Heat and cold hands and feet - what to do?

Every person at least once in his life has experienced an increase in body temperature. This can happen for various reasons. Most often, the level of the thermometer rises at the time of damage to the body by viruses and bacteria. It is worth noting that many pathological microorganisms begin to die when the temperature reaches 38 or 39 degrees. So a person fights the disease and receives immunity. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a high fever, hands and feet are cold at the same time. What does this mean and how to behave in this situation? You will learn about this from the article.

temperature and cold arms and legs

Temperature and cold arms and legs: what does this mean?

Doctors call this condition a white fever. All due to the fact that the skin of a person at such a moment becomes very pale. This pattern is explained quite simply.

If a person has temperature and cold arms and legs, then this indicates that the blood vessels are spasmodic. The necessary oxygen gathers around vital organs (heart, kidneys, liver, and so on). In this case, a strong outflow of blood from the legs and arms occurs.

At this point, a person may experience some weakness, dizziness, chills, and other symptoms. The head and forehead remain hot.

temperature 40 cold legs and arms

Is it necessary to correct this condition?

If a person has fever and cold hands and feet, does he need help? Surely many people know that doctors do not recommend using any antipyretic drugs until the moment when the number 39 does not appear on the thermometer. Indeed, it is then that the body automatically fights the infection and develops immunity. However, this case is an exception. Everyone needs to know about this.

In the absence of timely assistance, when a person has a temperature and cold hands and feet, convulsions can begin. The risk group includes small children and the elderly. They need to carry out corrective measures for this condition even when the thermometer shows 37.5.

What to do?

If the temperature is 40 (cold feet and hands at the same time), then it is worth calling an emergency. Be sure to tell doctors that a person has a spasm of blood vessels. Perhaps the medical staff will not notice this symptom on their own.

If the temperature is 37, cold hands and feet, then you can try to fix this situation yourself. In this case, additional measurements should be regularly carried out. Make sure that the level of the thermometer does not rise too quickly.

With such a spasm of the vessels, the usual antipyretic compounds may be powerless. You need to prepare the so-called lytic mixture. Doctors prefer to inject drugs intramuscularly. This method allows you to quickly bring the patient to life. However, you can also use standard medications in the form of capsules and tablets. In this case, it is absolutely necessary to calculate the dosage of this or that ingredient. So, the patient has a temperature of 38, cold hands and feet. What needs to be done in this situation?

First step: relieve spasm

First you need to take drugs that relax smooth muscle. The most commonly used tablets are “No Shpa” or “Drotaverin”. You can also insert one Papaverine candle into the anus. It has a similar effect.

temperature 39 cold arms and legs

If you do not have such drugs at hand, then you need to warm your limbs yourself and increase blood flow in them. To do this, put warm socks on the patient and rub the feet. Some people use a variety of warming ointments. However, doctors strongly do not recommend doing this.

Second step: use an antihistamine

If a person has a temperature of 39, cold hands and feet, and also has chills, then after using antispasmodics, you need to take anti-allergic drugs. These include "Zodak", "Zirtek", "Suprastin" and many others.

temperature 38 cold arms and legs

These drugs will enhance the effect of antispasmodics and prevent the development of an allergic reaction. This is very important when it comes to treating young children. Many of the babies are prone to the appearance of an undesirable reaction to antispasmodics and antipyretic drugs.

Third step: lowering the temperature

When the spasm is relieved, you need to use the usual antipyretic drugs. The fact that the body is ready to receive such funds, you can judge by the condition of the limbs. When the spasm is relieved, blood circulation is restored. So, the legs and hands become warm, and the skin turns pink.

high temperature hands and feet cold

You can reduce the temperature by any usual means. This may include preparations prepared on the basis of paracetamol (Cefecon, Teraflu, Coldrex). Also, drugs with an active substance called ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen and others) are widely used. If desired, you can take "Nise", "Nimulid." These pores are also anti-inflammatory.

Using a lytic mixture

If you have the opportunity to introduce drugs intramuscularly, then it is worth using this method. It will allow you to quickly bring the patient to normal and prevent cramps.

To prepare the lytic mixture, you will need the same drugs: antispasmodics, antihistamines and antipyretic compounds. Most often, doctors use the drugs "But Shpa", "Diphenhydramine" and "Analgin." All these compounds are taken in the same proportion in the amount of one milliliter. It is necessary to mix medicines in one syringe. After that, enter the composition into the gluteus or femoral muscle. In just a few minutes you will notice an improvement. The patient’s legs and arms will become warmer, and the temperature will gradually decrease.

temperature 37 cold arms and legs

Heat and cold limbs: common mistakes

Many people do not know the basic rules that must be observed with white fever. Wanting to help, loved ones only worsen the patient's condition. What you need to remember, knocking down the temperature under a similar set of circumstances?

how to bring down the heat

  • Never use alcohol to wipe. With the usual increase in temperature, this method is effective. However, this case is an exception to the rule. Liquid, evaporating from the body, will only increase vasospasm.
  • Do not try to take a double dose of an antipyretic without the use of antispasmodics. In this case, you only get an overdose of a certain drug, which will further worsen your well-being. Most antipyretic drugs for vasospasm are powerless.
  • Do not try to undress the patient and cool him (for example, put him in a cool bath). This will lead to increased spasm and cramps.
  • Give the patient more fluid. Ideal if it is warm cranberry fruit drinks and herbal decoctions.
  • If the body temperature after all the measures taken does not fall within one hour, and the limbs do not want to become warm, then you should call an ambulance. With the occurrence of seizures and loss of consciousness, you can not delay a single minute.
  • With the repeated development of similar events, do not bring the matter to a deterioration. Start lowering the temperature by the above methods already when the mark on the thermometer reaches a level of 37.5 degrees.

Follow all the rules for lowering your temperature with white fever and be healthy!

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