They are sweet, just adoring a product such as condensed milk, they hardly know that they are obliged to the pastry chef from Paris Nicolas Upper. Because it was he who discovered the idea of creating canned foods while sitting in his candy store. His gastronomic work, which at that time consisted only of sugar and whole milk, received worldwide recognition and was widely distributed around the world. The first condensed milk was created at home by this adventurous confectioner from 1804. Only in 1849 In the American industry, the first apparatus was created that could provide mass production of these products. In 1881 a small plant producing these products appeared in Russia. She quickly found her customers and similar plants began to appear like mushrooms after rain. But the state standard specification for this product was developed only a century later.
How was the very first condensed milk produced at home? Everything is elementary simple: whole cow's milk was mixed with sugar, and part of the moisture was evaporated from the mixture. It is worth noting that condensed milk according to GOST in the composition had only whole cow's milk and sugar. It did not contain any vegetable fats or flavors. All this, in reality, is superfluous, since they significantly change the taste of the resulting product.
Currently, home craftsmen have tried various options for how to cook condensed milk at home. Consider some of them that I personally found very interesting, since the cost of such a product in the store is quite high, it is much more appropriate, given the fact that I have three children, to cook condensed milk at home. This is not only less costly, but also more useful, since cooked condensed milk at home contains only what I put in it, and given the huge number of producers and the not very high quality food on our shelves, the home option suits me perfectly.
At first, my attention was drawn to such condensed milk at home:
Mix a liter of cow's milk, always fresh, with ½ kg of granulated sugar. Put the resulting mixture on a small fire and boil until thick. Do not forget to stir it periodically in order to avoid burning. It is also important not to rush the natural course of events, because otherwise, increasing the fire, we do not provide thickening, but increase the risk of getting a “product from the fire”. For faster thickening, you can increase the dosage of sugar. Do not be alarmed if the resulting milk is not white, but beige or yellow. This does not affect its quality.
Having made such condensed milk a couple of times, I realized that it disappears from my refrigerator much faster than I make it. This led me to a new quest. The task was to reduce the cooking time, since the method described above is very time-consuming.
As a result, I found how to cook condensed milk very quickly at home. To cook condensed milk at home quickly, it turns out there are two ways. That is, the method is practically the same, but there are slight differences in technology. I will describe both, and you will choose the one that you like.
- A glass of boiling water pour a pre-prepared mixture of 50 gr. butter, certainly, creamy, and 2 glasses of granulated sugar (I melt the butter in the microwave in a blender cup with sand). All this must be whipped and during the operation of the blender, gradually introduce powdered milk into the mixture - 4 cups. We continue to beat until we break all the lumps, and the mixture begins to thicken. Surprisingly, the thickening process is very fast. The placed milk in the refrigerator will bend even during the cooling process.
In a blender, you need to whisk milk powder (400 g.) With warm water (2.5 tbsp.). Pour the resulting mixture into a pan, add a kilogram of sugar and put on a small light. Stirring, waiting for the first bubbles. Never boil. With the appearance of bubbles, the cooking process is over, remove the pan from the heat and knead the mixture for several minutes. We complete the cooking by cooling and enjoy the result.