"Centrum" - vitamins: a brief information

Every day, in order to maintain and maintain health, our body needs to get enough vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, modern nutrition is not able to fully satisfy the need for these vital elements. Fast food products contain preservatives, flavoring additives, and practically do not provide us with vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Both early harvesting and long-term storage of crops can lead to the loss of nutrients in products.

Centrum, vitamins and nutrients

Currently, most people who care about their health increasingly understand the need for additional intake of substances useful for the body. The optimal solution to this problem is the use of complexes containing a large amount of vitamins. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of these products. One of them is Centrum, the vitamins of which are able to support all vital functions. They play a significant role in metabolic processes, nourish and protect body cells. Vitrum "Centrum", the instructions for use which reveals its rich composition, are the most popular among the proposed drugs. This complex contains:

1. Retinol or Vitamin A, which is useful for vision and skin, teeth and gums, mucous membranes and hair. It is found in dairy products, liver and butter, as well as margarine.

2. Beta-carotene or provitamin A, which is able to protect cells from various injuries and convert to vitamin A. Carrots and sea buckthorn, broccoli and pumpkin, apricots and cabbage are rich in them.

3. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which is very important for bones, teeth, connective tissues and cartilage. It helps to increase the body's defenses, being a powerful antioxidant. Contained in citrus fruits, black currants, cherries, bell peppers and leafy vegetables.

4. Gokoferol or vitamin E, which takes part in the formation of tissues and muscles. Promotes the normal functioning of cells. They are rich in nuts, eggs, fish, whole grain products, as well as vegetable and sunflower oils.

5. Hyamine or vitamin B1, which serves to obtain energy from food, normalizing carbohydrate processes. It is found in poultry and lean pork, whole grain products, liver and legumes, as well as in oatmeal.

6. Riboflavin or vitamin B2, which promotes normal metabolism and supports healthy skin and eyes. They are rich in milk and dairy products, sea fish and eggs, peas, beans and green cabbage, as well as wheat sprouts.

7. Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12, which is responsible for the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. It is contained in products of animal origin. These include the liver, kidneys, meat and milk.

8. Calciferol or vitamin D, which is involved in the formation of bones and teeth. It regulates the content of phosphate and calcium in the body. They are rich in fish oil, yolks and liver. A lot of this vitamin in sardines and herring, mackerel and salmon.

Contains Centrum vitamins and nutrients. These include biotin and niacin, folic and pantothenic acids.

Vitamins "Centrum Materna" are intended for women who are preparing to become pregnant, to become mothers, as well as during breastfeeding. For proper nutrition of both mother and baby, a multivitamin complex of the highest quality is required. The biologically active food supplement Centrum Materna will serve as a wonderful addition to a woman’s diet. It will provide the necessary amount of nutrients to the body.

The recommended biologically active food supplement Centrum, whose vitamins and nutrients perfectly complement your diet, will serve as a very important link on the path to maintaining and maintaining health.

Read more at Druggist.ru .

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