An overdose of “Iodomarin” is a rather rare occurrence, however, its onset cannot be completely ruled out. As a rule, the main reason for its occurrence lies in the uncontrolled use of the drug. Many patients are of the opinion that if a medicine is dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription, then consulting a specialist before using it is not mandatory. However, an overdose of "Iodomarin" can lead to serious health consequences, so its use should be coordinated with a specialist.
Indications for use
Doctors recommend the use of the drug for certain pathologies accompanied by iodine deficiency, such as:
- Diffuse thyroiditis, nontoxic goiter and other diseases resulting from acute iodine deficiency.
- Iodine deficiency in children of any age, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers.
- In the recovery period after conservative treatment of goiter. "Iodomarin" in this period is used as a prophylactic drug to prevent relapse.
In addition, the drug is indicated for use by people living in areas where water and soil contain this element in small quantities or not at all. In this case, people are recommended long-term use of "Iodomarin."
Features of use
What is fraught with an overdose of "Iodomarin"? Excessive intake of a drug containing iodine can cause adverse health effects. In this regard, experts are strongly advised to take the medicine in strict accordance with the prescribed dosages. With prophylaxis, the medicine is taken in courses that can last for several months or several years. When using the drug, regularity should be observed.
In some cases, the preventive use of the drug can be carried out throughout life. As a rule, this is due to the characteristics of the region in which the patient lives.
Pregnant women, pediatric patients to take the drug is shown in courses that take an average of 3 weeks. Annotation to the drug contains information on the recommended dosages for each individual group of patients. It is necessary to take tablets only after a meal, while drinking them should be with plain or mineral water in large volumes.
In order to avoid an overdose of "Iodomarin" and symptoms of intoxication, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
It is not recommended to prescribe a medication if the patient has some diseases. The drug can be prescribed, but only if the probable benefit significantly exceeds the possible harm.
Contraindications include:
- Individual hypersensitivity to any component present in the composition of the drug.
- Tumor masses in the thyroid gland.
- Hyperthyroidism
Before prescribing the medicine to patients with these abnormalities, the doctor should carefully review the patient’s history and take into account the likely nuances.
An overdose of "Iodomarin" is especially dangerous for children.
Features of use in children
"Iodomarin" is often recommended by pediatricians for preventive purposes. Parents must give the child the drug in the dosages indicated by the doctor, since in small patients with low weight, excess iodine can quickly lead to an overdose.
As a rule, children under 12 years of age are shown to take no more than 100 mcg per day, and adolescents over 12 years of age - a maximum of 200. Overdoses of "Iodomarin" can be avoided if the doctor calculates the exact dose taking into account the weight of a small patient.
Parents should carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to the use of the drug. If the initial symptoms of intoxication occur, it is urgent to refuse the use of the medicine and show the child to the pediatrician.
Pregnancy Use
"Iodomarin" is often recommended for pregnant women, since iodine plays an important role in the proper development of the fetus. This drug promotes the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland, responsible for the mental development of the baby. With a lack of iodine in the body of a pregnant woman, there may be a risk of having a baby with mental retardation. The most dangerous disease provoked by iodine deficiency is cretinism. An iodine deficiency in early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.
Dosage for a pregnant woman should be determined individually. However, if the doctor has not made any specific prescriptions, then Iodomarin should be taken in the standard dosage recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions. Pregnant and lactating women have a greater need for iodine than ordinary people, so they are shown to take 200 mg per day.
In this case, there will be no overdose of "Iodomarin." How many pills should I drink?
The manufacturer produces the drug in different dosages, so if the purchased product contains 100 mg of iodine in one tablet, 2 tablets should be taken. To minimize the negative effect of the drug on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken only after eating and washed down with plenty of water.
What are the symptoms of an overdose of "Iodomarin"?
Symptoms of intoxication
Symptoms of drug intoxication are similar to other types of poisoning. An overdose is manifested as follows:
- Flatulence accompanied by diarrhea.
- Pain of paroxysmal in the intestine.
- Desires for vomiting, which pass into indomitable vomiting.
- The presence of a strong metallic taste in the oral cavity.
- Severe dehydration.
The appearance of such symptoms suggests the need to reduce the dose of the drug or its complete abolition, as well as visiting a doctor.
If a person during the day consumed many products containing starch, then stool and vomit will have a characteristic bluish tint. This manifestation confirms an overdose of iodine.
With severe drug intoxication, there is a likelihood of developing esophageal stenosis, which often provokes a fatal outcome. However, this is likely only if excessively large amounts of iodine are used.
With prolonged use of increased doses of the drug in the body, the active component accumulates, which can cause complications. Such an overdose is characterized by an exacerbation of such chronic pathologies as pancreatitis, gastritis, rhinitis, tuberculosis. In case of an overdose, pregnant women experience fever, nervous excitement, swelling, and skin rashes.
Emergency intoxication
If an overdose occurs, the patient should call emergency medical care. Prior to her arrival, the victim should be assisted by the following procedure:
- Rinse the stomach thoroughly using a solution of sodium thiosulfate (5%). If this is not at hand, you can use an aqueous solution of egg white or starch. Rinse the stomach until the vomit is clear of blue.
- After the cessation of vomiting, a person needs to start drinking a lot in order to restore the water-electrolyte balance. To this end, you can use slightly salted water, a weak solution of honey, a solution of "Regidron". It is necessary to take the liquid in small portions with frequent intervals. Such tactics will prevent the occurrence of vomiting attacks.
If the intoxication is severe, then the patient should be hospitalized for further treatment.
The consequences of an overdose of "Iodomarin" can be very serious.
Consequences of intoxication
If the intoxication is of a one-time nature, and help was provided on time, then one can not expect the occurrence of serious complications. A person may experience short-term nausea, vomiting, passing within a day after the use of the drug was stopped.
If intoxication is chronic, the development of thyroid pathologies is not excluded. Such conditions suggest prolonged complex therapy and rejection of drugs containing iodine.
To avoid the occurrence of iodine intoxication, it is important to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor and seek help at the first undesirable signs of poisoning. In addition, doctors do not recommend consuming seaweed when using the drug, as it is rich in iodine and can adjust the dose.
We examined the symptoms and consequences of an overdose of "Iodomarin."