"Physiotens": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In the article, we will consider instructions for applying to Physiotens. At what pressure does it begin?

It is a hypotensive drug used for high blood pressure and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The main active substance of "Physotenza" is moxonidine. In the reviews of patients and doctors, these pills are recommended as an effective and safe medication, as a rule, they do not cause serious adverse reactions and unwanted effects.

physiotens instructions for use

The composition and effect of the drug

According to the instructions for use with Physiotens, the tablets of this medicine, as mentioned earlier, contain moxonidine, which is present in them in various dosages. For example, pills are produced containing 0.2, 0.3, as well as 0.4 milligrams of the active substance. Auxiliary components are povidone along with hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, ethyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, talc, macrogol and crospovidone.

Color differences

Physiotensa tablets may vary in color depending on the level of moxonidine in them. For example, pills with a dosage of 0.2 milligrams are pink, and tablets of 0.3 milligrams are light red. There are also matt red tablets, their dosage (mg) is 0.4.

Instructions for use with Physiotens indicate that all pills also have a label that indicates the amount of moxonidine.

In reviews, people praise this form of release, find it convenient. This form of release avoids confusion with the dosage of the drug. Physiotens is available to consumers in packs of fourteen, twenty-eight and ninety-six tablets. The pills are packaged in blisters of fourteen pieces. Blisters are placed in a cardboard box, and instructions for use are also attached.

At what pressure "Physiotens" is prescribed, it is important to find out in advance. It is prescribed when the level of systemic blood pressure is above normal values.

physiotens instructions for use in which

Active substance

Moxonidine, which is the main active component of the Physiotens drug, produces a hypotensive effect at elevated pressure. It selectively acts on imidazoline-sensitive receptors that are located in the medulla oblongata and are responsible for the reflex and tonic regulation of the nervous system. The process of stimulating imidazoline receptors lowers the resistance of peripheral vessels, and in addition, normalizes blood pressure. In reviews, when compared with other analogues, which also reduce blood pressure in the presence of hypertension, people are advised to stop with this particular medicine.

In accordance with the instructions for use, Physiotens effectively reduces pressure, but does not have a sedative effect and does not cause mucous membrane to dry out in the mouth. In addition, according to studies and their supporting reviews, Physiotens can increase insulin sensitivity by twenty percent in patients who suffer from hypertension, which is accompanied by insulin resistance and obesity.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

What else does the application instruction for Physiotens tell us? After taking this medicine, it dissolves quickly enough in the digestive system and is absorbed by the mucosa. Against this background, eating, as a rule, does not have any effect on the speed of absorption. Thus, moxonidine quickly penetrates the human blood.

On the following day, ninety percent of monoxidine is excreted by the kidneys. Less than one percent of the drug goes through the intestines with feces. At the same time, unchanged moxonidine is eighty percent, and the rest is its dehydrated form.

The pharmacokinetics of “Physiotensis” among healthy people and patients who suffer from hypertension does not show any differences according to the studies. Moxonidine has a slightly different effect on the body of elderly patients, which is directly associated with a decrease in their metabolism.

physiotens instructions for use reviews of cardiologists

Instructions for use "Physiotensa"

In the instructions for use, it is recommended to take these tablets regardless of food. Thus, this medicine equally effectively lowers blood pressure if taken before or immediately after a meal. Recommended dosages are as follows:

  • The initial dose is 0.2 mg per day.
  • The maximum single norm is 0.4 mg.
  • The maximum daily norm should not exceed 0.6 mg, and it is best to divide it into two doses.

The dosage of the drug can be adjusted depending on the patient's reaction to the tablets and the therapeutic effect. The medication presented is especially recommended for reducing pressure in those patients who suffer from kidney failure. Initial dosing in this case is unchanged. In the event that there are no undesirable side effects, it can be increased.

For patients under the age of eighteen, it is better to choose an analog that will lower and stabilize blood pressure, since this drug is not suitable for use at the indicated age.

Side effects

As the instructions for use indicate, the Physiotens medicine, like all antihypertensive drugs, has a fairly large number of side effects. This does not mean that the medicine is extremely poorly tolerated and it is necessary to look for analogues. Most of the adverse reactions disappear after the body adapts to the active substance of this drug. At the initial stage of treatment with this agent, symptoms are possible in the form of drowsiness, a pronounced and sharp decrease in blood pressure, dizziness and headaches, asthenia, fainting, and drying out of the oral mucosa.

In addition, orthostatic hypotension can be observed along with bradycardia, skin rash of the type of urticaria, nausea and vomiting, intestinal disorders, pruritus and angioedema, as well as increased irritability. In addition, patients taking this drug can experience tinnitus, pain in the back, neck and lower back, and in addition, swelling of the lower and upper extremities.

