"Simple": a lifelong diagnosis of a gray mouse or a temporary "illness" of the future queen of the school?

For those who expect from the picture any unimaginable twists and turns in the fates of the main characters, the film “Simpleton” will not become one of the most beloved romantic comedies. The happy ending in the film is pretty easy to imagine in advance.

However, unlike many rental films today, the film "Simple" is characterized by incredible simplicity and kindness, which many other similar films lack. You can watch a movie in high quality on the website http://hdkinoklub.com .

How are the events in the film "Simple"?

An ordinary seventeen-year-old schoolgirl, Bianca Piper, has long ceased to amuse herself with the thought that she can be as attractive as her friends. At the same time, the girl is smart. School playboy Wesley Rush does not manage to lure the girl into skillfully placed networks. Passion reaches the point that Bianca begins to just hate the guy. After giving her the nickname "Simple", the girl decides to avenge the playboy for such humiliation by pouring a glass of cola directly into his face.

A simple girl learns that such a nickname has been attached to her for more than a year. Until recently, Bianca was sure that she has real friends who are faithful to her just like she is to them. In fact, it turns out that this is not so. Her girlfriends are just comfortable talking with Bianca. After all, she can always write off her homework, which the girls do not have time to do because of the daily visit to the mass of parties, on which the Simple Girl acts as a normal background - her presence allows her friends to look even more attractive. Everything would go on and on. If a playboy hadn’t revealed the girl the truth to her “friends”. Online http://kinospeed.com cinema viewers can watch a youth picture for free and in high quality without additional registration.

Opening upside down turns the girl's life. Now, not everything cannot be the way it was before. Bianca needs to change and become a hundred times better than her former friends. Otherwise, the girl simply ceases to respect herself. Now the main question that faces the heroine of the film is whether she can turn into a beauty. Will she be able to pass all the trials on the path of achieving respect from her former friends, because the girl also has a new problem - Bianca falls in love with a man whom she could not even bear to the spirit before. This person is the same playboy who opened her eyes to the real state of things.

Interesting facts about the film

Despite the fact that the film was shot based on the book by Cody Keplinger “Simpleton”, only the main characters remained in the same picture. Many viewers who have already managed to see the picture admit that there came that rare case when the movie is really better than the book that became the start for the film.

The only character that was not in the book is Bella Thorne. The directors came up with it on their own during the filming of the film. I must say that this was done very successfully. Without Bella, the film was not so colorful.

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