Cheesecakes with oatmeal: the more useful, calorie content, the benefits of eating

Do you like cottage cheese and dishes related to it? And what is the classic cottage cheese baking first comes to mind at the word "cottage cheese"? Of course, cheesecakes. Usually they are made from wheat flour. But today, using oatmeal, we will make them even more useful. Cheesecakes with oatmeal are no worse than those made from wheat. Let's look at the benefits of oatmeal, as well as the recipe for cottage cheese.

We form cheese cakes

Oat flour

This flour is made from oats. This cereal crop is in many ways superior to wheat and rye in its useful qualities. It is also used in recipes of traditional medicine, for cosmetic purposes, but it is very common in cooking. How to get flour? Just grind ripe oats. You can easily do this even at home using a coffee grinder, it is not necessary to buy flour in a store.

One of the most popular and favorite childhood treats, including oatmeal, is oatmeal cookies. It may contain raisins, chocolate, cottage cheese, dried fruits, candied fruits and pieces of fruit. Now there are a million different recipes for this sweetness. Today we will prepare cottage cheese cottage cheese pancakes with oatmeal.

Also, oatmeal is a paradise for losing weight. Despite the fact that the flour is quite high in calories (369 kcal per 100 grams of product), diet cheesecakes with oatmeal are often prepared from it. They have a lot of fiber, and proteins are easily absorbed by the body. We will consider the recipe below.

Cheesecake formation

The benefits of oatmeal

Consider why it is recommended to eat oatmeal and why is it so useful:

  1. Antioxidants in flour help reduce the risk of tumors.
  2. Flour reduces the level of cholesterol harmful to the body. Also, eating oatmeal dishes will help you avoid vascular diseases. Trace elements cleanse blood vessels, improving blood.
  3. Oatmeal removes excess fluid and toxins from the body, thus normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Beneficial effect on the brain. It activates mental activity, improves performance and memory in general.
  5. Skin condition can be improved with oatmeal. On its basis make masks that give the skin a tone, eliminate acne and black spots.
  6. Oatmeal also has a positive effect on digestion. Removing toxins from the body, the product triggers metabolic processes. And all this contributes to weight loss.
Oat flour

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal

In general, this flour does not harm your body. But there are a few exceptions:

  • If you are intolerant or allergic to gluten, it’s best not to eat oatmeal. Although the gluten content in it is actually minimized. But it’s best not to risk it.
  • If your body absorbs calcium poorly, you will have to refrain from eating oatmeal. This can lead to extreme consequences.

A few secrets for perfect cheesecakes

Experienced housewives shared their experience with us and told several life hacks, using which we can prepare the perfect cheesecakes with oatmeal.

  1. All the ingredients that go to cheesecakes should not be cold, just laid out from the refrigerator. It is better to extract them from there before, so that they are at room temperature.
  2. Guess what you need to pay special attention to when preparing this product? Of course, cottage cheese. It depends on him how lush, airy, tender and tasty cheese cakes will turn out.
  3. Do not use too many eggs, otherwise the dough will turn out too thin, which means we will need to pour in more flour, which will then affect our waistline.
  4. If you want a more refined taste of cheesecakes, use quail eggs or even their yolks.
  5. Do not overdo it with sugar, as it can spoil the consistency of cottage cheese. You can, in principle, not add it, but then use a dish with some sweet sauce: condensed milk, jam, honey, sour cream, etc.
  6. Cottage cheese, try to take 9% fat. It is from him that you will get good dense cheesecakes. To make them more magnificent, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  7. Flour must be sifted. Introduces the need into the dough gradually, constantly stirring.

Now you are on your way to your cottage cheese delightful masterpiece. Let's start cooking cheesecakes with oatmeal.

Cheesecakes with sauce

Cheesecakes with banana and cinnamon

What we need:

  • a pack of cottage cheese 9%;
  • egg;
  • Art. l cane sugar;
  • half an average banana;
  • 40 grams of oatmeal + for dipping;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Peel a banana and cut into slices.
  2. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, cottage cheese, banana and cinnamon.
  3. Moisten your hands in water and form small balls. Roll them in flour.
  4. Cheesecakes with oatmeal in a pan to fry on each side for about 1.5 minutes until golden brown. Do not overcook them, watch constantly, lifting them with a spatula.

Cheesecakes are cooked in literally twenty minutes. You can safely make them yourself for breakfast, before you even have time to get very hungry. If they seem too sweet to you, reduce the amount of sugar, as a banana already gives sweetness.

Cheesecakes with strawberry sauce

Low calorie oatmeal cheesecakes


  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • egg;
  • rast. cooking oil.

A step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese pancakes with oatmeal:

  1. Mix the cottage cheese with the egg and add the flour.
  2. Fry in a pan from two sides in oil, spreading the curd mass with a tablespoon.

In our dessert, it turned out 182 kcal per 100 grams of the dish. You can safely eat such diet cheesecakes in the morning or as a snack without fear to get better.

Cheesecakes with fruits


You and I examined two interesting recipes for cottage cheese pancakes with oatmeal, and also found out what the benefits of this flour are. Now, armed with knowledge, you will surely want to acquire it and bake magnificent pancakes for breakfast for the whole family. Enjoy your meal!

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