This is confirmed by the Physiotens tablets, instructions for use and reviews.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

There are also some contraindications to the use of the presented medication. It is worth noting that immediately before starting treatment, you should carefully study them, and in addition, consult your doctor and, if in doubt, choose analogues. Analogues may be required by patients in the following cases:

Physiotens medicine instructions for use
  • In the presence of a sick sinus syndrome.
  • Against the background of bradycardia, when the heart rate does not exceed fifty beats per minute.
  • With heart failure in acute form.
  • Against the background of intolerance to the patient galactose. And also with a deficiency of lactase or malabsorption of galactose and glucose, which is genetically determined.
  • In some physiological conditions of the patient, as well as with the age factor.
  • In the presence of individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary substances of the presented medicinal product.

It should be emphasized that analogues have similar side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before abandoning Physiotens and starting to select analogues, it makes sense to adjust the dosage and minimize the factors provoking the appearance of side effects.


To avoid unwanted reactions and poisoning, it is not recommended to take this medicine simultaneously with alcohol or medications that have a sedative effect. It is impossible to combine Physiotens with tranquilizers, tricyclic antidepressants, and benzodiazepine. Do not take these pills and their analogues with hypertensive effects at the same time, as this can lead to overdose and intoxication.

physiotens tablets instructions for use reviews

In order to avoid negative effects on health, instructions for the use of Physiotensa should be strictly observed.

Analogues of the drug

In the event that the medication for some reason did not fit or there is no opportunity to regularly buy it and the question arises of selecting another medication with antihypertensive effect, the following analogues are usually offered: “Moksogama” along with “Tenoxum”, “Klofelin” , “Albarelom”, “Espedikom”, “Tenzotranom” and “Moxonitex”.

Do not change the drug on your own without the approval of the doctor and his recommendations regarding the determination of the dosage of the drug and the regimen for its administration.

Drug cost

The cost of this drug is determined by the number of pills in one package. Also, the dosage of the active component, along with the region of sale of the drug, also affects the price. For example, one blister costs from two hundred and fifty rubles, it contains fourteen tablets with a dosage (mg) of 0.2. The instructions for use with Physiotens do not contain price information. But a similar number of tablets with a dosage of 0.4 milligrams will cost four hundred and twenty rubles.

physiotens instructions for use analogues

Buying Benefits

Cheaper and more profitable to buy one large package at once. But this should be done if the effect of the drug has already been verified and there are no undesirable side effects associated with its administration in the patient. It is worth noting that in the presence of arterial hypertension, a frequent change in medical devices is not recommended.

In pharmacies, this drug is released only on prescription, since it acts as a potent antihypertensive and sedative. If all the rules for storing the medicine are observed, its shelf life is two years.

This is described in the instructions for use for Physiotens. It is important to study the reviews of cardiologists about the drug before use.

Doctors opinions

Reviews by cardiologists on the use of this drug are mostly positive. According to doctors, these pills are really well tolerated by patients, they act quickly and, if used regularly, give a lasting effect, against which the blood pressure in patients decreases markedly.

Doctors report that the most common complaints of their patients while taking this drug are dry mouth and headaches. True, cardiologists note that almost all analogs give similar adverse reactions, so it makes no sense to look for something better. Doctors write that when treating with this drug, you need to be patient and wait about fourteen days until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. As noted, after two weeks the unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappear completely or manifest itself much weaker and less often. And only if this does not happen, doctors select analogues.

Doctors pay attention to another important point. The fact is that with the regular use of this drug, you can not abruptly stop its use and, moreover, disrupt the pattern of pill use. Doctors advise putting Physiotens under the tongue and dissolving it after eating as part of the prevention of pressure surges.

Against the background of a strong increase in pressure or in the presence of a hypertensive crisis, cardiologists advise drinking one tablet with water and putting another pill under the tongue in order to obtain a quick effect. True, as cardiologists write, there is no fundamental difference in the method of taking this medicine, so you can put it under the tongue or just drink it in the usual way. In the event that you need to stop treatment, the dosage is gradually reduced over two weeks. This is indicated in the instructions for use.

Reviews of "Physiotens" from patients are presented below.

Physiotens tablets

Patient opinions

Patient reviews about this drug are mostly positive in color. Consumers note in their comments that this drug is very effective in reducing high blood pressure.

The main complaint that can be found in the reviews is the dissatisfaction with the fact that Physiotens may initially cause some side effects in the form of headaches or dry mouth. But it is reported that this symptomatology disappears immediately after the body adapts to the medication.

There are also complaints about the high cost of the drug, but, given its effectiveness and relative safety for the body, it is often given preference.

We have reviewed the instructions for use with Physiotens. At what pressure you can drink it, now we know.

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