For years, cornflakes have remained at the top of the list of sales. When people go to the department store, they rarely go past the rack with cereals, because it presents a huge variety of species - from round to flat cereals, as well as from unsweetened and dietary to chocolate and caramel. But have people wondered how cornflakes are made? How did they come about?
From the history of creation
Corn flakes appeared in the 19th century. When the owners of the Battle Creek Sanatorium in the US, Dr. Kellogg and his brother Will Keith Kellogg experimented with cornmeal recipes, trying to create something new and very tasty, they were called up for some urgent matters. Upon their return, the brothers saw that the dish they were preparing became unusable. More precisely, the flour itself fell into disrepair. Men could not afford to once again buy such an amount of flour, so they decided to continue to make the dough from this one. Obviously, the dough also deteriorated as a result, which made it lumpy and flaky. Without a second thought, the brothers went on a very strange thing: they roasted these flakes in a pan. The result pleasantly surprised them! It turned out a very tasty and completely independent dish. This is what happens when you just want to find something new among cornmeal recipes!
Then in the sanatorium of brothers this dish became very popular. It was originally served with milk and kefir.
When Will Kit decided to add some sugar to the dough, the brothers realized that they had created something very tasty. And they started producing their own Kellogg's flakes, which were sold all over the country. Of course, subsequently they founded their own production, where it was possible to "stamp" flakes in batches for a wide audience.
Corn Flakes Composition
To find out what is included in a particular food is a normal desire, because we want to be sure that the product will not harm our health.
So, when it comes to the composition of corn flakes, we can distinguish the following main ingredients:
- Corn flour
- Sugar.
- Salt.
- Water.
- Butter.
This is the initial composition that was applicable even at the time of the creation and distribution of flakes. Later, the recipes were improved, because this was required by marketing.
The production of corn flakes was based on the fact that more vitamins and minerals were included in the composition so that the ingredients attracted the consumer.
Now an average of one hundred grams of this product contains 247 kilocalories.
Process of creation
Everything is clear with the ingredients, but how do cornflakes do? In fact, it was this procedure that remained the same as it was in the nineteenth century. The basic rules are as follows:
- At the beginning, the grains are crushed, having previously been purified.
- After the resulting mass is impregnated with syrup with sugar, salt and water. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed with a mixer.
- Then the dough is steamed.
- After this, lumps are removed from the mass, and it is formed into flakes.
- In the end, they are baked in an oven or fried.
How to make cornflakes at home? Almost exactly the same, and you can add some flavor or odor enhancers to the dough.
How to make breakfast cereal?
Of course, homemade cereal cooking is a little different. If you decide on this procedure, then we will tell you about all the subtleties.
You will need to first mix water with sugar in equal proportions. Boil this mixture on fire to make it thick. Then pour corn flour into the syrup (in the ratio of 1 part flour and 3 parts syrup).
Next, boil the syrup with flour until the mixture also thickens. This can take you an hour or more. Then we leave the dough to dry. After that, we already cut it into small flakes (you can do this with your hands).
Then everything is according to the standard: we send the flakes to the oven and wait for them to turn a golden hue. Here's how to make cornflakes at home. Nothing complicated!
Of course, consumers have a completely normal question: are cornflakes useful? There is no doubt that the benefits in this product are many, but along with this they have a peculiar harm.
It is important to understand that only the product that contains no sugar, preservatives or other harmful substances of chemical origin has the benefit. For example, savory cornflakes are a good option.
So, here's how flakes can positively affect your body:
- They contain a large amount of fiber, so your intestines will begin to work much better than before. In addition, corn removes toxins from the body.
- There are a lot of microelements in cereals, so a nutritious breakfast is provided for you.
- The composition also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which, after a while, is converted into the hormone of happiness. That is why after eating a portion of cereal you will feel satisfaction and joy.
- Among other things, flakes, of course, have starch, and, as you know, it is an excellent source of energy. For this reason, such a breakfast will be the best option for both an adult and a child.
- If you are a lover of cereal with milk, then in addition to the beneficial amino acids, a good dose of calcium will “come” to your body, which will ensure normal bone growth
- Also, pectin in the composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the body, preventing the development of malignant cells in it.
Cereal Harm
The development of cereal production facilities has led to the fact that, in addition to useful components, harmful substances have also appeared in the product that will somehow affect your body:
- Some cereals contain vitamins that have a synthetic origin, so they are difficult to digest. In addition, a similar type of vitamins can increase the risk of cancer.
- If the product contains sugar, then most likely it will be harmful, because in addition to it, it also contains sugar-based syrup. Therefore, if you are a diabetic, such food is contraindicated for you.
- Of course, as without trans fats. As you know, their presence indicates that the product is very dangerous for the body. If you are obese, then such food is strictly prohibited for consumption.
- Also, the risk to the body is a variety of sweeteners, preservatives and flavorings.
- Obviously, there are a lot of carbohydrates in cereals, and this is another substance that should not be consumed by obese people. Even if you have only a tendency to such a pathology, do not overdo it with the use of such a product. On a diet, these types of flakes are best avoided, otherwise there will be no point in changing the diet.
Flakes during pregnancy
It is known that girls in position really love to please themselves with a treat. Often, many pregnant women do not even set certain restrictions, and this is normal. Consuming breakfast cereals during pregnancy is possible because they are very nutritious and tasty. Of course, the main thing in this matter is to know the measure.
In addition, just a month before giving birth, it is better to avoid such food in principle and eat correctly, otherwise the fetus may become large and the birth will be difficult.
Cereal for children
Children are another group worth consuming cereals in moderation. Do not limit your child if he wants to eat a bowl of cornflakes with milk for breakfast, just watch the serving size and frequency of use. Do not allow this product to become essential in your child’s diet, because it will lead to overweight and health problems. This would be equivalent to having a child eat candy instead of cereal.
These groups of people are far from the only ones who need to eat cereal with caution. For example, diabetics, people suffering from pancreatitis, gastritis or colitis, it is better not to touch this product.
Yes, on TV in advertising we can say anything about cornflakes, but you understand that the main purpose of these videos is to sell as many packs as possible, and not to preserve your health. Be careful and eat in moderation, then your body will thank you!