Gel "Mamavit": instructions, properties

Why is a drug like Mamavit (gel) needed? Reviews of doctors and the appointment of this tool are presented below. We will also talk about the method of using this medication, its features and contraindications.

gel mavavit

The composition of the drug

According to the instructions, the Mamavit gel includes components such as:

  • marigold extract;
  • natural crystalline extract isolated from burdock root;
  • natural essential oils (including neroli, orange, ordinary lemon, tea tree, fir).

It should also be noted that this drug also contains such additional components as the aristoflex element, glycerin, propyl paraben, CG caton, methyl paraben, purified water and germal plus.

General drug information

Gel "Mamavit" is an absorbable drug that is actively used in prevention, as well as in the complex treatment of breast cysts and mastopathy. In addition, the medication in question is prescribed in those cases when, after childbirth and feeding the baby, the young mother needs to restore the lost breast shape.

The maximum therapeutic effect of the complex therapy of such a pathology as mastopathy is achieved by combining this drug with an oral administration of a drug called Toxoxont ​​May.

What is the Mamavit gel? Instructions, reviews report that this tool has a very light consistency. It includes the so-called crystalline element, which contains nitrogen. Experts say that this element was first isolated from concentrated natural juice of burdock, or rather its roots. Thanks to this component, the Mamavit gel has a resolving effect, and also has a powerful antitumor effect.

Mamavit gel instructions for use

Drug properties

Why is Mamavit gel so popular? This medication is effective not only due to the presence of a crystalline extract of burdock root in it , but also due to the presence of the following components:

  • Lemon Oil Regular use of this substance contributes to a good strengthening of local immunity. In addition, lemon oil is characterized by hemostatic and antimicrobial effects.
  • Fir oil stimulates the metabolic processes of the skin, and also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Tea tree oil exhibits antitumor and bactericidal properties.
  • Orange oil gives the gel a pleasant aroma.


In what cases use the drug "Mamavit" (gel)? Instructions for use informs that this product is absolutely safe for long-term use. It is usually prescribed for:

  • skin diseases (including eczema, allergic dermatosis, furunculosis);
  • therapy for nodal mastopathy ;
  • if it is required to prevent the development of cysts or other neoplasms in the mammary glands.

gel mamavit instruction reviews

Prohibitions for appointment

The medication in question has no contraindications. Although experts argue that this drug should not be prescribed for personal intolerance to its individual components.

"Mamavit" (gel): instructions for use

It is advisable to use the drug in question after consulting a doctor.

A small amount of therapeutic gel should be carefully applied to previously cleansed breast skin. For better therapeutic effectiveness, it must be rubbed with light circular motions along the pathways of the lymph outflow (i.e., to the xiphoid process and axillary zones).

Use this medication twice a day for three months.

Side effects

What negative reactions can a Mamavit gel cause? The instruction reports that no side effects occur after the use of this drug. This is due to the fact that it contains exclusively plant components.

mamavit gel doctors reviews


Experts say that the Mamavit gel is a very effective remedy aimed at combating mastopathy. The main advantages of this drug are its natural composition, the absence of side effects and contraindications. Also, many patients note that this medication is very easy to use and is always available in all pharmacies.

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