Nowadays, we are increasingly meeting people who complain of heart failure. The cause of the disease can be different: lung disease, myocardial infarction, poor blood circulation , etc. But whatever the reason, all people face the same problem - the treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure. The methods of treating shortness of breath can be different, and in this article we will tell you about possible remedies that will help to cope with this problem.
Hazard level
A disease such as heart failure is characterized by a decrease in the ability of the heart to pump blood in the right amount. Symptoms of the disease are considered:
- increase in blood pressure;
- shortness of breath
- fainting;
- dizziness;
- problems with breathing and lungs.
Shortness of breath as one of the most obvious signs of heart failure can not only indicate the presence of a problem in the work of the heart, but also help to determine the stage and degree of the disease by some signs.
We determine the condition by shortness of breath
First of all, you need to understand that shortness of breath occurs after a person begins to physically load the body. Depending on how strong the load is and how soon shortness of breath appeared, conclusions can be drawn about the stage of the disease. There are 4 stages (classes) of heart failure :
- First stage. Shortness of breath appears only when the body is exposed to physical activity for a long time or not for long, but the load is significant.
- Second stage. The physical load on the body is moderate, but dyspnea begins anyway.
- Third stage. Even small loads lead to shortness of breath.
- Fourth stage. Without any stress, even in a calm state, a person suffers from shortness of breath.
Of course, before you run to the doctor, you need to analyze the situation. Shortness of breath itself is a
lack of air, a change in the depth of breathing, as well as its frequency. A healthy person can also have such a problem, for example, after a long run or with excessive excitement. In such situations, it is quite normal for the body to require an additional portion of oxygen. But if shortness of breath appears with small loads, and even in combination with other symptoms of heart failure, you should immediately consult a cardiologist for advice.
Shortness of breath in heart failure: treatment, drugs
In order to overcome such a problem as shortness of breath, you must first deal with its cause. In our case, it is heart failure. With an integrated approach to treatment, there is every chance to improve the condition of the body. Here you need to apply all factors:
- to refuse from bad habits;
- stick to a diet;
- try to control the emotional state, not be nervous;
- Do not stop loading the body with physical activity, at least daily walks.
For normal heart function, the following groups of drugs are usually used:
- Glycoside. It evens out the rhythm and has a cardiotonic effect.
- Inhibitor. Expands arteries and restores vascular function.
- Diuretic drug. It removes fluid from the body to improve the condition.
- Beta blocker. It enriches the body with oxygen and reduces the contraction of the heart muscles.
By treating dyspnea in heart failure with these medications prescribed by a cardiologist, you can significantly improve your condition, problems with dyspnea go away. It is important not to be lazy, because no one except you can defeat the disease.
Physical exercise
Often, experts recommend supplementing the treatment of shortness of breath in heart
failure with breathing exercises. There are a number of events that will not only help improve the result, but also simply give pleasure. It is recommended to repeat all exercises three times, while inhaling is done through the nose, and exhale through the mouth:
- We count to five, while we inhale the air at 1,2,3,4, and exhale at 5. Repeat the process three times. Do not worry if your head is slightly dizzy. This is a sign that the lungs have received too much oxygen.
- Sit on a chair, align your back. Inhale, raising shoulders, and exhale, lowering them. Do not turn your head back.
- We sit, as in the previous exercise, but now we inhale and move our left hand sideways and backward. Exhaling, we return the hand to its original position. Then we do the same with the right hand.
- We are still sitting. This time, when inhaling, we open both hands as wide as possible, and on exhaling we return our hands and sit relaxed.
- Let's combine breathing with squats. On inspiration - we squat, then exhale and rise.
In addition to such exercises, you can take walks, go swimming and do exercises in the air. Here are some of the suggested exercises:
- circular movements of the body with hands on the waist;
- movement of the “scissors” with his hands in front of him at chest level;
- walking on toes;
- fold your arms into the lock and raise above your head, while taking your foot back on the toe.
Help Mother Nature
As already noted, one of the most common problems, especially in middle-aged people, is shortness of breath in heart failure. In this case, treatment with folk remedies is used quite often, since many people trust nature more than medications. Of course, nature can help, but it is unlikely to cure the problem at all. In any case, before engaging in traditional medicine, consult a specialist. It is worth noting that the treatment of dyspnea in chronic heart failure also allows the use of folk remedies. What tools help in the treatment? There are dozens of recipes, and among them:
- a mixture of garlic and lemons;
- a mixture of lemons, honey and garlic;
- infusion of celandine;
- decoction of turnips;
- blackberry decoction;
- Herbal collection of elderberry, sundew, plantain and violet flowers.
Using any prescription, it is necessary to undergo a consultation with a cardiologist so as not to worsen the condition of the body by self-medication.
Signs of shortness of breath in heart failure
Before starting treatment of dyspnea in heart failure, you need to understand that this is this type of dyspnea, and not any other. After all, shortness of breath can be a sign of various deviations. With heart failure, there are a number of symptoms:
- shortness of breath, namely inhalation;
- the appearance or intensification of shortness of breath during physical exertion;
- the appearance or intensification of shortness of breath in the supine position (in this position, the heart is harder to work than in the standing position).
First aid
Whatever the treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure, there are times when urgent care is needed for a person who suffers from this ailment. Naturally, if you find yourself in such a situation, then you immediately need to call an ambulance. In the meantime, you are waiting for a team of doctors, you need to do the following:
- Put the patient on a chair so that the legs are lowered down.
- Open a window, a window for access of fresh air.
- Loosen the collar of clothing.
- Allow the patient to rest in complete peace.
- Apply an oxygen pillow if one is available.
- Under the patient’s tongue, put nitroglycerin (one tablet is enough).
- Warm the patient's limbs with a heating pad or other affordable method.
Dog Dyspnea Treatment for Heart Failure
Oddly enough, but our lesser friends - dogs - can also suffer from diseases that affect a person. And heart failure is one of them. Therefore, shortness of breath can occur not only in humans, but also in dogs. The treatment of the disease is carried out under the absolute control of the veterinarian, but there are actions that will help alleviate the condition of the animal at a certain moment when shortness of breath becomes intolerable:
- We call an ambulance veterinarian.
- We rub under the tongue a means to relieve swelling (even "Suprastin" is suitable, at the rate of half a tablet for 5 - 7 kg of animal weight).
- Give access to fresh air.
- Rub the back, ears, chest of the dog.
- If necessary, do a heart massage.
- Perhaps the use of an immunostimulant in the form of an injection.