is not applicable to children under 10 years old.

Enterotest is an introduction to the stomach of a capsule with a capron or nylon thread. The gelatin shell dissolves under the influence of gastric juice, after which pathogenic microorganisms stick to it. And after the capsule comes out naturally, it is examined using a microscope.

Using modern diagnostic tools, you can easily make an accurate diagnosis and determine what treatment is necessary in each case.

The stages of treatment of giardiasis

The treatment of this disease is carried out comprehensively and includes several important stages. The list of necessary medications is selected by the attending physician based on the severity of the disease. At the same time, it is highly discouraged to start immediately with the use of potent drugs in order to avoid serious consequences.

At the first stage, treatment for giardia parasites reduces to eliminating signs of intestinal intoxication. At the same time, the digestion process improves, and the protective functions of the immune system are adjusted. Therapy is carried out for 14 days with the help of choleretic and antihistamines. It is important to follow a diet. Nutrition should be such as to create an unfavorable microflora for parasites. That is, eat cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil. But products with a rich content of carbohydrates should be abandoned for the treatment period.

The second stage is antiparasitic therapy itself, the doctor prescribes medications that are aimed at the destruction of parasites. Among the effective drugs are Metronidozole, Furazolidone, Nimorazol, Albendazole. Reception of sorbents and antihistamines continues on a par with the listed tablets from giardia parasites. In addition, "Allochol" is appointed. The action of this medication is aimed at enhancing the production of bile and reducing the effects of antiparasitic drugs on the liver.

Symptoms of the presence of parasites

The third stage can be considered supportive. During this period, it is necessary to help the human body restore its protective functions. It also can not do without the help of a diet, vitamin complexes, plant adaptogens, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes. This helps to restore intestinal motility. The duration of this course is about 3 weeks.

Traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, there are also means to combat uninvited parasites. Only use them in combination with medication. It is advisable to consult a specialist in advance. The most effective recipes:

  • Horseradish tincture - it effectively resists parasites. Fresh root vegetable is twisted in a meat grinder, the resulting mixture is placed in a jar and poured with boiled water (in a cooled state). Put in storage for 3 days, then strain and you can take a tincture of a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Tansy - promotes the rapid elimination of parasites of lamblia. Tincture is made from dried flowers at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of boiling water. Insist means in a thermos for 2 hours. Take 5 days in 1/3 cup before meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Rye bread and tar - this combination also has a healing effect. On a piece of bread you need to drip a little birch tar, and sprinkle sugar on top to improve the taste. You can take it once a day for 5 days. Just take into account the development of complications in relation to the digestive system, there may be poisoning. This remedy is strictly contraindicated for children.
  • Garlic and milk - we all know how useful these ingredients are, and even more so when combined. 10 days you need to use warm milk, where you should add a clove of chopped garlic. Take the product on an empty stomach.

In addition, you can get rid of giardia parasites by taking cabbage brine and onion gruel.

Garlic with milk from parasites

But this applies only to adult patients, in children they can cause severe intestinal upset.

There is no way without prevention

In order not to experience the discomfort associated with the presence of these parasites in the body, basic hygiene should be followed. Always wash vegetables and fruits before eating, and before eating, wash your hands with soap.

If someone is sick in the family, they need to allocate individual dishes, including toilet articles. Regularly carry out washing and ironing of bed linen and bath accessories. If pets are present, give them anthelmintic from time to time.

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