Skin mites on the face. What is dangerous demodicosis?

In the skin tissues of each person lives a host of microorganisms, ranging from bacteria to simple parasites and ticks. Most often, their presence does not lead to the development of pathology. Nevertheless, skin mites on the face often become the cause of a disease called demodecosis. So what causes the disease and what are its main symptoms?

Skin mites on the face. Causes of Demodecosis

skin flare on the face photo

Demodex belongs to the group of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Representatives of this group live in the sebaceous glands and human hair follicles and feed on dead tissue and sebum. The amount of these microorganisms is controlled by the immune system. But any decrease in protective forces leads to uncontrolled and rapid reproduction of ticks. The reasons also include hormonal imbalances, malfunctions in metabolism, severe hypothermia, constant stress. Demodexes release products of their own metabolism into the skin tissue, which most often leads to the development of an allergic reaction and inflammation.

Skin mite on the face. Photo and symptoms of demodicosis

skin mites on the face

Most often, these microorganisms affect the face skin, in particular, the area of ​​the chin, cheeks, nasolabial folds. Much less common is the spread of infection to the ears, neck, chest and arms. As already mentioned, skin mites on the face secrete toxins in the tissue, which leads to the development of a kind of allergic reaction. In this case, patients complain of severe itching and burning. Swelling and redness can be seen on the skin.

In the absence of timely treatment, the picture of the disease changes dramatically - now the skin of the face is covered with pustular rashes, similar to ordinary acne. As the disease develops, the tissues lose their elasticity, and the upper layers become horny and begin to peel off actively. Patients note a feeling of tightness and discomfort. In more severe cases, the skin changes color, becoming yellowish-gray, and pustules turn into open sores, which are difficult to treat. In any case, skin mites on the face can lead to a ton of problems. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor on time.

Skin mite on the face. Demodecosis Treatment

skin mite treatment

In fact, the treatment of demodicosis is a complex and lengthy process. Often, treatment lasts for months and even years. It depends on the characteristics of the patient's body, as well as the severity of the disease. The size of the tick is too small, so the use of local antiparasitic drugs is practically useless, since the molecules of the active substances are too large to penetrate the carapace of the parasite.

It is for this reason that treatment is aimed primarily at increasing the body's immune defenses. For this purpose, immunomodulators, complexes of vitamins and minerals are used. Of course, external agents are also used - such drugs relieve inflammation, have antiseptic properties, and also reduce the risk of secondary infection of tissues with bacterial microorganisms. As a rule, products for external use contain boric alcohol, metronidazole, sulfur, hydrochloric acid in low concentrations.

Of course, for successful treatment, hygiene of the skin of the face, as well as the nutrition of the patient is of great importance. After all, the use of fatty, salty and spicy food changes the composition of sebum, which only increases the activity of ticks.

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