Inhaler "Asterisk" for the nose: instructions, reviews

The Asterisk Nasal Inhaler is a relatively new treatment for rhinitis. Previously, all people bought the famous "star" in small tin cans. But they did not open well, their hands got dirty, I did not always want to get the ointment from the first-aid kit. Fortunately, manufacturers took care of people and came up with a tool in a new form of release. Today we learn how to use the Asterisk pencil correctly, what are its advantages. And also find out what people think about this drug for the treatment of rhinitis.

inhaler asterisk

Release form. Producing country

The tool is available in such forms as:

  • Ointment. This is a well-known metal round red box with a big star.
  • Liquid balm "Asterisk".
  • Inhaler. It is a plastic tube with a convenient cap for opening. Inside is a special filter soaked in healthy ingredients. A label is attached to the cap. Such a pencil for inhalation is sold in a cardboard bundle of turquoise-white color. Amount of funds - 1.3 g.

Today we will talk about the inhaler, and not about the ointment or balm. Although they are also successfully used for various cold symptoms.

The drug is produced in Vietnam.

pregnancy asterisk inhaler


The Asterisk inhaler has the following advantages:

  • All-natural composition.
  • Ease of use.
  • Compactness of a bottle.
  • It can be used by both adults and children (from 2 years old).
  • Availability. The cost of the product is 150 rubles. for 1.3 g

inhaler pencil asterisk

What problems can be applied?

Asterisk in the form of a pencil is used for rhinitis, that is, a runny nose. Receiving this drug, the receptors of the nasal mucosa begin to work actively. After the agent penetrates the body, the capillaries soon expand, blood circulation improves, and blood pressure decreases. In addition to the fact that the Zvezdochka inhaler is used to treat rhinitis, it also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Therefore, a healing pencil can be used for headaches, dizziness.

Terms of use

The Zvezdochka inhaler, the instructions for which are fairly simple and limited to only 2 points, are very easy to use. In order to use the tool, you must follow these steps:

  1. Open the cap from the inhaler.
  2. Injection into each nasal passage 10 to 15 times a day (2 breaths in 1 dose).


Asterisk pencil inhaler is a completely natural remedy. The composition of the drug includes such components:

  1. Menthol. It has analgesic, antiseptic, antipruritic and sedative properties. The local action of this component allows you to narrow the blood vessels, feel a chill, turning into a slight tingling and burning sensation.
  2. Camphor. It has bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It improves pulmonary blood flow, helps mucus to quickly leave the organ of smell.
  3. Peppermint oil. Very effective for colds. It quickly kills microbes and viruses, contributes to a rapid decrease in body temperature. With loss of voice and slight hoarseness, this component has a softening effect. Peppermint oil improves cerebral circulation, acts as an antispasmodic on blood vessels. This ingredient eliminates bad breath.
  4. Eucalyptus oil. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral effects. This component of Zvezdochka increases immunity, eliminates all the symptoms of a cold: runny nose, cough, nasal congestion. This ingredient removes inflammation and congestion in the airways. Eucalyptus oil, which is an indispensable element of such a drug as the Asterisk inhaler, eliminates headache, fatigue, relaxes muscles, removes drowsiness, and increases concentration.
  5. Clove oil. It is an excellent prophylactic for colds, excellently treats inflammatory processes.
  6. Chinese cinnamon oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, improves expectoration of sputum.

inhaler asterisk instruction

Side effects

The Asterisk inhaler is able not only to help a person cope with a stuffy nose, runny nose, but also to harm. Side effects of this drug may be:

  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Excessive emotional arousal.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Itching, rash, urticaria.
  • Increased frequency of bronchospasm.

inhaler asterisk reviews

Positive ratings from people

Inhaler "Asterisk" user reviews receive mostly approving. And the number of responses on the Internet is simply huge. It can be seen that people like to use this tool, which means that it helps them. Here are the positive things that women and men highlight in this pencil inhaler:

  1. High efficiency. Women and men note that this tool literally on the second day pierces the nose, eliminates mucus in the organ of smell.
  2. The bottle is lightweight and compact. Women write that it is very convenient to take this tool with you on the road, and it also fits perfectly in any purse.
  3. Great shelf life. Unlike other nasal preparations, which can be used for a maximum of six months after opening the bottle, the Zvezdochka inhaler pencil can be used up for 5 years.
  4. The opportunity to buy at any pharmacy and without a doctor’s prescription. Users write that there are no problems with the purchase of an Asterisk pencil. It is sold in any pharmacy, and does not require a prescription from a doctor.
  5. Profitability in use. People say that this remedy can be used for months. Pencil "Asterisk" - an economical drug.
  6. Excellent know-how. People who previously did not know about the existence of such an inhaler pencil bought an asterisk in tin, hard-to-open jars. But when pharmacists offer them to buy a new remedy for rhinitis in a pharmacy, no one else switches to the old form of drug release. After all, a new drug in the form of an inhaler is much more convenient.

balm asterisk inhaler

Negative ratings of people

There are bad reviews about the Zvezdochka tool, but their number is so small that they are lost in the mass of positive feedback. But for the sake of fairness, it’s worth mentioning the points that some users of this inhaler were unhappy with:

  1. Strong smell. Some women and men did not like the harsh aroma of this remedy.
  2. It does not help with severe nasal congestion.
  3. Allergic reactions appear. This really can be if a person often uses this tool.

Asterisk inhaler during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

In the instructions for this drug in the column "Contraindications" it is not noted that women who are in an "interesting" position should not use the drug. But some doctors do not recommend buying this inhaler. The reason why the use of the “Zvezdochka” inhaler during pregnancy is not recommended is considered increased intolerance to the drug. Natural oils of the drug during pregnancy can cause a woman to have an allergic reaction. Therefore, in any case, a woman should consult a doctor about the possible use of this inhaler. The doctor, most likely, will offer the pregnant woman to undergo a test for the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

inhaler nose sprocket
To do this, you need to buy a pencil inhaler, spray them with a wrist. If the skin does not turn red during the day, then you can use a nose spray. But women should be aware that it is impossible to inject medicine on the damaged mucous membrane, this will cause severe pain and burning sensation.

To buy or not the “Zvezdochka” inhaler during pregnancy is the business of every woman. But women should remember that far from all drugs against rhinitis can be acquired to them during gestation. And this inhaler, unlike the others, will in no way affect the fetus.


Now you know that the famous "star" is available in 3 forms: in the form of ointment, liquid balm and an inhaler for the nose. The most convenient to use is the latest version of the Vietnamese drug. Judging by the reviews of people, this is really an effective tool in the fight against rhinitis, viral diseases.

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