Anatoly Rudenko: biography, filmography and family of the actor

Anatoly Rudenko
Anatoly Rudenko is a famous domestic actor, on whose account dozens of main roles in popular films. Let’s follow how the artist’s creative life developed, how did he manage to achieve such fame?

A family

Anatoly Rudenko was born in the Russian capital on October 7, 1982 in an acting family. Anatoly's mother, Lyubov Rudenko, the famous actress of the Moscow theater named after Mayakovsky, film buffs remember their roles in the films “The Life of Klim Samghin”, “Taiga”, “Vacation at Own Cost”.

For many years, the actor’s father, Kirill Makeenko, devoted himself to work in the theater, however, he currently works in an antique store. Artists in the Anatoly family were even his grandmother (Dina Soldatova) and grandfather (Nikolai Rudenko).

Movie debut

Anatoly Rudenko, while still very young, often visited his Mosfilm with his mother, attracting the attention of famous directors. Once he was offered to try his creative abilities and go through the casting for the film Ryazanov Eldar "Hello, fools!" The samples were complex and lengthy, but nevertheless the boy was approved. With this picture, the filmography of Anatoly Rudenko began. Thirteen-year-old Tolya got the role of Mitrofan - a mature boy, an amateur who smokes and drinks beer, looks at men's magazines and communicates with older girls. The debut was very successful, and at the presentation of the film, Eldar Ryazanov himself said that Anatoly had great creative potential. But, despite this, Rudenko did not seek to become a professional actor.

Years of study. First successes

After graduating from school, Anatoly decided to enter the University of Tourism. However, the mother did not approve of her son's choice and made every effort to dissuade him from this venture and incline him to creativity. The future actor, realizing that this area is really interesting to him, entered the Shchukin school.

In his student years, Rudenko starred in the youth series "Simple Truths", in which he played a student of a Karpov high school Dima. Soon followed roles in other films: The Fifth Angel, where the actor played Vladimir Telnov in his youth, and The Thief, where his stage hero was Artem Berestov.

Until the end of his studies at the school, Anatoly managed to star in the popular TV series "Kamenskaya-2", playing two roles in it simultaneously: Gradova in her youth and her son Gradov, as well as in the series "Poor Nastya", where he played the role of lieutenant Alexei Shubin.

filmography anatolia rudenko

Theater work

In 2004, Anatoly Rudenko successfully graduated from the Schukin School. The graduation performance of the future movie star was Apricot Paradise. Soon the young man received a summons to the army. Rudenko gave his debt to his motherland in the ranks of the artist-military personnel of the Theater of the Russian Army, where he continued his work after the service.

In this theater, Anatoly was engaged in many performances, but the most popular were the productions of The Man from La Mancha and The School of Love. In addition, Rudenko worked in the entreprise. According to the actor himself, the theater is more interesting to him than the cinema, although it was the films that made him a real star.

Movie roles

Anatoly in life is an honest, kind, sweet, charming and sincere person. Therefore, probably, he gets completely positive roles in the cinema. Films with Anatoly Rudenko are most often pleasant melodramas about love with a happy ending. In the television series "Dear Masha Berezina," Rudenko played the novice young photographer Stas - a responsive, cheerful guy, always ready to help his loved ones. The character is unusually charming, and therefore it is not surprising that after this series the number of Anatoly fans has increased several times.

Biography of Anatoly Rudenko
To play an equally brilliant hero Rudenko fell in the television series "Two Fates." The kind and sympathetic guy Petya Yusupov will survive the betrayal of friends, and great love, and various difficulties and hardships, but in the end he will find his gold mine.

But at the same time, there are characters of a different type among the heroes of Anatoly. So, for example, in "Kamenskaya" he played a kind of bastard. A rather interesting work of the actor was a small role in the film "And Still, I Love." The driver Sergey, who was played by Rudenko, is, at first glance, a modest, good guy. But, getting into a difficult situation, he commits a deliberate meanness and substitutes Vera, the main character of the film, thereby virtually destroying the girl’s life. Sergey is aware of the severity of his act, he suffers a lot from this, but he cannot find the strength in himself to honestly admit everything.

Last roles

The filmography of Anatoly Rudenko has more than 40 roles in various films. So, he played the main roles in such films as: “Guardian Angel”, “History of the Sentinel”, “Duel”, “Ticket”, “Together”, “Two Fates”, “Yesterday the war ended”, “Two tickets to Venice ”,“ Boomerang from the past ”and others.

Films with Anatoly Rudenko
Of the latest works (for 2013-2014), one can note: “The shores of my dreams”, “Bouquet”, “The road home”, “I leave you love”, “Spiral”, “Wait for love”, “Scouts”. The creative biography of Anatoly Rudenko is full of bright and interesting events.

Personal life

Anatoly for many years was looking for his true love and finally found it. At first, the beloved actor was Tatyana Arntgolts, Rudenko even wanted to marry her. But the famous actress considered that their relationship was impossible due to the constant workload, and in the end the couple broke up.

A serious relationship connected Rudenko with Daria Poverennova, a woman much older than himself. But their wedding was not destined to take place. Despite the fact that the lovers had been dating for 4 years and even had already lived together, Anatoly left Daria, meeting on his way the only one who now proudly calls his wife.

Anatoly Rudenko and his wife Elena Dudina met on the set of the film "The war ended yesterday." At first, the lovers kept their relationship secret, because at that time Anatoly lived in a civil marriage with Daria. But, as you know, all the secret becomes apparent.

Anatoly Rudenko and his wife
According to the actor, he is absolutely happy with Elena and can not imagine his life without her. The wedding of Rudenko and Dudina was modest, only the closest came to congratulate the young. Soon after the wedding, Anatoly Rudenko and his wife became happy parents, a charming baby was born.

And now Anatoly Rudenko is not only a famous actor, but also a loving husband and a caring dad.

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