Hofitol for children - reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

In the article, we consider the instructions for children and reviews for the Hofitol preparation.

This is a herbal medicine with choleretic and hepatoprotective effects, which, in addition, also has insignificant diuretic properties. The drug effectively restores damaged liver cells, and in childhood is prescribed for hepatitis of various stages and forms, with acetonemia, when the concentration of acetone in the blood rises, with cholecystitis, in particular, non-calculous chronic type, with jaundice, various intoxications, with constipation in babies.

"Hofitol" - instructions for use for children, reviews

According to reviews, Hofitol is ideal for children.

Form of release and composition of the drug

For the treatment of diseases in children, this medicine is used in the form of a solution, which is an opaque liquid with a dark brown color with a slight amount of yellowish precipitate (an increase in the amount of sediment during storage of this medication is allowed). The main active element of the drug "Hofitol" is an aqueous extract of artichoke leaves. In addition to it, several auxiliary compounds are present in the solution, which include orange flavoring, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethanol, glycerol, and purified water. Solutions for oral use are contained in dark glass vials (120 ml). A cardboard package contains one bottle with such a solution, as well as instructions with a description and rules for taking this drug.

We will review the reviews on Hofitol syrup for children below.

"Hofitol" - instructions for children, reviews

Pharmacological action of this drug

Artichoke leaf extract is the main active component of the drug solution. It contains a combination of organic biologically active elements that have an active influence on the functional state of the hollow structures of the organs of the hepatobiliary system, liver, and kidneys, due to which choleretic (enhancing the formation and improving the outflow of bile) and diuretic (increasing the amount of excreted urine) is realized the effect. The leaf extract of this medicinal plant also contains ascorbic acid, carotene, thiamine, inulin, due to the influence of which the metabolic process in hepatocytes improves and the hepatoprotective properties of the active substances are realized. Reliable data on the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the components of the drug are not currently available.

Hofitol for children, reviews for constipation

Indications for the use of this medication for children

Reception of solutions for oral administration of Hofitol is indicated during combination therapy of various pathological conditions in children, accompanied by impaired formation and excretion of bile, impaired renal function, etc. The list of such disorders includes:

  • chronic inflammation of the gallbladder without the formation of insoluble stones in its cavity (signs of non-calculous cholecystitis);
  • biliary dyskinesia of the hyperkinetic type, which is accompanied by an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the walls of the organs of the hepatobiliary system;
  • inflammatory process in the liver of a chronic type (chronic hepatitis) of various origin;
  • inflammation of the kidney tissue in a chronic course (chronic nephritis), which is the result of various factors;
  • jaundice of unknown etiology.
    Hofitol syrup for children, reviews

This is confirmed by the instruction to Hofitol. According to reviews, with jaundice, the drug quickly helps children.

In addition, the drug is used in the complex treatment of chronic kidney failure in children, accompanied by a decrease in urine output (a small amount of excreted urine).

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Reception of Hofitol solutions is contraindicated in children with certain pathological conditions of the body, which include:

  • stone formation disease, which is characterized by the formation of insoluble stones in the hollow structures of the organs of the hepatobiliary system;
  • pathological processes in the kidneys, liver, biliary, excretory canals in acute course;
  • obstruction of biliary structures of any nature of origin (obstruction with calculus, benign or malignant neoplasms, helminths, etc.);
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Before starting the use of the solution, it is important to eliminate the existing contraindications.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the reviews about Hofitol for children in advance.

"Hofitol" instruction for children. reviews with jaundice

Dosages and method of taking the medication

The solution of this medication is intended for oral use before meals. The therapeutic dose for children is ½ teaspoon 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course with a medicine is determined by the pediatrician, but most often it is 10-15 days.

Side effects from the use of a drug

According to reviews, Hofitol is well tolerated by children, however, in specific cases, against the background of its use, some allergic reactions may occur, characterized by the development of skin rash and urticaria. In this case, the pharmacological preparation should be discontinued.

Special recommendations

Since ethanol is included in the drug, its use in conjunction with medications that are able to enter disulfiram-like reactions with the development of a feeling of heat, facial flushing, vomiting, heart contractions (cephalosporins, Disulfiram, Chloramphenicol, sulfonylureas derivatives) is excluded.

Syrup for children

This drug is used with caution in children with concomitant epilepsy and in those who have recently suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Analogues of this drug

The cholebil and artichoke medicines are similar in therapeutic effects and composition to the Hofitol solution. They are also approved for the treatment of childhood diseases.

Hofitol reviews for children

In the reviews of parents about the use of solutions of this medication for children, the information contains about its high effectiveness and good tolerance by small patients. Parents say that most often they used this tool in children with various digestive disorders associated with diseases of the digestive and biliary system.

According to reviews, Hofitol relieves children from constipation quickly. The medicine restores the condition of the child, normalizes the appetite and practically does not cause any negative reactions.

We reviewed the instructions for use with Hofitol for children and reviews.

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